The ultimate guide to going bald in your 20's!


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Hey guys, this is a long post but I think its worth a read for us younguns, feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree and why?So first a little background: I started noticing a mature hairline around age 17, and by 18 I had a noticeable recession at the temples. By 19 I was a norwood 2, and stayed there for about 2 years with minimal recession. At 21 I began to rapidly recede, and noticed diffuse thinning elsewhere. By 22 I would say I am a Norwood 3.5, but with noticeable thinning in a Norwood 5 pattern. I've attached some pictures at the back for reference!

What made things worse, was that as I started to lose hair I also had issues with my thyroid(and probably stress) as well as constant allergies and a weak(literally) stomach. This lead to me going from a ripped 188lbs to a soft 164 with a protruding belly, and dark circles around the eyes that could probably earn me a spot in the walking dead, in the span of about a year. I should also mention that I believe I suffered shock loss from the loss of my relationship leading to unusually thin hair around the ears. The impact this has had on my life has been something that kind of shocked me, as I really didn't realize how much my appearance would affect the way people interacted with me in university(although I probably should have). It made me insanely and irrationally jealous of people with hair, even on TV, and especially my dad and brother, both of whom had none of these issues.

The good news? Its not the end of the world, and by following the steps below you can minimize the emotional burden of this unfortunate condition. I will not lie to you, this will not be easy, you aren't going to wake up anytime soon and be over it, but you still have the capacity to epicly achieve!

Note: All the products or things I talk about before are researched and tested personally with great results both by myself, others, and physicians. I will not recommend something that is a "natural remedy" or baseless medicine. Everything below IMO the best option you can get/use, and all have proven effectiveness. Please do not tell me that you tried acne medication but are now using "herbal tea, which is much better", because I will not debate that.

Step 1: Get on Minoxidil and Finasteride
Why step 1 before step 2? Because simply put, the more you stop the hair loss, the less you have to go through the next steps! Don't get on the brand name stuff, order the generic brand minoxidil online, don't waste your money on Rogain as the cheap stuff works just as well, and can save you some serious money in the long run. I found it cheap here and here ;but if you know of a cheaper place please let me know! Same thing for finasteride, ask your doctor for Proscar, not Propecia. Proscar is the exact same thing as Propecia but in a different dosage, meaning you have to cut the pills into quarters. The benefit of this, is that you get the exact same effect, but can get it at Costco for about a 20th of the price! It is absolutely critical to get on this stuff ASAP, as aggressive hair loss can be halted for years, and possibly even open up the option of a Hair Transplant at a future date. The side effects of both are real, but occur in a tiny fraction of users and despite what some people are saying online ANY SIDE EFFECTS GO AWAY WHEN YOU STOP USING THEM. Basically, give it a shot, because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I must say however, that obviously if you do get the side effects to stop immediately.
Step 2: Accept it
You are not going to be the best looking guy anymore(if you were before). Girls(or guys) will be harder to come by, and you will get made fun of. To ignore these things is to be silly. At our age, its seems like if your social life suffers, its the end of the world. This is made worse by the fact that you're likely the only one experiencing this at your age, and you stick out like a sore thumb. Here's the good news: It actually isn't the end of the world. You can still be a good-looking guy(or girl), you can still be super successful in your career. You can be an amazing athlete, a Hollywood actor, the funniest guy in the room(actually watch this video too),world leader, commander of the Wizard world, or a straight up amazing human being. Your still in good health, with the ability to read this thread, with a whole life of promise ahead of you. That puts you ahead of most of the world. Going bald early sucks, but the sooner you get realistic about how little it really means for you the sooner you can live.

Step 3: Hit the gym, especially the neck and traps
No secret here, and this is just a general tip but being in shape is critical here. If your a bald guy, you can still rock the look if your muscular and in shape. The biggest thing here is to really make your traps and neck muscles your priority. It may sound odd to make these excercises the focus of your workouts, over traditional muscles like chest legs or arms, but the neck and traps are super important to frame the head and can make you look significantly bigger than you actually are. This is of specific importance for people with small bone frames, as they likely need it the most ans will see the most drastic difference visually. You should still workout the rest of your body, but simply make sure that if you only get one thing done, make it those. Also same as any muscles give a two-day rest period. Also of note, if you are going to shave your head or buzz it, consider working out for a period of time beforehand, as the improved physique will give you more confidence that you made the right decision and can really rock it, immediately afterward.
Additionally, if you have never worked these muscles out before you will see gains here much quicker than muscles you use frequently, and perhaps most importantly a good neck is absolutely critical to avoiding injury in contact sports and can actually be extremely useful.

Step 4: Take care of your body
I know what your thinking, doesn't this encompass step 3? Get over it, its just that important. Seriously though, this is also super important. Make sure your body is getting the things it needs, and that includes a good, solid diet, lots of water, and sex if possible(if not the internet is always your friend!). I would also recommend for anyone either with stomach problems or a sudden increase in calories(to bulk up) Metamucil, which has changed my life. Treating your body right will reduce your stress level, which is critical to making your hairless experience as painless as possible. Additionally, looking good can offset the damage to your physical appearance done by hair loss.

Step 5: Take Care of your face
I know what your thinking, and shut your mouth. If you have an acne-prone or greasy face, your best option is to head to the doctor and get a prescription for stievamycin and/or minocycline. Ignore pretty much every other type of acne medication, as the only other thing which has any benefit is mild cleansers, but nothing compared to the prescription medicine. Wash your face gently with water, twice a day. Be sure to brush your teeth, and if you have dry lips wear lip balm. If you have allergies, get on prescription nasal sprays, and your dark circles and stuffy nose will be kept to a minimum. And the most important thing is SLEEP! This should really be its own category. This is probably the least important of the steps, but it can help to improve your appearance and give you a little boost to your self-esteem.

Step 6: Get Active
And I don't mean lifting weights(which you should also do!) Pick a sport you LIKE TO PLAY! Make sure that its not something that's ever a chore, or at least almost never a chore. The important thing here is consistently playing. It could be pick-up soccer with some friends, kayaking or anything in between, just make sure you do it a lot, and its really truly something you enjoy. Aside from keeping you in shape, as explained above, it gives you a rush of endorphins and sense of satisfaction that you truly cannot achieve otherwise. Even if you're very out of shape and/or unskilled, push past it, and remember your there to have fun.
On a side note, I would highly recommend combat sports for several reasons. First, the give you self-confidence, knowing you can kick someone's ***, and it really lends credence to the whole tough guy look if you decided to shave. Second, your appearance seems to mean nothing in a MA gym. I've noticed that what really gets respect at a gym is effort and talent, and people tend to ignore the physical appearance almost entirely, as opposed to other sports like soccer, basketball, or football. Third, is that you will not be alone in your baldness. For some reason I can't fully explain there's a way higher incidence of baldness in these sports than others, maybe something related to testosterone levels. I started training BJJ and MMA about two years ago and its really helped me keep sane.

Step 7: Let it go
This ones been explained to death, so I won't go into detail. I will say that once you do this, try and avoid trouble, as people will often immediately assume you did something wrong if you're in the vicinity(I have some funny stories lol).

Step 8: Be Social and outgoing, but reasonable
This is going to sound a little odd, but bear with me. Its super important to maintain your friends, be social, and most importantly have a good time. This can not only help keep your life normal, but maybe even be a support network. Don't alienate your friends, GF/BF, or family, because if they really care about you they'll get over it fast after a quick teasing period.
Try and avoid certain situations: Be wary of events where there's a lot of alcohol involved. I learned the hard way that even good friends will tear into you if they've had a few. Although there's nothing wrong with going to a bar or party, if you do so, be ready with thick skin and a good comeback line. Avoid clubs for sure unless your totally shaved, both because of the alcohol and because of the likely chance your going to run into people who may be inclined to make you uncomfortable for looking older than you should in a place like that(however going shaved is much better, as it both implies toughness as well making you look younger than a Norwood 3 hairline, plus no way to really tell where your hairline is in that lighting).
I strongly suggest shaving it clean if you feel its making you look older.

My Efforts
After what happened in my opening paragraph, I made it my life mission to reverse what had happened, and get my confidence back. So I got on minoxidil and finasteride, I started lifting, I got on allergy meds, I started rock climbing, and I started eating right and brushing more. I made big progress, not a full recovery to what I had before, but I no longer feel like a freak(or have drunk people yell it at me in the street lol). I gained back about 7 pounds, lost most of the dark circles under my eyes, and I believe for now stopped my hair loss.

Here's what I was last year(early NW3 but concealed well)
I decided for personal reasons not to post a picture from my "worst".
Heres me during and after my shave!
Anyways please let me know if you agree or disagree with anything I said, or if there's anything you want to add. I'm always looking to improve this list. Hope it helps!


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My Regimen
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Get on treatment earlier so you don't have to bother with steps 2-8.


Established Member
My Regimen
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Get on treatment earlier so you don't have to bother with steps 2-8.

Treatments don't work for everyone.

Btw great thread mate, inspiration for people losing their hair
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Established Member
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Good guide. Also remember, no matter how much banter you recieve from your mates about your hair, at least 30 - 40% of them (and others in your age group) will be catching up by the time youre around 30, which certainly levels the playing field!

Wolf Pack

Senior Member
My Regimen
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This is actually pretty good. I am thinking that at some point the seasoned members of this forum should make a guide on dealing with hair loss - medically, socially and psychologically. Perhaps it can be stickied and people can add their views in a concise manner.


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I've always said this, if you've lost a good amount of hair and want to embrace with shaving, go LOW, it looks SO much better 99% of the time, size 2 = everyone knows your balding, horse shoe shape visible, razor shave = looking hard as ****, manly as ****, and people can't tell they just see at as you choose to shave your head, my brother is 100% bald, shaves the sides down daily, and people ask him still "why don't you grow your hair out" lol....

You look good clean shaved, but i'd say keep it down low like you do so you can just see the shadow, much better


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Really good thread, I feel the same as you, I've started going the gym and being more active
Time to stop playing online games and hit the gym.
Been regulating my diet too, stopped drinking fizzy/sugary drinks and switched to water, seeing the difference in my skin, I'm 24 and I've always had some form on spot on my face since I was 18+


My Regimen
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You've mentioned being active. I love to swim, is that alright? Wouldn't it affect my hair?