toxic alopecia: what's in your drinking water?


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I have another post in this forum about how my girls and I all seem to have less hair. My 8 year old and I have the exact same loss pattern.

I figured the cause must be environmental, or some disease we all had.

I have just spent about 5 straight hours researching-

environmental causes of telogen effluvium

exact substances that cause Telogen Effluvium (not medicines)

sources of those substances
and tests for those substances in your water, or your body.

Many toxins can cause Telogen Effluvium- Cadmium, Lead, thallium, and iodine to name a few.

After reading about them all I started to focus on cadmium. Here's why.

IF you have a water softener, and galvanized pipes, the softened water is more likely to pick up cadmium from the pipes. My landlord has both.

Some toxins have a profound and immediate effect, and this has been slow and insidious. I elimated the ones that affect you quickly.

The water softer also means that bathing, and even washing your clothes in cadmium contaminated water mean more exposure- cadmium can enter through the skin.

I found one place that sells a cadmium kit for water testing for $25. most places have a comprehensive kit that is 300 bucks or so. I bought it.

I looked at personal hair analysis tests, but I decided to see the result of the water test first.

The county provides free lead tests for children. I am taking the kids monday. A slightly diggerent issue, but i can ask them at the cllinic about more tests.

also if the tap water test is positive, maybe my doctor will order a test, and I won't have to pay.

What do you guys think? Anyone interested in these links?


Sounds interesting. I'll try just about anything to get to the bottom of my hairloss since none of the docs seem to know!

Jennifer Moran

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Since arsenic is naturally found in groundwater and some are caused by man and chemical waste materials, we can conclude that arsenic is also one of the causes of pollution and contamination not only of land and air but also in water. The symptoms of acute arsenic poisoning are nausea and vomiting, blood in the urine occurs, as well as, hematemesis or vomiting of blood, medically known as alopecia or hair loss, muscle cramps and stomach pains develops. When left untreated, arsenic poisoning can lead to brain damage and sometimes can lead to death.