This Forum Largely Perpetuates Unhealthy Feelings Surrounding Balding


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I am sure he still slayed in his prime. I would take his NCT any day to have his hair for a lifetime. The prime minister of Canada has him beat in looks and hair.

Paul Ryan also has a superior frame.


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Paul Ryan's face is like a 7 at best imo. His hair at his age and his station/demeanor elevate him above a 7 on the value scale, obviously, but his face isn't anything special. I see dozens of guys each day who look better facially.


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Paul Ryan's face is like a 7 at best imo. His hair at his age and his station/demeanor elevate him above a 7 on the value scale, obviously, but his face isn't anything special. I see dozens of guys each day who look better facially.
Hair, station, height, and frame.

You're also not comparing him to his peers. Let me help, if Ryan is a 7, then what are these guys?

Senator leader Mitch McConnell:

Texas senator Ted Cruz, he apparently had a hard time getting girls in college:

Florida Governor Rick Scott:


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Hair, station, height, and frame.

You're also not comparing him to his peers. Let me help, if Ryan is a 7, then what are these guys?

Senator leader Mitch McConnell:
View attachment 65816

Texas senator Ted Cruz, he apparently had a hard time getting girls in college:
View attachment 65817

Florida Governor Rick Scott:
View attachment 65818

Rick Scott has a better face than Ryan, and you can tell that when both were 20-25 years old, Scott would have been better looking (somewhat odd looking smile in that pic aside). I get what you're saying, though. Also, I didn't say that Ryan was a 7 (especially not at his age - for his age he's like a 7.5-8.5 strictly on looks, but that's largely due to the fact that he kept his hair and is in good shape), merely that his face itself is a 7 at best. I stand by that. :)

Put a hat on every 45-50 year old guy who is not overweight and Ryan would rate out around the 65-70th percentile on facial looks imo. His hair elevates him, as it does most people.


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The OP is totally on point and the fact that such an intellectual and truthful post got several dislikes from this site's users is proof that the people are nasty losers. Not because they have hair loss, but because they insist their lives are ruined and take out their anger on others also losing their hair.

Pretty unbelievable really. Like the person who compared being bald to being fat, basically saying it's the same kind of "bad" and gets you treated the same way. Uh, this couldn't be further from the truth. They have no similarities and people who are bald are not looked at in the same way that overweight people are. The lack of intelligence on this site is dumbfounding.


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If you skim these forums, in general this is what you'll see:

Those who tend to support minor treatments or just coping with hair loss and shaving your head/maximizing other qualities like body physique share their opinion in a positive tone and respect those who chose to go with more drastic options like transplants or hair pieces.

Those who have had transplants or are on a bunch of medications tend to share their opinion as "the only method by which to live a high-quality life," and anyone who chooses not to have such drastic treatments (that may or may not work) "symbolizes sickness" and will live a horrible life, and everyone should choose to do a transplant.

It's not a difference in facts or truth; it's a difference in tone and respect for fellow human being. I don't know what causes so much hate in this "category 2," but it's quite obviously there.


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If you skim these forums, in general this is what you'll see:

Those who tend to support minor treatments or just coping with hair loss and shaving your head/maximizing other qualities like body physique share their opinion in a positive tone and respect those who chose to go with more drastic options like transplants or hair pieces.

Those who have had transplants or are on a bunch of medications tend to share their opinion as "the only method by which to live a high-quality life," and anyone who chooses not to have such drastic treatments (that may or may not work) "symbolizes sickness" and will live a horrible life, and everyone should choose to do a transplant.

It's not a difference in facts or truth; it's a difference in tone and respect for fellow human being. I don't know what causes so much hate in this "category 2," but it's quite obviously there.

I don’t accept that interpretation. Every forum regardless of topic has a hardcore group of regular dick heads; these people are generally losers. The problem I have with posts like the OP’s is that it seems they’re trying to convince themselves more than anyone else.

If some men are happy going/being bald then great. I don’t look down on bald men. But don’t try to tell me how I should feel about the prospect of being bald.


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I don’t accept that interpretation. Every forum regardless of topic has a hardcore group of regular dick heads; these people are generally losers. The problem I have with posts like the OP’s is that it seems they’re trying to convince themselves more than anyone else.

If some men are happy going/being bald then great. I don’t look down on bald men. But don’t try to tell me how I should feel about the prospect of being bald.

Ok, maybe I haven't been on the forums long enough to see more good that I'm sure is there. For me so far I've observed a lot of hate.

In that previous post of mine though, I said something that I kind of want to take back: "It's not a difference in facts or truth." It actually kind of is, because I've seen some very inaccurate claims made here too...things like "most people look down on baldness" or "most people don't want to be around a bald person."

I guess there's no way to prove these things with certainty, but I'd bet a lot of money that most people do not look down on baldness as some sort of massive disfiguration and most people do not care about someone's hair or lack thereof when hanging around them/interacting with them/talking with them. Just watch TV for an hour and half of the people you see will be bald. Go the grocery store on a Saturday and you'll see a handful of bald guys. You go to to a family gathering. Bet there are at least one or two bald guys there who you don't avoid just because they're bald. This stuff is just ridiculous. I think most people fully recognize that male pattern baldness is not one's choice, and as long as one portrays themselves as otherwise healthy and confident, there are no limits placed on what can be achieved in life.

So anybody can feel as badly as they want about baldness and say that you think it makes one inferior or a symbol of decay. But don't say that most people feel that way because I don't think it's truthful.


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Ok, maybe I haven't been on the forums long enough to see more good that I'm sure is there. For me so far I've observed a lot of hate.

In that previous post of mine though, I said something that I kind of want to take back: "It's not a difference in facts or truth." It actually kind of is, because I've seen some very inaccurate claims made here too...things like "most people look down on baldness" or "most people don't want to be around a bald person."

I guess there's no way to prove these things with certainty, but I'd bet a lot of money that most people do not look down on baldness as some sort of massive disfiguration and most people do not care about someone's hair or lack thereof when hanging around them/interacting with them/talking with them. Just watch TV for an hour and half of the people you see will be bald. Go the grocery store on a Saturday and you'll see a handful of bald guys. You go to to a family gathering. Bet there are at least one or two bald guys there who you don't avoid just because they're bald. This stuff is just ridiculous. I think most people fully recognize that male pattern baldness is not one's choice, and as long as one portrays themselves as otherwise healthy and confident, there are no limits placed on what can be achieved in life.

So anybody can feel as badly as they want about baldness and say that you think it makes one inferior or a symbol of decay. But don't say that most people feel that way because I don't think it's truthful.

I agree with that. I don’t share that extreme view of baldness. But ultimately this is a hairloss forum, not a Bald Pride forum - it’s premised on us preferring to not be in this situation.