too much body hair = bald


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I have noticed that people who are very hairy in their body are bald.


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i got hardly any body hair and going bald :? But it does seem that the majority of balding men are a bit more hairy


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Sometimes differences like that really make you wonder if all male pattern baldness is really the same. I mean a disease as complex as male pattern baldness is not just caused by dht.


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I know a guy that have a lot of thick hair in his arms and hands and he's not bald. In fact he has very thick hair.


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There's a lot of hairy Italian dudes out their with extremely thick hair and low hairlines. :lol:


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jay2K6 said:
I have noticed that people who are very hairy in their body are bald.

Your name isn't "Ernie" by any chance, is it? :wink:



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I cant beleive that Ronaldkia has'nt started a post on this topic already. :hairy:


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scientist said:
i think testosterone/dht inhibits scalp hair growth but promotes body hair growth


I'm a diffuse thinner on top, but I have don't have an awful lot of body hair. I'd be quite interested to know if other diffuse thinners are similar.

(Ronaldkia type poll coming to a forum near you :lol: )


tchehov said:
scientist said:
i think testosterone/dht inhibits scalp hair growth but promotes body hair growth


I'm a diffuse thinner on top, but I have don't have an awful lot of body hair. I'd be quite interested to know if other diffuse thinners are similar.

(Ronaldkia type poll coming to a forum near you :lol: )

I too am diffuse, and I have very little body hair as well, and I can't grow a very thick beard.


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I noticed this, since I deal with the general public on a day to day basis at my work and I have noticed that a lot of hairy guys are bald/balding.

However there are hairy guys who aren't balding at all and non-hairy guys who are balding.

I think it's just a moot. Increase in DHT is linked to secondary sex characteristics (which cause body hair). When men take Propecia, it is likely that body hair levels will decrease. What does this mean? Well, more testosterone = more likely to go bald, more body hair, increased sex drive.



Spec, I don't think I buy that. If you say that higher testosterone levels make you likely to go bald and that Propecia likely decreases body hair then how can you explain all the hairy guys out there that have Norwood 1 hairlines?

And how can you explain the fact that I'm thinning when I can't even grow a decent beard and have very little hair on my arms?


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its all with the genes and changing levels and or a combination, you could be like me who has below normal T levels and has / had male pattern baldness... or a guy with high T levels without male pattern baldness... its whether or not your are sensitive to the androgens that cause male pattern baldness which is genetic, sure other factors can influence this, but its all predetermined really, this sensativity is obviously different for everyone with varying levels of T

although i don't know if statistics back this up, the overly hair men, especially the ones with precocious puberty seem to get male pattern baldness more often


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JayMan said:
Spec, I don't think I buy that. If you say that higher testosterone levels make you likely to go bald and that Propecia likely decreases body hair then how can you explain all the hairy guys out there that have Norwood 1 hairlines?

And how can you explain the fact that I'm thinning when I can't even grow a decent beard and have very little hair on my arms?

I don't know.

It has more to do with me having fun throwing around statements I assume to think are true.

But in a nutshell- I see a higher majority of hairy guys with less hair on their heads, then hairless guys. Just my own observation.

Hairy guys with nw1 hairlines? Obviously their androgen receptors- or whatever the f*** you call them- aren't as sh*t as the rest of the hairy guys.


TheSpeculum02 said:
JayMan said:
Spec, I don't think I buy that. If you say that higher testosterone levels make you likely to go bald and that Propecia likely decreases body hair then how can you explain all the hairy guys out there that have Norwood 1 hairlines?

And how can you explain the fact that I'm thinning when I can't even grow a decent beard and have very little hair on my arms?

I don't know.

It has more to do with me having fun throwing around statements I assume to think are true.

But in a nutshell- I see a higher majority of hairy guys with less hair on their heads, then hairless guys. Just my own observation.

Hairy guys with nw1 hairlines? Obviously their androgen receptors- or whatever the f*** you call them- aren't as $#iT as the rest of the hairy guys.

I think a possible reason for hairier guys appearing to be more bald is this: We tend to get hairier as we get older, and more people develop male pattern baldness as they age(20% of guys in 20s have it, 30% of guys in 30s have it, etc), so it's only logical that there would appear to be a correlation between hairyness and baldness. But correlation does not equal causation. What do you think?


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OK, another Ronaldkian question, if you can bear to answer...

Did your voice break suddenly, or just deepen over time?



My voice never really got deeper. It seems that every other guy I know has a deeper voiec than mine. Kind of embarrassing. I mean I'm sure it got a little bit deeper than it was back in 8th grade, but not much.


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in general balding men usually do have a lot more body hair. I think science might actually be pretty right about hairloss being caused by hormones like DHT in most instances. Obviously some hairy men have hair that isnt affected to the same degree.


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Goingat20 said:
i got hardly any body hair and going bald :? But it does seem that the majority of balding men are a bit more hairy

same here, I have less body hair than women, but still loosing my scalp hair.


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i have no family history of baldness, and started losing my hair at around 13, the same time i started getting chest hair. now im 21 and have a thick set of chest hair and a little back hair and am an Norwood 4.