This Is Extremely Bad I Need To Vent


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Started finasteride 1.5 months ago. I’ve been steadily losing hundreds of hair a day since starting (not sure how much I was losing before). Now my hair is considerably worse and I’m about to give up hope. Either I have RH or I have a very aggressive case of MBP.

I can’t leave the house any more. I ran out of toppik and I feel crippled. I got accepted into a great university but I decided not to go because of my mental health (I won’t be able to focus). I wore a hat for 20 minutes today and pulled off about 10 hairs out of it.

Here are some comparative photos. First two were from when I started and next few are recent (third one was taken with intense flash and shows how bad it is)

I’m going to get a haircut and try to style it better to cover, and with the toppik maybe I’ll be able to do something.

I’ve lost all hope for my future. I’m not even going to college now because I don’t think I’ll be able to get a job in my field with a bald head. I’m going to see a psych soon and get prescribed lexapro but we know that’s not gonna help.

Any words of advice? I’m thinking I’m going to get a system soon before it gets too bad.


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Hey man. I'm being as honest as I can when I say this, NO ONE and I mean it would look at you outside and think that your crown is balding. People here might tell, but no one outside does. I don't even think this is considered balding.

The difference between the second picture and the last two are MINIMAL. The last two even look like a regular whorl.
I know that hair loss is depressing, but pls don't let it impact you hard enough to thank no to uni etc.

I'm assuming your frontal hairline has not receded?

Stay strong bro

edit: är du svensk btw?


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Hey man. I'm being as honest as I can when I say this, NO ONE and I mean it would look at you outside and think that your crown is balding. People here might tell, but no one outside does. I don't even think this is considered balding.

The difference between the second picture and the last two are MINIMAL. The last two even look like a regular whorl.
I know that hair loss is depressing, but pls don't let it impact you hard enough to thank no to uni etc.

I'm assuming your frontal hairline has not receded?

Stay strong bro

edit: är du svensk btw?
Frontal hairline is a bit receeded, maybe Norwood 2-3 but I don’t even care about thay. I really appreciate you trying to help me out. But dude I’m so fucked up mentally right now that I won’t be able to focus on college work. The though of balding didn’t even cross my mind until two months ago and I was already in a bad place mentally. As soon as I started feeling a bit better and getting my life back on track this sh*t happened.

I went from feeling great being the life of the party half a year ago to an actual crazy person now.


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Aight man, f*** school/work/college etc. Get your mind right, focus on the rest later.

Your crown is more than alright man, you are doing your best to improve it so no point obsessing over it. In my opinion, it has AT LEAST maintained for now. Losing hair is fine as long as your norwood stays the same. So don't worry.

If I were you, I wouldn't go and get prescribed anti depressants yet. Try to solve the issues by yourself for a while before you start taking other medications. If you feel like you have a hard time right now and really want to vent, you can do so here ofc, but also in real life with a therapist etc.

What is actually making you this depressed though? Is it truly only the hair loss, or are there other factors aswell?


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Started finasteride 1.5 months ago. I’ve been steadily losing hundreds of hair a day since starting (not sure how much I was losing before). Now my hair is considerably worse and I’m about to give up hope. Either I have RH or I have a very aggressive case of MBP.

I can’t leave the house any more. I ran out of toppik and I feel crippled. I got accepted into a great university but I decided not to go because of my mental health (I won’t be able to focus). I wore a hat for 20 minutes today and pulled off about 10 hairs out of it.

Here are some comparative photos. First two were from when I started and next few are recent (third one was taken with intense flash and shows how bad it is)

I’m going to get a haircut and try to style it better to cover, and with the toppik maybe I’ll be able to do something.

I’ve lost all hope for my future. I’m not even going to college now because I don’t think I’ll be able to get a job in my field with a bald head. I’m going to see a psych soon and get prescribed lexapro but we know that’s not gonna help.

Any words of advice? I’m thinking I’m going to get a system soon before it gets too bad.
dude you are completely bald vin diesel would laugh at you !
JK , you probably are shedding hair so that they can go to anagen phase. You can NOT know if a drug works or does not work within 1.5 months , actually shedding can be a sign of a good responder , but you would still see no improvement before 4-12 months of usage .
That reflex hyperandrogenicity theory , well i personally have doubts about it as a whole , i dont think it is even medically approved as a term so i wouldnt stress about it . But theres always the possiblity that you dont respond to finasteride at all .
Anyway you d better go visit a derm and tell him your worries . After that you should probably visit a psychologist too because you seem to have some anxiety disorder , worst case scenario is that you are going bald, not blind or deaf. Anyway thats my 2 cents


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Aight man, f*** school/work/college etc. Get your mind right, focus on the rest later.

Your crown is more than alright man, you are doing your best to improve it so no point obsessing over it. In my opinion, it has AT LEAST maintained for now. Losing hair is fine as long as your norwood stays the same. So don't worry.

If I were you, I wouldn't go and get prescribed anti depressants yet. Try to solve the issues by yourself for a while before you start taking other medications. If you feel like you have a hard time right now and really want to vent, you can do so here ofc, but also in real life with a therapist etc.

What is actually making you this depressed though? Is it truly only the hair loss, or are there other factors aswell?
It started 6 months ago after my life started turning to sh*t and I became depressed. Once my friends started noticing I’m not the same person anymore it made it even worse. Now this has completely messed me up.

I’ve never felt suicidal before but this is the first time in my life that I don’t see a future and I have 0 hope for things to get better. I’ve never grasped what it meant when a depressed person said that. But now I genuinely feel it.

This isn’t the right place to vent, and it’s not cool to be doing this when a lot of people have it worse here. Sorry


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@Btg Do you really think his crown looks balding though? It looks like the start of it, at most.
Here’s a wet hair photo to show the extent of my thinning. If I got my hair cut short it’d be a lot worse.

Edit: this is how diffused it is too. Photo when I woke up with greasy hair.


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It started 6 months ago after my life started turning to sh*t and I became depressed. Once my friends started noticing I’m not the same person anymore it made it even worse. Now this has completely messed me up.

I’ve never felt suicidal before but this is the first time in my life that I don’t see a future and I have 0 hope for things to get better. I’ve never grasped what it meant when a depressed person said that. But now I genuinely feel it.

This isn’t the right place to vent, and it’s not cool to be doing this when a lot of people have it worse here. Sorry

How old are you? Where do you live?

You need to grab onto your issues and try to make the best out of the situation. I know it's easy for me to say since I'm not in your shoes but you need to be the strongest person you can be when life is the darkest. I can try my best to help you if you so wish to speak with someone, and writing here is honestly okay. Anyone here would agree with me.

Pls try to visit a psychologist or anyone with enough experience to help you out.


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@Btg Do you really think his crown looks balding though? It looks like the start of it, at most.
yes it looks like the start of crown thinning , but since the hair is quite long in the pictures it might be general thinning and it just is more noticeable in the crown . Since CrownBalding here mentions he was stressed aswell he should probably rule out telogen effluvium . My opinion is that in non typical male pattern baldness cases you should ask a reputable derm to examine your scalp , he can probably at least confirm your type of hairloss !

Buzz Baldrin

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The bare minumum is around 6 months to be able to tell if finasteride is working for you. Shedding when starting treatment is a good sign. Cut your hair short and forget about it until then. Not going to university because bald men have no future you say? Man, you are one delusional guy you know that? Do you have any idea how many cue balls that are out there with good jobs.
I hope you get your thinking straight soon because that is some twisted s*** you are trying to fool yourself with :)
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How old are you? Where do you live?

You need to grab onto your issues and try to make the best out of the situation. I know it's easy for me to say since I'm not in your shoes but you need to be the strongest person you can be when life is the darkest. I can try my best to help you if you so wish to speak with someone, and writing here is honestly okay. Anyone here would agree with me.

Pls try to visit a psychologist or anyone with enough experience to help you out.
I’m turning 22 this month. Words are words man, when you feel this way it’s hard to pull out. It’s not just an emotion, I’m f*****g sick now.


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yes it looks like the start of crown thinning , but since the hair is quite long in the pictures it might be general thinning and it just is more noticeable in the crown . Since CrownBalding here mentions he was stressed aswell he should probably rule out telogen effluvium . My opinion is that in non typical male pattern baldness cases you should ask a reputable derm to examine your scalp , he can probably at least confirm your type of hairloss !
I try my best to think it’s telogen Effluvium (this all started a few months after the triggering event that put me into this depression) but who has actually recovered from a Telogen Effluvium?


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The bare minumum is around 6 months to be able to tell if finasteride is working for you. Shedding when starting treatment is a good sign. Cut your hair short and forget about it until then. Not going to university because bald men have no future you say? Man, you are one delusional guy you know that? Do you have any idea how many cue balls that are out there with good jobs.
I hope you get your thinking straight soon because that is some twisted s*** you are trying to fool yourself with :)
I was shedding 50 hairs a shower a week after finasteride. You’re not supposed to shed like that until later. I think I just have extremely aggressive male pattern baldness

Buzz Baldrin

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Btw, I didn't mean that you are delusional in a bad way. Just that your thinking regarding this specific matter is waaay off.

Buzz Baldrin

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I was shedding 50 hairs a shower a week after finasteride. You’re not supposed to shed like that until later. I think I just have extremely aggressive male pattern baldness

Don't worry about it. I shed like a complete dog when i started finasteride. I shed quite a bit before starting it and loads after starting it. 2-3 months into treatment my shedding was much better than before I started it. Relax, it's gonna be fine ^^


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I was shedding 50 hairs a shower a week after finasteride. You’re not supposed to shed like that until later. I think I just have extremely aggressive male pattern baldness

It’s telogen effluvium. Keep taking propecia if you stop you’ll go bald anyway. Add rogaine and dermarolling, see a psychologist. Your hair looks the same


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The bare minumum is around 6 months to be able to tell if finasteride is working for you. Shedding when starting treatment is a good sign. Cut your hair short and forget about it until then. Not going to university because bald men have no future you say? Man, you are one delusional guy you know that? Do you have any idea how many cue balls that are out there with good jobs.
I hope you get your thinking straight soon because that is some twisted s*** you are trying to fool yourself with :)
Breaking into the finance world in nyc is extremely difficult. 1000s of applicants try. I’m an average looking guy with hair and my head is flat in the back. I’m totally fucked if I try to go into a job interview at 24 with my pasty bald head.


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Don't worry about it. I shed like a complete dog when i started finasteride. I shed quite a bit before starting it and loads after starting it. 2-3 months into treatment my shedding was much better than before I started it. Relax, it's gonna be fine ^^
Thanks man. Did you return to baseline?


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It’s telogen effluvium. Keep taking propecia if you stop you’ll go bald anyway. Add rogaine and dermarolling, see a psychologist. Your hair looks the same
My issue with Rogaine is the shedding. Also because of my hair being diffused how would I apply it considering I have long hair?

With Telogen Effluvium + male pattern baldness (have noticed my hair line receding but never paid attention). Is it even possible to regain any of the lost hairs?