Urgently Need Some Advice On Cleaning A Lace Base.


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I have a lace base with poly back and sides. It's attached using tape around the perimeter (not the front) and Ghost Bond XL.

Unfortunately it's been 13 days and there was pretty bad seepage so I've taken it off today and tried cleaning it. Here is what I tried:

- First of all just cotton wool. It was far too slimey though for this to be a good idea. But I did get rid of a lot.

- I sprayed some C22 on it and then left it for a bit to shower and clean my scalp (That was NOT easy)

- I came back to it and tried to clean the c22 off it using dish soap under running water.

- I then washed it with cold water, and then shampoo. I left it for a few hours with a fan pointed at it to dry it off.

- Now the base is still tacky to touch. Do I just need to use cotton wool on this?

I need to get this done for tomorrow. What can I do now? And what should I have done in the future?


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OK current problem is how to remove the glue from the hair where it has seeped through?

Had this problem after my first and only time I had an exposed hairline/glue up front.

I recommend a fine tooth comb, olive oil and patience. If the olive oil doesn't do the job, add rubbing alcohol to the equation. Afterwards wash and condition the unit in warm water to get any remaining glue out.

Four weeks later I actually still have some dark goo stuck in a couple of holes of my lace front but it doesn't matter to me anymore as I have an unexposed hairline now.


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If you soak the base in 99% isopropyl alcohol overnight you should be able to get the glue off with your fingernail or the edge of a credit card. Use a shallow dish so that you can submerge the whole mesh while still keeping most of the hair out of the liquid, and cover the whole thing with clingfilm (Saran Wrap) to stop the alcohol evaporating.

If that doesn't work, there is a product called Autoglym which will definitely work. It is for taking oil off engineering parts. You can get it at automobile supply shops or on the Web.



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I think I've really messed up here.

I'm switching to tape only (Maybe even at the hairline too?). I'll try to redo it once a week.

The problem I am trying to deal with right now is cleaning up the seepage. I've tried a bit of c22, then washing with shampoo.. Then some alchohol wipes.. Then washing with shampoo. It's still there!!

I have a regroom at the salon booked in on Tuesday so if I just get through a few days I'll be happy. I'll re-attach using the glue today.


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Ok there is still glue all over the hair. How do I remove this? I'm really at the end of my rope here.

I have c22, shampoo, dish soap.. What can I do?

I tried putting it on. But the system is in such a mess it's just awful.


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So if you have glue on the hair (not the lace), take some hair conditioner, and put it on your fingers, and massage the glue, carefully out of the hair.

Then you can use either dish soap or shampoo to get that out.


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I have used googone, (citrus glue remover similar to C22) with sucess. Available in north america in most hardware stores.


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Soak in c22 for 24--36h and when it's still dripping from the solvent wipe the glue away with cotton wool. Then work dishwashing liquid inside the lace properly and only then let water on it and wash it all away. Repeatedly with dishwashing liquid and wipe stubborn spots with finger like just washing a cloth or something. Then repeatedly with regular soap with no additives. Even if there are small spots still left then, they will be so small and shouldn't affect your attachment.

If that doesn't work, then maybe charcoal lighter fluid, but I am not sure for how long it can be kept there. 24h with C22 is safe and the longer it is, the better.


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Yes it is the hair and not the lace. The hair just looks awfully matted.

I spoke to my supplier and they suggested c22 in the hair and using a fine hair comb to comb it out. They assured me this would remove the glue without affecting the hair colour?

Conditioner and running it out sounds like a safer option though.

I need to get this done tomorrow!


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The benefit of the conditioner, over the C-22, is that it does not BOND with the glue, and cause the horrible white gunk that takes forever to wash out. It also works immediately, and hours. Try it first. Be gentle, massage the conditioner into the glue, and slowly work the hairs out of the glue, so you won't pull out the hair. If you pull the glue, the hair comes with it.


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Thank you - I will try it.

Also I very much appreciate the input.

Next step: I will not be glueing this system. I will JUST use tape (Ultra-hold Mini's.. Maybe glue at the front, but unsure for now. I think I need to get toplace systems, get some spares and try different attachment techniques.
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I've taped it on with glue at the front. It feels very unsecure (not used to no glue all over) but I'm sure it's super secure. It isn't quite aligned right and seems too far back.. I have no idea how people manage to attach these things. Maybe practice needed?

The hair could also be cleaner. This will be done by a salon..


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I've taped it on with glue at the front. It feels very unsecure (not used to no glue all over) but I'm sure it's super secure. It isn't quite aligned right and seems too far back.. I have no idea how people manage to attach these things. Maybe practice needed?

The hair could also be cleaner. This will be done by a salon..

I perimeter bond with tape, and only tape. I do have a small strip on the very top, which I use for alignment. This also adds some extra hold.

I get a longer hold with tape than glue.