thin hair since 12


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I do the same thing...I think about it and want to do something, but it all seems so frustrating and it will take so long to get results...worst of all I don't want to go through it all and then it does nothing. Which happens...I tried Monoxidil when I was younger and it was so frustrating to use and I saw no results I also tried taking it orally and nothing. Its just so hard to understand why me??? you know. My boyfriend thinks I am crazy to worry about it....he says I am lucky to be healthy...which is true but I can't help but feel sorry for myself at times, though I have gotten better. Worse of all our relationship has been suffering lately and I think it is because I am always innerly sad about my hair. I know it is getting worse and I can't help but wonder what it will be like in the years to come. I thought of shaving, highlighting, wearing a wig, but I don't know if I am ready for something like that. I seriously would consider a transplant, but since my hair is thining all over they say that it would not be feasable. I am happy you are here to listen :) thanks


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Re: Hello ;)

I was reading your posts and I wanted to tell you that I can relate to what you are going through. My hair started falling out when I was about 13, it became more noticable when I was in highschool and college. I am now 26 and find myself at times overwelmed and depressed. I have been using covere for about 2 years. It is such a frustrating process to basically paint your scalp everytime you take a shower. I always wear my hair up and I always get the questions "How long is your hair?" or "Gosh I have never seen you with your hair down!" Recently I went to a hypnotist show with co-workers and they said jokingly that if I get put under they are going to have me take my hair they don't know and really have no reason to know I hide it well, but I was so nervous and embarassed the rest of the night. I thought of shaving my head....but I don't know.
I also have a boyfriend who I have been with for 5 years. He was extreamly hard to tell him. But he doesn't care....which I can't understand why when I care so much. I have gone to doctors had tests, and everyone tells me it hereditary. Figures. I have recently just adopted the fact that this in fact makes me a stronger person. It is hard to believe all the time. I live for those moments when I forget about it. Cause realistically I think about it everyday.
I just wanted to say that it is nice to chat with other people who understand. THanks for letting me spill :)

Hi Maple.

I wanted to let you know that you are certainly not alone and that there is someone with just about the exact same situation as yours, except that Im 23 (actually, I just turned 24 a few days ago). I dont know about you, but this has also caused me to become depressed.


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Hi NitaS,
I know what you mean. It is so frustrating cause you look at people around you and you can't help but think why me??? Even though you feel guilty for saying it, sometimes. :D

What have you done? Tests? Anything. I just love the moments that I forget about it, you know



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Re: Hi

Hi NitaS,
I know what you mean. It is so frustrating cause you look at people around you and you can't help but think why me??? Even though you feel guilty for saying it, sometimes. :D

What have you done? Tests? Anything. I just love the moments that I forget about it, you know


Hi Maple.

First of all, thanks for replying. I feel so alone at my attempts to handle my hair loss. I think whats the worst for me is that I feel that Im WAY TOO YOUNG for this to be happening to me (Im 24 by the way). I went to my physician about it and after doing lots of different blood tests, she concluded that "it has to be because Im under a great amount of stress." This is far from the truth, however. My life is fairly normal and I dont think I suffer from anymore stress than the average person does. Anyhow, I asked her if I could PLEASE get a referral to a see a dermatologist and she said, "let me test something else in your blood and if that looks ok, come back and see me and I'll refer you." She then went on to say that she assures me, however, that when I see a dermatologist that he/she is going to say the exact same things that she has told me and that she doubts they will be able to do anything for me either (what a way to give someone hope, huh?).

I too, love when I dont think about my hair loss, but it's really hard not to. Recently it has been causing me to feel a little depressed. I dread going to work, school, or anywhere else public because I feel embarassed, ashamed, and as if everyone is staring at me. It has even gotten to the point where I really dread washing and brushing my hair because of the exponential amount of hair it seems like I lose everytime I do these things. What's really bad also, is that Im even neglecting my boyfriend because I feel ugly and as if Im not good enough for him. This has caused a little "rift" in our relatioship because we fight about this sometimes because he feels that I underestimate him by thinking this way.

Anyhow, I just realized that Im practically giving you the story of my life so I will stop here and I really hope to hear from you (and anyone else experiencing the same problem/s) soon. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


P.S. I am currently using some of the THICKER FULLER HAIR products and they actually work quite well and are very inexpensive. I highly recommend their line of products.


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Are you me ?

Nita :)
As I was reading your writing I couldn't help but think you were writing about me. I feel the same way about being too young...I mean i feel like it is a bad dream. I have also been to doctors and had blood tests and been told the same thing about my hair...must be genetics they say or tell me about your family history. Yes my dad is balding, but so is everyone elses dad and they are not losing what i feel like screaming.

I also have the same problem with my boyfriend. He cannot understand why I care so much, and really i can't explain it. Our relationship is slowly numbing because I am depressed and constatly worried about my hair. Yes I am worried about what others think, yes I am embarrased. I don't want to go out socially, or too work sometimes because I feel like everyone can see right through my hair. But no one uinderstands, so i know how that feels. Sometimes I worry about our relationship, I wonder if the reason I am pulling away is because I am depressed, or because I am scared no one else will love me with no hair, do you know what I mean? I love him don't get me wrong.

I am no rambling too LOL I am so happy to have you here to talk to, it is a conforting feeling :) Thanks maple


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Re: Are you me ?

Nita :)
As I was reading your writing I couldn't help but think you were writing about me. I feel the same way about being too young...I mean i feel like it is a bad dream. I have also been to doctors and had blood tests and been told the same thing about my hair...must be genetics they say or tell me about your family history. Yes my dad is balding, but so is everyone elses dad and they are not losing what i feel like screaming.

I also have the same problem with my boyfriend. He cannot understand why I care so much, and really i can't explain it. Our relationship is slowly numbing because I am depressed and constatly worried about my hair. Yes I am worried about what others think, yes I am embarrased. I don't want to go out socially, or too work sometimes because I feel like everyone can see right through my hair. But no one uinderstands, so i know how that feels. Sometimes I worry about our relationship, I wonder if the reason I am pulling away is because I am depressed, or because I am scared no one else will love me with no hair, do you know what I mean? I love him don't get me wrong.

I am no rambling too LOL I am so happy to have you here to talk to, it is a conforting feeling :) Thanks maple


I replied to your message in a personal message format. I hope that you are able to retrieve it. If you are not able to, let me know and I will post it on this message board.

NitaS :)


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I recently reviewed the postings by a number of you about hair loss. Having dealt with hair loss problems in my practice for 34 years, I can appreciate how intensely difficult his problem is for women, much more distressing than for men in general. Creative grooming will not always cover the problem. Scalp makeup such as Derm Match can be very helpful (1-800-826-2824). Medical therapy with oral spironolactone and topical minoxidil are often helpful to stabilize loss but seldom grow a lot of hair. Transplantation in women who have good donor hair (between ears in back of scalp) are candidates for transplantation and are often the most appreciative of all transplant patients. Realistic goals and expectations should be worked out with your hair transplantation surgeon so that what can be accomplished is fully understood, costs reviewed, advantages, and potential complications fully understood before you make a decision about what is in your best interest. Additions, weaves, and other hair systems are reasonable options for many ladies.

Every lady and her individual case have to be evaluated. No 2 individuals are the same. Every person deserves to be treated with respect and dignity in a professional manner by their evaluating physician-expect this and don’t accept less. :wink:

Best Wishes,
Bobby L. Limmer, MD/jal
Past President, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery


s>>I can appreciate how intensely difficult his problem is for women, much more distressing than for men in general>>

I can understand this is your opnion but I would suggest that this generalization is like most, that is incomplete at best and inaccurate at worst. Yes, we all know that woman have it MUCH WORSE than men in all areas of life. It couldn't possibly be true that men have something they can "suffer" from and have it be worse (or the same) than the way woman suffer from it!

Stop pandering to your audience Doctor!


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Hear! Hear!, BruceLee, I couldn't have said it better.
I think men tend to have it better because the research goes to their problem, and if it helps women, it's just a by-product. We live in a male-dominated society. :roll: