Two Years In And Taking A Break For A While At Least ( 38-40 Odd Degree Days Coming Soon)

Hairy bear

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G’day guys

Almost 2 years exactly since I took the plunge down the hair system root! I’ve given it a good go, spent quite a lot of money and had good and bad experiences.
I think this system idea is good! So I’m not going to have a rant about wasted money etc. but if anyone wants to hear my experiences good and bad, I’ll certainly post up anything that could help you on your journey

For me though as a construction worker, it’s just not really feasible, the dodgy systems I frequently get ( look good for a week, or never do! Hair goes hard etc.) but really lately it’s been the mad itch. Tap tap tapping my head frantically, tried scalp protector, I’m on Zyrtec and telfast, upped the does to near four a day! That with the constant mental game anyone laughs or smiles ‘are they laughing at me’?! So I had a choice to make as my latest UTS was on its last legs, ANOTHER $600 for a couple of months, two weeks of which was ‘looks dodgy but it’s settling in!’ ‘Then not too bad but it’s getting patchy!’
So basically I ripped it off this morning and had a super close wet shave !

Thank you so much for all the advice! Especially Noah! I think my scalp needs a rest but, I never used to be so affected by the glues! So I may well get back into it later! I always wanted to try injected skin with the 0.5 front v looped edge!

And I’d never say to anyone ‘don’t do it’


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I think you're making the right choice to be honest. I dabbled with the prospect of a HS but when the time came decided against it. I can see why many opt to wear one and say good on them too, but everyone has different reasons such as yourself. I work from home all day and only really ever see the joe-public when I: walk the dog, pop out with my wife/kid on the weekends, family meals. So I weighed it all up and to be honest not wearing one made more sense to me than going through all the hassle.


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HB, so you tell everyone you're wearing a system? Or is it a really realistic / light-density system that you can pretend you've shaved off your real hair?

Steve Marz

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Wow I am kind of the reverse, I shaved or buzzed my head for over 23 years, but now in my 40, 43 exactly, I decided to give it a try and wear hair. I believe my unit will be ready next week or week after. Is it a perfect solution, no but I want to try it now and all I can say is everyone here wish me luck. Hope I can help but considering I will be a middle aged first timer on Hair Systems, I ask everyone on this board to PLEASE HELP ME OUT. Anyway love this forum.


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Hi Steve, I started wearing recently and am also in my early 40s.

It's a challenge sometimes because most of the marketed/salon hair systems are for younger guys. So when my system was first put on, it was so dense, that only a 20 or 25 year old person could have had that thick hair. I thinned it out massively and am now mostly happy with it.

The other challenge is making the switch so that no one notices. Or just tell everyone, which will make your personal life a lot easier!


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I think you're making the right choice to be honest. I dabbled with the prospect of a HS but when the time came decided against it. I can see why many opt to wear one and say good on them too, but everyone has different reasons such as yourself. I work from home all day and only really ever see the joe-public when I: walk the dog, pop out with my wife/kid on the weekends, family meals. So I weighed it all up and to be honest not wearing one made more sense to me than going through all the hassle.

I think you need to change your nick to "BaseballCapGuy" in that case .