Toppik Fiber Hairline - How To Make The Perfect, Waterproof Hairline!

Keratin Brotherhood

My Regimen
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Hey my Fellow Follicle Frontiersmen! In this video, I show you how to use #Toppik hair building fibers to create a clean, crisp hair line that is almost waterproof and sweat proof! I use this method on my own hair daily and I think it's time I shared my secret with you.

The problem with the hair fiber spray pump is that it only applies fibers to the surface of the hair. This can make your hairline susceptible to everything from water, to your own hands. If you use the method I show you in this video, you can rest assured that your hairline will stay crisp all day and all night.

Disclaimer: This video is targeted towards guys who like to wear their hair short. Nevertheless, the same application technique should work for all hair types and lengths.

-DJ @ Keratin Brotherhood