Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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The pioneer, long time no see.

How you doing man?

I'm good, thanks. Will update my Google Photos album soon. It doesn't show up too well in photos but I'm definitely getting more regrowth in my temples. I had sort of given up on them recovering much because it's been a while. I did stop doing it for a while because I was unwell and there's definitely regrowth since I restarted.


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Could you actually move this thread into its own section? This is not research and I’m mildly annoyed by it being at the top all the time tbh. It also embodies the pathetic state of hairloss science when a needle procedure gets more views than actual rigorous research. So I ask you kindly, maybe make your own mixroneedling subsection of he forum or maybe into the minoxidil one?

But we grow more hair than actual rigorous research.


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So here are my ~90 day results of 1x wk derma-rolling, 2x day minoxidil, 3x week Nizoral. I wash my hair twice a day using some cheap jumbo size Tresemme shampoo and I scrub my scalp as hard as I can stand with a Denman scalp scrubber. For a couple days after rolling, it’s too tender to scrub very hard.
I realize 90 days isn’t a realistic time for substantial improvement but until I took the pics and compared them with day one, I wasn’t sure if I was seeing any signs of improvement. Pics are dated, the 9/12 pics were taken the same day after a hair cut. I don’t recall when I had my hair cut in relation to the first 5/29 pics but going forward I’ll try to time it so that pics and hair cut coincide. I’m hoping the improvement continues with my forehead and that it will fill in the the gap with the rest of my hair line. So far I’m encouraged by the results.

ETA. As best I can tell, what is growing in as new hair is dark and not grey. I’d be happy to have all grey just to have hair.


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So here are my ~90 day results of 1x wk derma-rolling, 2x day minoxidil, 3x week Nizoral. I wash my hair twice a day using some cheap jumbo size Tresemme shampoo and I scrub my scalp as hard as I can stand with a Denman scalp scrubber. For a couple days after rolling, it’s too tender to scrub very hard.
I realize 90 days isn’t a realistic time for substantial improvement but until I took the pics and compared them with day one, I wasn’t sure if I was seeing any signs of improvement. Pics are dated, the 9/12 pics were taken the same day after a hair cut. I don’t recall when I had my hair cut in relation to the first 5/29 pics but going forward I’ll try to time it so that pics and hair cut coincide. I’m hoping the improvement continues with my forehead and that it will fill in the the gap with the rest of my hair line. So far I’m encouraged by the results.

ETA. As best I can tell, what is growing in as new hair is dark and not grey. I’d be happy to have all grey just to have hair.

For just 90 days it definitely looks like some nice early progress...keep at it!


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Hello everyone!
I have a problem: when i use dermapen (1/5-2/2mm) i sneeze too much and my eyes will be red, is there anyone have my problem?
Or is there anyone can give me a answer is that natural? Or is that a problem?


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Hello everyone!
I have a problem: when i use dermapen (1/5-2/2mm) i sneeze too much and my eyes will be red, is there anyone have my problem?
Or is there anyone can give me a answer is that natural? Or is that a problem?

The scalp scrubber helps with this immensely. Look on amazon for Denby Be Bop. Scrub vigorously then dermaroll right after.


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Sucks for you but even with minoxidil the studies show that the hair count was actually maintained for the time being on, more than 5 years even with only a slight dip after 2 years. There is this myth going on that minoxidil only works for a year or two and then you lose it which is simply not accurate based on the studies. Your last observation is correct, you seem to be the outliner. On a side note min hasn’t done much for me either, it’s really not a great drug for most people

By no means am I saying it hasn’t maintained my hair - just the initial gains it’s given me from when I first started/ when I stared needling didn’t last.

Overall my hair has maintained from baseline these past 5 yrs. Whether that’s been minoxidil or finasteride who knows.

But by far the best year of gains/hair was my first year on minoxidil.


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It's been a long while since I've posted here. I've got some good news and bad news. Good news: imo dermarolling does provide benefits and seems to help
Bad news: it wasn't enough for my aggressive balding

I posted in this thread early on, probly within the first 10 pages of my results early in 2018 over four months if using finasteride, minoxidil, and rolling. I got pretty significant regrowth. Unfortunately I could not continue to use finasteride due to side effects.

I stopped in May 2018 and started shedding. Only thing I was using was minoxidil which was doing nothing until September of last year when this thread was made. I figured I'd give this a shot since people were having significant results.

First picture is from September starting this routine. I used minoxidil 1x per day and dermapen 2 mm once per week. Second picture was in April, 7 months later. And I was incredibly disappointed. I lost ground, didn't even maintain.

At this point, I lost all motivation. Rolling was incredibly painful. Also at this time, my pen stopped working. Rather than get a new one, I said what was the point if it couldn't even maintain. Stopped rolling. Only thing I was using was minoxidil.

Last picture is August. Since April, the only thing I've been using is minoxidil, though at this point it's like rubbing water in my hair. The difference between picture 1 and 2 is 4 months and between picture 2 and 3 is also 4 months.

You can see my hair gets significantly worse from picture 2 to 3 when I stopped rolling. It's why I think rolling had an effect, just not enough in my case to stop my balding or give me regrowth.

At this point I've just accepted there isn't anything I can do. I'm 25 and have worse hair than most men in their 40s. I'm sick of dealing with this disease. I've booked an appointment for a hair system next month and if that doesn't work out then I'm just shaving and putting this mess behind me.

It seems like many people are having luck with this and I'm happy for you guys. I think needling is something everybody should try. finasteride, minoxidil, and needling could be the cure for most people. Indeed, if finasteride hadn't given me sides, I was on track for significant recovery. Unfortunately seems like my balding was too much for just minoxidil and needling to take care of without an anti androgen.

Sorry for the long post but I had to get my story out to you guys. Good luck to everybody in the fight. Hope you all are blessed with full NW0's


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This is the loss I've had in 10 days from changing to foam from liquid and applying 2x a day instead of 1. Should I be worried as the foam doesn't have pg and it's not absorbing as good? I initially had a big shed at beginning of liquid minoxidil which turned of to grow new hair

This isn't how hair growth/loss works. Hair cycles take about 3 months, so IF the shed was due to switching to foam, youd see the shed about 3 months from the switch, not 10 days. You can expect sheds during regrowth or hair loss. Indication of regrowth is that after the shed is finished, your either still at baseline or more hair. If after each shed your hair is worse, than it is hair loss...


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So just to recap I quit using minoxidil and I've increased the intensity of my dermarolling (1.5mm) session. I still roll once a week and every 2-3 weeks I'll take a week off from rolling. I've also been doing scalp massages daily (sometimes twice) for 10 minutes. It's been about 2.5 months and I'm already seeing a bunch of new hairs. They are all still pretty blonde right now so I'll upload pictures when they are dark enough that they show up on the camera. They are growing longer though and I have a lot that are half an inch long or longer.

One new thing I noticed though was last night when I was dermarolling was that I'm now getting a 'crunching' sound when rolling. Has anyone experienced this? I'm thinking it's the sound of needles going into my skin, but I never seemed to notice before. Maybe I'm just noticing it for the first time or I'm pressing harder?


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This isn't how hair growth/loss works. Hair cycles take about 3 months, so IF the shed was due to switching to foam, youd see the shed about 3 months from the switch, not 10 days. You can expect sheds during regrowth or hair loss. Indication of regrowth is that after the shed is finished, your either still at baseline or more hair. If after each shed your hair is worse, than it is hair loss...
So what would you say is happening with the loss? I experienced my first shed about 4 weeks in that led to regrowth

Me Vs DiffuseThinning

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This isn't how hair growth/loss works. Hair cycles take about 3 months, so IF the shed was due to switching to foam, youd see the shed about 3 months from the switch, not 10 days. You can expect sheds during regrowth or hair loss. Indication of regrowth is that after the shed is finished, your either still at baseline or more hair. If after each shed your hair is worse, than it is hair loss...
Your information is not correct. Minoxidil resynchs the hair follicles to shed before their natural cycle. A switch in minoxidil product can cause a resynch in shedding which can happen as quick as 1 week after using the product. It does take 2, 3, or 4 months for the shedded hair to regrow.


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Hey, I just recently started using minoxidil. But I have been only using it on alternate day. Do you think that it could help? Using it daily is such a hassle and it did give me wrinkles in the past this is why I'm so averse to using it

I doubt that will work.


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Natural response. My eyes start watering but I do sneeze occasionally. I get through it by going

0.5mm -- one pass all over scalp
0.75mm -- another pass
1.0mm -- one pass
1.5mm -- one light pass
1.75 mm -- one light pass
2.0 mm -- one light pass and and then the real hard microneedling(which I believe is probably equivalent to 1.5mm because we naturally are wired to avoid pain)

The light passes don't take more than two minutes. I will start on the area where I'm most comfortable microneedling and end with the most uncomfortable area to avoid resistance and procrastination.
Thanks sooo much


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This isn't how hair growth/loss works. Hair cycles take about 3 months, so IF the shed was due to switching to foam, youd see the shed about 3 months from the switch, not 10 days. You can expect sheds during regrowth or hair loss. Indication of regrowth is that after the shed is finished, your either still at baseline or more hair. If after each shed your hair is worse, than it is hair loss...
Minoxidil makes your hair go through the hair cycles much faster than it usually does.

That is indeed pretty aggressive hairloss. If i was in your shoes, i would actually consider a hair transplant, or several.