Very very interesting new research. Exciting even to me.....

michael barry

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First, watch this video, ... geId=3.5.1

Now look:

Notice how the fur grew back after the wound healed with the ACELL application. This could be huge for transplant surgeons. Remove donor tissue, apply ACELL, and perhaps the donor area just regrows back.

Very exciting science to say the least. Raptor over at hairsite found this. THis science has been bottled up in litigation for four years because it research was done at Purdue University, and some entity that funded it wants proprietary rights for very obvious reasons over the guys who actually did the research. Id like to see if traditional "donor" areas could be removed to be surgically placed up front, only to "grow back" with ACELL. It would only take the area half the size of a postage stamp from the donor area to test. It could be very interesting.


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very interesting

If the donor area can be repaired and made to regrow hair...then a perfect fix to hairloss could occur.


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gawd - the future is definitly here.

4 weeks to regrow a finger!

they better get this stuff to market. it's criminal that it's not available to everyone in dire need right now (not us baldies as much as gunshot victims, wounded soldiers, etc.)


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Are they already thinking on using it on hairloss sufferers? It seems like they are not researching in that way..

michael barry

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A guy who works for a transplant outfit called Hasson and Wong (very good if you are doing a strip-transplant as they are good at that) named Joe Tillman, who posts under the name Joetronic, has contacted them about their product and possible cosmetic applications. They are in a sea of red tape due to litigation at the moment, but did seem to find it interesting. It woudl have to be tested and all that so it would be some years, and they have never cut some human flesh from the back of the skull to see if the hair would regrow either, but its something that they did find interesting.

Like I said, if they are willing to run a test with this, maybe they will find that it does work. I'd suspect they'd be willing to license its application to hair transplant-outfits. Many men would get hair transplants if they could regenerate even half the donor area's hair as that would be "enough" for many. I hope they are willing to look into it.

However, the researchers who came up with this stuff were doing it for "big" things, like regrowing lost body parts for our soldiers, hurt pets, accidents that resulted in lost fingers, etc. Perhaps they can make enough money from us hairloss sufferers to really pay for the other stuff. That would be ideal.

It does seem almost ridiculous that science can do so much, but they still cant give us the full heads of hair that we once had up there just a few years back. Frustrating isn't it?

Captain Obvious

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So would this proceedure work for people who are well into the stages of male pattern baldness... nw4-5-6's for per se? Also, would the male pattern baldness effects set in again and if so how soon?


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Captain Obvious said:
So would this proceedure work for people who are well into the stages of male pattern baldness... nw4-5-6's for per se? Also, would the male pattern baldness effects set in again and if so how soon?

I havent watched the vid yet but if they are talking about regrowing fingers.........


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I'm just wondering what crazy men are going to volunteer for them to not close their doner site and apply this stuff. I mean, I guess through plastic surgery you could fix it if all that happened was a giant scar, but still, I wouldn't be willing to let them run tests on me.


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I couldn't bring myself to read the whole article - but a 13 year old girl just lost both of her feet when a ride she was on at 6 Flags malfunctioned.

If I was the creator of this stuff - I'd be trying to contact her right now.


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BH 90 NWtwo 10 said:
would they inject some of that pig membrain into ur scalp?



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I hope us baldies, can soon spend our dollars using this stuff, therefore funding further research, so it you can later grow legs or arms.

"Fellow baldies sponsor amputee cure" I can see the titles already :p

Seriously no matter how much i crave for a definate hair loss cure, if this thing could help guys who lost part of their bodies, it would be as revolutionary as penicilin.


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I wonder if it could regrow an entire head...

Would the new head be a new personality, or would it retain any of the memories of the old head.




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jambri said:
I wonder if it could regrow an entire head...

Would the new head be a new personality, or would it retain any of the memories of the old head.



Haha, only one way to find out!!


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Theoritically, if someone tears my scalp off and then i apply this med on my damaged scalp area shouldnt i regrow a full scalp of hair?