To SadMom and others needing a ray of hope...


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Remember me??? I have not been on for quite a while as I had a huge race to prepare for and do and now I am trying to get my life at home and work and with the kids back to normal! Not an easy task with the holidays looming here!!!

Anyway, I can tell from the tone of your posts that you are worrying excessively. Now I am not saying that it isn't warranted, becasue I know the feelings you have only too well. But I do think that what might help you in this situation is a sense of CONTROL. Here are the things that helps me:

1. As best I can, I remember to religiously use the treatments that I use which include minoxidil and Shen-Min hairloss vitamins. I have also recently changed nutritional strategies with the help of an RD and am eating a diet that is very balanced and is high in protein.

2. I try my best to make sure my hair looks as good as possible. I wear a headband (if I am working) or a baseball cap on days when it seems like it looks especially crappy (and then I schedule a a hair appt). But most days I use these products which I feel really help: Toppek Shampoo and Conditioner, and Nioxin hair gel (they have a new lighter formula). When I went out of town for my race, I used baby shampoo and my hair looked awful, so I know that these products make my hair look fuller! I also use a tiny amount of couvre in one spot on my head. It too helps now that I have the hang of how to use it properly!

3. Make time to de-stress, sleep properly, exercise regularly and eat nutritious foods. This must be a priority if the rest of my life is going to go okay.

4. The power of positive thinking is huge. Worrying will not regrow my hair, and I know it. I think of my hair in positive terms, and look for hair that is growing now, rather than what is being shed. Occasionally if I have a quiet moment, I do a mental imagery on myself in which I visualize my hair growing.

Occasionally I still have a "freak out day" about my hair. But I do believe that the treatments I am using have slowed the hairloss process, and the products I use help me look my best (IMPORTANT!!!). When worse comes to worse, I remind myself that I live near Hollywood and that SOMEONE will always be able to help me look my best if I in fact lose all my hair! But until that day comes (IF if comes, I am trying to think positively), I want to do everything within my power to help myself out.

Whatever we choose to do, I think feeling a sense of control helps reduce the devastation. So that's what I have chosen and it has helped tremendously!



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athleticmom said:
Remember me??? I have not been on for quite a while as I had a huge race to prepare for and do and now I am trying to get my life at home and work and with the kids back to normal! Not an easy task with the holidays looming here!!!

Anyway, I can tell from the tone of your posts that you are worrying excessively. Now I am not saying that it isn't warranted, becasue I know the feelings you have only too well. But I do think that what might help you in this situation is a sense of CONTROL. Here are the things that helps me:

1. As best I can, I remember to religiously use the treatments that I use which include minoxidil and Shen-Min hairloss vitamins. I have also recently changed nutritional strategies with the help of an RD and am eating a diet that is very balanced and is high in protein.

2. I try my best to make sure my hair looks as good as possible. I wear a headband (if I am working) or a baseball cap on days when it seems like it looks especially crappy (and then I schedule a a hair appt). But most days I use these products which I feel really help: Toppek Shampoo and Conditioner, and Nioxin hair gel (they have a new lighter formula). When I went out of town for my race, I used baby shampoo and my hair looked awful, so I know that these products make my hair look fuller! I also use a tiny amount of couvre in one spot on my head. It too helps now that I have the hang of how to use it properly!

3. Make time to de-stress, sleep properly, exercise regularly and eat nutritious foods. This must be a priority if the rest of my life is going to go okay.

4. The power of positive thinking is huge. Worrying will not regrow my hair, and I know it. I think of my hair in positive terms, and look for hair that is growing now, rather than what is being shed. Occasionally if I have a quiet moment, I do a mental imagery on myself in which I visualize my hair growing.

Occasionally I still have a "freak out day" about my hair. But I do believe that the treatments I am using have slowed the hairloss process, and the products I use help me look my best (IMPORTANT!!!). When worse comes to worse, I remind myself that I live near Hollywood and that SOMEONE will always be able to help me look my best if I in fact lose all my hair! But until that day comes (IF if comes, I am trying to think positively), I want to do everything within my power to help myself out.

Whatever we choose to do, I think feeling a sense of control helps reduce the devastation. So that's what I have chosen and it has helped tremendously!


Heya, just somebody from the male forums.. I agree with all of what you said, especially 3 and 4. Im sure everybody notices when they stress they do lose more hair than the usual and that means QUICKER hair loss! So dont stress no matter what people!

I believe number 3 is very very important when it comes to womans hair loss as woman can slow/halt their hair loss easier than men.. Especially if they are looking after themselves!

I dont know if any of you ladys are using Flax seed oil 1000MG (The oil is actually best, take 2 teaspoons every day) and 1000MG Evening Primrose Oil, I hear the ALA and the GLA can be very beneficial for woman suffering from hair loss! Im sure I can dig up some studys!

Hey athleticmom I hope you do know that Shen Min can be sligtly overpriced for what it contains? The active ingredient in Shen Min is Fo-Ti, you can get this easily and cheaper from, plenty of cheap herbs there too.

Hope this helps, take care people and best of luck!


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I just want to say I appreciate when you guys come over and give us gals more info and tips.


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I believe number 3 is very very important when it comes to womans hair loss as woman can slowhalf their hair loss easier than woman.. Especially if they are looking after themselves!

Omg! I just realised I was chatting some crap, look at the bold sentence, it doesnt even make sense? Half? I meant halt! Woman? I meant men! lol.

Its cool Lentera, we are all in this together after all :)


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thank you for the ray of hope

thank you so much for what you said. these words of encouragement helped me to feel better about myself today. i am going to write down what you said and post it by my mirror in the bathroom so that i can read it everyday and hope that it will make the day a better day. :D

its good to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel we just have to clear the way so we can see it. and this just brings it a step closer.




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Thanks for the post. I know.... I try and remind myself so much that although it's MY HAIR :freaked: it's also only hair. I try and remember that I have great kids, good health, good hobbies, my faith, etc..... and I know in the big scheme of things, there are worse things to face and suffer than hairloss.

But there are those days....... I do exercise and eat healthier than I have ever before. With 6 kids, finding time for myself can be a trick, but I try. I am taking every possible supplement and treatment both naturally and medically that I feel offer some amount of hope in my situation, many of which I've only done for 2-3 months, so I'm trying to be patient.

I'd feel more comfortable about the whole wig or hairpiece thing if I thought I could possibly afford one :freaked2:

I'm trying at least through the holidays to focus on joy and family memories, and good stuff. But it's a struggle.