use a paint brush to apply dermmatch?


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ok, here is my idea. It is best for 1/2 inch buzzed hair:

Get a 2 inch wide paint brush.
Then lightly stab the bristles into the dermmatch.
Then lightlly stab the bristles through your hair so you dab dermmatch on the scalp.
Finally, use their dabber to smear it around a bit more so there are no loose flakes, and it all sticks.

The goal is to cover the crown fast and evenly and lightly so you don't have to part the hair and stare in the mirror for 10 minutes.

I know some of you are against putting it on the scalp. But as I look at my native hair and my grafted hair, the native hair seems to have a darker scalp look. I bet the paint brush dabbing would give my grafted area just enough shaddow to match it. Not too much shaddow though. It will still be thin, just look more natural and not quite as thin.

What do you guys think? I don't have any dermmatch right now. I probably won't buy any hair cosmetics for about 6 months since I got other stuff on my mind.