TOPPIK Serious Health Concern !!


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I am a long time Toppik user and am quite happy with the results.

I have noticed how messy it can be apply and how it is easy to breath in some of the stuff when applying.

One of the ingredient in Toppik is scaring the hell out of me....and that is SILICA.

Breathing in Silica can cause severe damage to lungs.On researching on the net I understand there are two types of Silican....Crystalline / amorphous forms.
The Crytalline form is the carcinogen type.I donno what is the type used in Toppik.I plan to call and ask them tomorrow.I hope FDA regulations are strict on this but I do not know.

I know a lot of you folks here use Toppik and wonder if anybody has thought on the same lines....I am quite worried about this....

I know Brian likes Toppik so I am curious to hear his opinion also....


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Its one thing for a cream to have Silica versus a breathable powder.When I called Spencer Forest They did not have an answer about what type of Silica powder they are using in they will be losing me as a customer.I plan to switch to Nanogen fibres after reading the positive comments about that

I wish I had noticed this earlier....but hope somebody will benefit seeing this concern or question Spencer Forest more since it appears FDA is a bit slack when dealing with cosmetics standards!!
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yesyesk said:
Breathing in Silica can cause severe damage to lungs.On researching on the net I understand there are two types of Silican....Crystalline / amorphous forms.
The Crytalline form is the carcinogen type.I donno what is the type used in Toppik.I plan to call and ask them tomorrow.I hope FDA regulations are strict on this but I do not know.

Remember what Billy Crystal in his "Fernando" skit, "It's better to look good than to feel good. :)

I've used Toppik off and on for years and I'm interested in knowing what they said if you called.

It would be interesting to know how the fibers in Toppik differ from all the other formulations that have appeared in the last few years.


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use the maximizing spray add on they sell and spritz very lightly. honestly i dont know how the stuff works without it. they need to add that spray add-on as standard. i never had an issue inhaling toppik.