This Is My Custom Made Hair System Experience


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Hey all,

Background, mixed race, black straight, european hair type thin ish and dark brown/black. I'm 36.

So for the last 4 years I've been using Nanogen hair fibres. Started using when my hairloss got to the point that it could be seen if i hadn't styled my hair correctly. Through those 4 years the hair line at the front and crown have been slowly thinning. I've always had decent hair so wasn't willing to shave it off but also didn't want to admit to it either - complete ego thing. Through those 4 years I've had to wear a cap on my head often, even kept one near my bed which puzzled girlfriends. I've stained countless bedsheets, had a girl say what's that black sh*t all over your face during intercourse, purposefully hid the crown when waking up unsure if it can be seen, never went swimming on holiday, created an almighty mess in the bathroom, probably filled my lungs with black soot it goes on.

In April this year i booked an appointment with a London based firm, I was contemplating doing this a year earlier. By this point i had enough of hair fibres, been living a lie so why not do it properly, plus it just wasn't covering it as good as before and really became noticeable.

Appointment, was good covered the basics and my main concern was can i still go to the gym, what happens on holiday etc. My hair was matched colour and type and a design produced for the hairline.

Fitting, guy was great, wears a system himself and worked at a top salon before couldn't fault him. Took about 2 hours and went from a grandpa emoji to a red Indian and finally to a styled hairdo. Cost £500 in total and i bought glue, shampoo, hair products for styling and a brush - it's a skin type base and glued to last 4 weeks

Day 1-3 it took me a day or two to adjust. Because i was a master at hair fibres friends and family had no clue, the hair system wasn't so much a raised eyebrow more of a have you had a hair cut that looks good. It is weird you have this thing stuck on your head and all you want to do is go home and play with it, get the style you want. Sleep - very interesting you really do know it's on your head at this point and you can feel it pulling your skin.

Day 3-6 Started going to the gym the day after fitting (I would wait 48 hours next time) even though i was told not to, i do intense weight lifting so a lot of sweat, some of this sweat from your head will come down in trickles in random places nothing to worry about. By day 6 there is a little lift at the front of my hairline which was solvable with some more glue. The hairsytem has adjusted to the shape of my head, piece is 100% secure. Enjoying messing about with my hair and getting up in the morning or going to the shops without fuss. No issues with going to sleep or a pulling feeling.

Day 7 plus - Some itchiness mild at most and generally when i'm sweating, keeping my maintenance of conditioning hair etc tight so all is good.

All in all i wish i done this last year, i think for people with more hair loss than what i had it might be more daunting thinking about what other people will think, for me it's a game changer and happier for it.


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Great story! Pics or it's not true (just kidding, you can share if you feel comfortable).


Welcome to the group.



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@Flickingbeans which salon did you use and where is it in London?

I went to TCP but not one in London. Hated the system but eventually after 3 haircuts, 2 months, plenty of taming, plucking, conditioning... it's now really good. BUT there is zero chance of exposing the hairline with this system.


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Itchiness goes down dramatically after u get used to it. Sometimes when the bond is fresh I'll get an itch for that first sweat but it's no more often than a normal itch or 2 on your scalp