think twice before trying the oral min...

Mr. Slap Head

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i have diffuse thinning and cover up my temple.
already on tret , but according to specialist once you get a pitted scar from electrolysis its for life... because of the electric needle. i am currently suing the fcking tech that did this.
You don’t have hair loss. Prove it then

michel sapin

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pitt 8.png

joke aside, too al those that had scarring in the past, will i end up with permanent pitting here? thanks brah

michel sapin

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my only revenge now is to sue the tech that did this to me. he was doing illegal practice of medicine here in france... i have been really stupid.

King Norwood

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my only revenge now is to sue the tech that did this to me. he was doing illegal practice of medicine here in france... i have been really stupid.
All ur threads are about hypertrichosis. U should've just lasered man. If u did a bit of research u would know electrolysis can cause scarring.
U have major OCD and BDD. No one would notice if u just shaved or plucked those hairs. U should get mental help bro. U are crazy.

michel sapin

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All ur threads are about hypertrichosis. U should've just lasered man. If u did a bit of research u would know electrolysis can cause scarring.
U have major OCD and BDD. No one would notice if u just shaved or plucked those hairs. U should get mental help bro. U are crazy.
bro the doctor told me that laser would cause paradoxical growth on face man.... causing even more unwanted facial hair. do you think the scarring will disapear in my case?
i don't think i am crazy look at the unwanted hair i had???? i'm not blind.

michel sapin

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the worst thing is that my hairloss keep going on.
and i don't know if the topical min is causing me more unwanted facial hair than the oral . i am curretnly using a lot of topical so maybe there is more risk of facial hypertrichosis than the oral at 0.625 mg?