Useless Doctors Cant Cure Male Pattern Baldness


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There is a cure to male pattern baldness, but say goodbye to your masculinity

At that point it becomes *FEMALE* pattern baldness... o_O

Unfortunately there is currently no cure for *MALE* pattern baldness -
which is why I highly respect @pegasus2 & co. attempts and feedback with alternative pathways, hoping nothing bad happens to them...
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The cure is finasteride + hair transplant. Just because you're a f*****g pussy doesn't mean there is no cure.


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The cure is finasteride + hair transplant. Just because you're a f*****g pussy doesn't mean there is no cure.

...and for many good reasons:

0. a NW4+ doesn't have enough grafts to restore NW0 (which is what a *CURE* is supposed to do);
1. some don't respond to FINA at all / have same DHT on FINA:
2. some maintain on FINA for a limited time, then lose ground;
3. points 1 & 2 render FUE useless long-term;
4. even if 1 & 2 were solved, FUE cannot restore your original hair count nor density;
5. even though a nuclear topic, most people here do admit they get some degree of *MILD* side effects on fina that most are willing to endure for hair (which should be respected, but the safety of doing so is debatable).

Now, telling those who get intolerable sides (e.g. obvious gyno, bad ED etc.) they are f****** pussies, is the same as saying we are all f****** pussies because we are balding:
in both cases WE DON'T HAVE CONTROL over what's happening to us....
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Actually you do have control over sides. You start with slow dosage. You get side effects you stop.

Or use topical finasteride. The reason most get sides is because they use 1mg a day which is four times than what is needed.


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At that point it becomes *FEMALE* pattern baldness... o_O

Unfortunately there is currently no cure for *MALE* pattern baldness -
which is why I highly respect @pegasus2 & co. attempts and feedback with alternative pathways, hoping nothing bad happens to them...

It wouldn’t be female pattern baldness because there is no more androgenic alopecia, there is a cure for male pattern baldness and many people on this website have proven this. People like myself, who has one of the most severe cases of hair loss on this site, have proven the false saying of ‘there is no cure’. The only cure to hair loss is to get rid of your masculinity, baldness is a masculine trait caused by the male hormone. There is no debate around it.


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I would just like to state that I went from a NWV with severe diffuse thinning (around 10-20% density left) to an NW0 and 70%+ density.


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I would just like to state that I went from a NWV with severe diffuse thinning (around 10-20% density left) to an NW0 and 70%+ density.
@Ikarus , how you doing ?? How's your hair recently ??

Any sides from Oral Minoxidil ?? Especially hypertrichosis ??