Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji


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Micropenis, slanted-eye, gigantic-head piece of sh*t, beating dogs to death or boiling them alive ain't the same with geese force-feeding.
If YOUR subhuman practices still took place in the West, we would have never invented 95% of what's important in human history.
You don't get it and that is why you will forever be a shithole.

Taiwan has nothing to do with China.
It's a liberal Democracy. You are a communist shithole.

Yes, if Catalans want independence, they should get it.
But their reasons for independence are mostly economical and not cultural.
In contrast, french- and dutch-speaking Belgians want independence mainly for cultural reasons.

The majority of pandemics start in China.
This is the last straw, mate.
They take measures transparently or they pay for their dangerous, primitive practices.
There is no other way.
How many more pandemics do we have to go through because of micropenis, gigantic-head pangolin-eaters?

You are one of the stupidest Greeks I know.

Whereas the deaths in China are only 3,500...
Yes, and my hair is thicker than this guy's:

View attachment 140453
Yeah..whatever kosteece


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I think whats disturbs people the most is the utter lack of empathy and sometimes psychopathic behavior Chinese society produce.
its not about eating weird animals as much as make them suffer as much as possible before death, any psychiatrist will classify this behavior as dysfunctional at best and would consider you a threat to society.

But it doesn't end there, there are many videos showing people and kids dying getting hurt in broad daylight in Chinese streets and people just walk by, its crazy.
Chinese has lack of empathy? Do you really think that people in Europe really cares about anything else except their hedonistic individualism and nihilism?

There are 1,3 billion Chinese people on this world and of course you can find any type of mentality among people there.

Who told you that if you have heart attack that nobody will stop on street to help you? That is totally fake stereotype.


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Yes, it's hedonistic individualism and nihilism that led to the great advancements of Sciences, Technology, Arts, the invention of Liberalism, Civil Rights, Feminism...

Did they invent 99% of modern Medicine?
Did they invent machines, cars, helicopters, airplanes, trains, computers, the Internet?
Where is their Theatre? their Music? their painters? their sculptors? their dancers?
Has there ever been a female leader in China?
Can people of the same sex marry in China?

You really think micropenis, slanted-eye, gigantic-head, pangolin-eater Chinese are in any position to criticize Westerners?

The most hilarious thing in human civilization is the so-called Europe culture origin Greece is now a nearly bankrupt country and SOS all the time lol. Europe is dominated by Germany France UK Spain, Greece is just a burden of Europe and not surprisingly is being looked down on by other Europe countries, how come you can talk CONTRIBUTION without shame.
In 2008 China has saved an Italy bank to avoid the collapse of Europe financial system. If not China your Greece property market would have slumped in these 10 years which in turn destroy the economy.
I tell you, China has just shipped 20 tons of medical stuff including ventilator again to Europe, this time to Lisboa. Stfu if you don't watch any news and know nothing about history, economy and politics.

All the best Europe.


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The most hilarious thing in human civilization is the so-called Europe culture origin Greece is now a nearly bankrupt country and SOS all the time lol. Europe is dominated by Germany France UK Spain, Greece is just a burden of Europe and not surprisingly is being looked down on by other Europe countries, how come you can talk CONTRIBUTION without shame.
In 2008 China has saved an Italy bank to avoid the collapse of Europe financial system. If not China your Greece property market would have slumped in these 10 years which in turn destroy the economy.
I tell you, China has just shipped 20 tons of medical stuff including ventilator again to Europe, this time to Lisboa. Stfu if you don't watch any news and know nothing about history, economy and politics.

All the best Europe.

You think China is doing this for free ? Oh my man, they ship this to the highest bidder, there are at least two shippments that redirected to USA DURING transit when Dumbfuckistan offered three times the price....
So much for communism...they've learned quick.

But they have at least some cense of honor, they will do everything to show the World how they managed to stop THEIR pandemy, because it's theirs, all along...typical communist stuff, show how powerful bla bla bla.....Komrad



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You think China is doing this for free ? Oh my man, they ship this to the highest bidder, there are at least two shippments that redirected to USA DURING transit when Dumbfuckistan offered three times the price....
So much for communism...they've learned quick.

But they have at least some cense of honor, they will do everything to show the World how they managed to stop THEIR pandemy, because it's theirs, all along...typical communist stuff, show how powerful bla bla bla.....Komrad

View attachment 140500

When did you see I said "for free", who will sell products for free?
But can you use money to help breathing, can you use the bank notes as masks?
We also need this resources, we could have kept these for ourselves. Watch the news, Andrew Cuomo also thanks China for the medical stuff, as well as Italy and Serbia government.


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All the best Europe???
Dude, you brought this to Europe.
You didn't inform the rest of the world appropriately.
The audacity!
You are gonna pay BIG TIME micropenis, slanted-eye, gigantic-head, yellow-skin, pangolin- and dog-eater Chinese.

Lol we are now 2nd largest economy entity but Greece is………errrr……Don't talk about contribution, if Greece doesn't cause trouble to Europe they will already thanks God for that. You know you Greek is being raised by Europe Union just like a pet dog of them lol. Give hands to German French when they ask you to, they pay tax to raise your rubbish Greek keep in mind.


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Size: 9,300,000 km²
Population: 1,4 billion
GDP/capita: 10,000$

Size: 132,000 km²
Population: 11 million
GDP/capita: 20,000$

Keep dreaming, micropenis, gigantic-head, yellow-skin pangolin-eater!

Lol the one who keeps dreaming is you. The five permanent member of the United Nations Security Council are Russia, US, UK, China and France.
And G7 is UK,US,Canada,France,Germany,Italy and Japan. Adding BRICS and some other main economy entities including even Indonesia and Turks which forms G20, but sorry no Greece. Even Indonesia is a member of G20 but no Greece lmao.
That means Greece has zero say in the world politics and economy lol!!!!!! But it's normal as Greek is just pet of Europeans. Pets has no say.


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Okay I'm going to try and steer this thread back in the direction of the (hopefully) eventual technology Tsuji will have.

Is there any reason now, to not "use up" my viable grafts with traditional transplant methods? For example, If I only have a handful of viable grafts left, will that present a problem in regards to cloning them into thousands of grafts?

John Difool

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It seems that people on this thread have just given up on any baldness cure and instead would rather insist whatever narrow-minded unaware and unproven racist opinions they have are the right ones. Good luck with that. Stress is bad for hair so chill out everyone.
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Okay I'm going to try and steer this thread back in the direction of the (hopefully) eventual technology Tsuji will have.

Is there any reason now, to not "use up" my viable grafts with traditional transplant methods? For example, If I only have a handful of viable grafts left, will that present a problem in regards to cloning them into thousands of grafts?

This thread derailed because we all know that we'll be even balder in 2030
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Established Member
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It seems that people on this thread have just given up on any baldness cure and instead would rather insist whatever narrow-minded unaware and unproven racist opinions they have are the right ones. Good luck with that. Stress is bad for hair so chill out everyone.

China isn't a race, criticizing a sadistic and unhygienic culture that has brought multiple pandemics to this planet is the rational thing to do.
i'm not even taking about the poaching of some spices to extinction because they believe Rhino horns will make their noodle bigger.
f*****g retards.

Rho Gain

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I don't blame you coz it's the Western media's fault to instill negative biased impression to Western ppl for years. Watch Nathan Rich on youtube to get a more comprehensive view on China. You know 64% population support ban eating dogs and 69.5% has never eaten dogs? You know pet caring has been one of the most fast growing industry in China and worth 170 billion in 2018? Probably you don't. When you say Chinese eat dogs, take a look at Swiss, who also eat dogs, and Spanish who fight with the cows and torture them till die, and Japan where it still has a whale killing festival, and French's foie gras which come from a severely suffering goose, and it's not hard to see other Asian to eat Asian animials, I also watch a clip in youtube that US army kill a snake and drink it's blood. What I mean is humans are sometime cruel, no need to pick on Chinese or any other country particularly.
Since ancient time Chinese was living an agricultural culture and so Chinese is not invasive. Those who now spread China military threatening is totally BS. I can assure you China has no interest in any war but we are not afraid of any. See the history of Vietnam War and Korean War. We are not hostile to other countries even Japan. If we can help, we help, we shipped many medical resources to Europe and our society hasn't has any against voice.
Chinese government's attitude is, collaboration we welcome we love, invasion, we won't, others' invasion, we must defend ourself.
Now my wish is US, Italy and Spain to become better soon. It's sad to see the world's situation like this. Hats off to all the medical staff in the world!

Save the propaganda - I don't need Youtube to understand China, since I studied it - history, politics, language, etc. - in college. I've been there many times (HK, too). "Those who now spread China military threatening is totally BS." - LOL! So what are those artificial islands in the SCS for? Why do they keep interfering with FON-OPs in international waters? Why are you fielding aircraft carriers, which have only one raison d'tere - expeditionary power projection? Oh, and what are you doing in Djibouti? Fcking DJIBOUTI?

For Taiwan, for the past 70 years, have Mainland China actually invaded it? Fact is right here but media loves to distort it. Strictly speaking Taiwan is part of China, just two political parties, if any war it should be called civil war not invasion.

OMG - I don't think this site's server can handle this tier propaganda. "Strictly speaking just two political parties?" LOLOLOLOL According to whom? The ChiCom Party? Because, oddly enough, if you ask a Taiwanese (someone who holds a Passport that says, "Taiwan," not "China" - weird, that), they have a slightly different take on your "strictly spoken" argument.

Fck off, Jiang - you're never going to get that Belt and Road built, and you're never going to invade Tiawan, not as long as US is still on the map. And trust me, there's a reckoning coming for your country after this pandemic - the west has had enough.

Chinese has lack of empathy? Do you really think that people in Europe really cares about anything else except their hedonistic individualism and nihilism?

There are 1,3 billion Chinese people on this world and of course you can find any type of mentality among people there.

Who told you that if you have heart attack that nobody will stop on street to help you? That is totally fake stereotype.

Well, I know it's not common for Europeans to murder those they've accidentally hit with their cars just so they don't have to pay for the injured's recovery, so they've got you on that one, Chan.

I tell you, China has just shipped 20 tons of medical stuff including ventilator again to Europe, this time to Lisboa.

For a pandemic YOU SLANTS CAUSED LOL! You're so incompetent you let it get out of a lab - I guess you were too busy eating bat dick or whatever disgusting garbage you peasants cook in human sewage. "Night soil" - lol.

Lol we are now 2nd largest economy entity but Greece is…

China gdp per capita: $8800.
Greek gdp per capita: $18600.
Percent of Chinese who eat bat dick fried in human sh*t: 90.
Percent of Greeks who eat bat dick fried in human sh*t: 0.

Here's how it's going to go, Kwok: In the very near future, after the US has pulled a significant portion of its production capacity out of that shithole country of yours (one of the great, unintended consequences of this flu), we're going to tell you all those t-bills you dumb chinks bought are worth zero, that the only thing they're good for is wiping your assss after you're done shitting in a hole in the ground like the backwood mongoloids you are. Then you'll go to war with us, and you'll lose. It's inevitable, you Confucius Institute shill.
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Save the propaganda - I don't need Youtube to understand China, since I studied it - history, politics, language, etc. - in college. I've been there many times (HK, too). "Those who now spread China military threatening is totally BS." - LOL! So what are those artificial islands in the SCS for? Why do they keep interfering with FON-OPs in international waters? Why are you fielding aircraft carriers, which have only one raison d'tere - expeditionary power projection? Oh, and what are you doing in Djibouti? Fcking DJIBOUTI?

OMG - I don't think this site's server can handle this tier propaganda. "Strictly speaking just two political parties?" LOLOLOLOL According to whom? The ChiCom Party? Because, oddly enough, if you ask a Taiwanese (someone who holds a Passport that says, "Taiwan," not "China" - weird, that), they have a slightly different take on your "strictly spoken" argument.

Fck off, Jiang - you're never going to get that Belt and Road built, and you're never going to invade Tiawan, not as long as US is still on the map. And trust me, there's a reckoning coming for your country after this pandemic - the west has had enough.

Well, I know it's not common for Europeans to murder those they've accidentally hit with their cars just so they don't have to pay for the injured's recovery, so they've got you on that one, Chan.

For a pandemic YOU SLANTS CAUSED LOL! You're so incompetent you let it get out of a lab - I guess you were too busy eating bat dick or whatever disgusting garbage you peasants cook in human sewage. "Night soil" - lol.

China gdp per capita: $8800.
Greek gdp per capita: $18600.
Percent of Chinese who eat bat dick fried in human sh*t: 90.
Percent of Greeks who eat bat dick fried in human sh*t: 0.

Here's how it's going to go, Kwok: In the very near future, after the US has pulled a significant portion of its production capacity out of that shithole country of yours (one of the great, unintended consequences of this flu), we're going to tell you all those t-bills you dumb chinks bought are worth zero, that the only thing they're good for is wiping your assss after you're done shitting in a hole in the ground like the backwood mongoloids you are. Then you'll go to war with us, and you'll lose. It's inevitable, you Confucius Institute shill.

What I want to say has been already covered in my previous posts. You are a brainwashed idiot who ignores facts happening around you. Just now a Czech scientist said the virus is from US lab. I don't remember how many Western scientists have said it's not from China, but I'm not saying it's from any particular country either coz I'm rational. Nobody knows exactly what a micro-organism comes from. First case of 1918 flu was from US, can I f*** the US? No I won't coz nobody knows where it came from and most importantly nobody wants an epidemic. So be fair micro-organism is evolved from nature by a not totally known process and transmitted to human society by unknown means. Sure you can still use the Palau bat eating clip to slander China, we used to it, two months ago I just watched a clip in Facebook titled Chinese market selling wild animals something like that can't recall exactly, but the market is actually Indonesia. I tell you I have been to China many many times and I have NEVER encountered a restaurant that offer bats, not even one! Is there any place that sells wild animals? Yes (but as I said before which country has no one that has weird eating habit). Is it common? No (but has been stereotyped by some media by citing some examples).
No need to worry China's economy lol. Even you pull the production out, trade war, we can grit our teeth and go on, we used to this suppression, we grew we developed under misery for the past 70 years and at the same time we aren't hostile to anyone. You never see our army travelling around the world in contrast to US army, is it not the fact?

Rho Gain

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What I want to say has been already covered in my previous posts. You are a brainwashed idiot who ignores facts happening around you. Just now a Czech scientist said the virus is from US lab. I don't remember how many Western scientists have said it's not from China, but I'm not saying it's from any particular country either coz I'm rational. Nobody knows exactly what a micro-organism comes from. First case of 1918 flu was from US, can I f*** the US? No I won't coz nobody knows where it came from and most importantly nobody wants an epidemic. So be fair micro-organism is evolved from nature by a not totally known process and transmitted to human society by unknown means. Sure you can still use the Palau bat eating clip to slander China, we used to it, two months ago I just watched a clip in Facebook titled Chinese market selling wild animals something like that can't recall exactly, but the market is actually Indonesia. I tell you I have been to China many many times and I have NEVER encountered a restaurant that offer bats, not even one! Is there any place that sells wild animals? Yes (but as I said before which country has no one that has weird eating habit). Is it common? No (but has been stereotyped by some media by citing some examples).
No need to worry China's economy lol. Even you pull the production out, trade war, we can grit our teeth and go on, we used to this suppression, we grew we developed under misery for the past 70 years and at the same time we aren't hostile to anyone. You never see our army travelling around the world in contrast to US army, is it not the fact?

Typical robot - you can't rebut an argument (because that requires critical thinking, something that would get you shot in the PRC), so you spout nonsense force-fed to you by Dear Lead Ji.

"we used to this suppression, we grew we developed under misery for the past 70 years and at the same time we aren't hostile to anyone. You never see our army travelling around the world in contrast to US army, is it not the fact?"

Again, why are you building a fleet of aircraft carriers? Why are you building islands in the SCS in contested international waters? Why are you interfering with FON-OPs? Why do you have a military base in the Horn of Africa? Why do you keep trying to claim a sovereign nation as your own and perpetually threaten to annex it? Do you even know what I'm talking about, or has all of that been scrubbed from the People's Daily?

We're not just going to fck your economy, we're going to shut down the Chinese-student-to-US-university pipeline that has been so effective at educating you automatons and lucrative for your industrial base. No more US phds for you - you're going to have to get by without massive industrial espionage and IP theft. You're a nation of thieves, and your nation depends on thievery to survive. Well, time's up, Chang. But don't worry; if things get really tough in Shenzen, you're always welcome to come over here and build our railroads or wash our clothes.
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Typical robot - you can't rebut an argument (because that requires critical thinking, something that would get you shot in the PRC), so you spout nonsense force-fed to you by Dear Lead Ji.

"we used to this suppression, we grew we developed under misery for the past 70 years and at the same time we aren't hostile to anyone. You never see our army travelling around the world in contrast to US army, is it not the fact?"

Again, why are you building a fleet of aircraft carriers? Why are you building islands in the SCS in contested international waters? Why are you interfering with FON-OPs? Why do you have a military base in the Horn of Africa? Why do you keep trying to claim a sovereign nation as your own and perpetually threaten to annex it? Do you even know what I'm talking about, or has all of that been scrubbed from the People's Daily?

We're not just going to fck your economy, we're going to shut down the Chinese-student-to-US-university pipeline that has been so effective at educating you automatons and lucrative for your industrial base. No more US phds for you - you're going to have to get by without massive industrial espionage and IP theft. You're a nation of thieves, and your nation depends on thievery to survive. Well, time's up, Chang. But don't worry; if things get really tough in Shenzen, you're always welcome to come over here and build our railroads or wash our clothes.

Yeah because America NEVER stole technology, please, america was the china of the 19th century for stealing intellectual property.
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Typical robot - you can't rebut an argument (because that requires critical thinking, something that would get you shot in the PRC), so you spout nonsense force-fed to you by Dear Lead Ji.

"we used to this suppression, we grew we developed under misery for the past 70 years and at the same time we aren't hostile to anyone. You never see our army travelling around the world in contrast to US army, is it not the fact?"

Again, why are you building a fleet of aircraft carriers? Why are you building islands in the SCS in contested international waters? Why are you interfering with FON-OPs? Why do you have a military base in the Horn of Africa? Why do you keep trying to claim a sovereign nation as your own and perpetually threaten to annex it? Do you even know what I'm talking about, or has all of that been scrubbed from the People's Daily?

We're not just going to fck your economy, we're going to shut down the Chinese-student-to-US-university pipeline that has been so effective at educating you automatons and lucrative for your industrial base. No more US phds for you - you're going to have to get by without massive industrial espionage and IP theft. You're a nation of thieves, and your nation depends on thievery to survive. Well, time's up, Chang. But don't worry; if things get really tough in Shenzen, you're always welcome to come over here and build our railroads or wash our clothes.

You know what is self defence? Building island in our own sea doesn't mean invasion. Invasion is like US to destroy the Middle East just for the purpose of stealing the cruel oil there. Thieves are the one who stole the medical resources shipping from China to Canada.
We don't need QE to boost the economy and already having over 6% GDP growth and this is already the figure under trade war and factories moving to Vietnam. And we have 1.4 billion population for domestic demand and consumption economy, a stable political status and a peaceful race.
These are our lovely characteristics and I think every countries and culture have it's own merits and worth appreciating side. It's person like you that are still dreaming to have others to be your slaves that harms the global harmony. Jealousy gets you nowhere. Face the reality.


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Didn't they sequence the genome of COVID19 virus? It was 99% sure it came form the Wuhan area. What wasn't sure was if it came from a bat or not. Also SARS and many other viruses came from China.

It's undeniable there's a big problem with hygiene, wet markets, etc in China.

SARS, yes I also agree it's from GuangDong Province. This time, No.

Rho Gain

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Didn't they sequence the genome of COVID19 virus? It was 99% sure it came form the Wuhan area. What wasn't sure was if it came from a bat or not. Also SARS and many other viruses came from China.

It's undeniable there's a big problem with hygiene, wet markets, etc in China.

Of course - these slants are so use to being lied to, they think the rest of the world falls for their propaganda, too.

You know what is self defence? Building island in our own sea doesn't mean invasion. Invasion is like US to destroy the Middle East just for the purpose of stealing the cruel oil there. Thieves are the one who stole the medical resources shipping from China to Canada.
We don't need QE to boost the economy and already having over 6% GDP growth and this is already the figure under trade war and factories moving to Vietnam. And we have 1.4 billion population for domestic demand and consumption economy, a stable political status and a peaceful race.
These are our lovely characteristics and I think every countries and culture have it's own merits and worth appreciating side. It's person like you that are still dreaming to have others to be your slaves that harms the global harmony. Jealousy gets you nowhere. Face the reality.

"Stable political status" =/= Hong Kong.

"Stable political status" =/= Uyghurs "re-education" camps.

"Stable political status" =/= major pandemic caused by eating bat dick

Your sea? Just because it has "China" in its name doesn't mean it's yours; five different countries claim that water.

And for the third time - why are you building aircraft carriers? The point of a carrier is power projection, not self defense - why do you keep ignoring this question? And why are you in Africa? Djibuti is 7000km from China - why do you need a military base there for "self defense?"

The world's on to you, Zhu - things are about to change for China in a very big way - time to revise that 30 year plan.

And to make this topic relevant, COVID has completely halted any research into hair loss, so we should be talking about it and how other pandemics might interrupt protocols that were so close to being released but now will have to be pushed a year out or more.
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