The Monthly Youtube Bald Prank/dare Video


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Fun starts at 8:00.

So up to this point one guy ate an egg off a dusty bin lid, threw up, another guy ate the same egg off the street, then someone had a brush with mayonnaise and his friends leg hair on it applied to his teeth like a toothbrush, then someone face plants in to a mixture of flour and vacuum dust.

That's all fine and above board, nobody bats an eyelid.

But at 8mins, when the suggestion of being temporarily bald comes up, nervous laughter and an instant shrug of "nah not doing that c'mon lol who even would consider it".

Not only this, but when one guy says hes considering it, they actually try to talk him out of it. It's that bad, that on a video where they're trying to do crazier and extreme things to out do each other in a desperate attempt at getting views, they still think baldness is just too damn far. Even though it's temporary.

And the cherry on top- it's such an outrageous dare, such a disgusting thing to do, that for one single dare they'll give him the whole competition without question. Judging from the point system it seems like it should take 3-4 dares. Also because of the severity of the dare, they won't even do a "loser dare" for last place, and they then name that date after the guy who did it as "Derek Day" to commemorate his incredible sacrifice on said day. Like a war hero.

All the other hallmarks of YouTube bald prank videos are there, George Costanza reference, female shock reactions, girlfriends world crumbling reaction, etc.

But the one thing that got to me about this particular video wasn't in the video itself, it was this f*****g comment.

And by the way I am aware that the only people who regularly watch these videos are 12 year old girls or grown men that are all kinds of on the spectrum, but regardless, part of the fleeting ignorance I feel is somewhat reflected in a lot of people's attitudes.

Sure people may not express it in such a retarded manner but it is at the core of their reasoning:

When I watched Derek going bald I felt so motivated cause we knew even it was cut now eventually it will grow long again.. thats its how every person spirit should have, if you feeling down for not getting what you wanted, you should never give up , never afraid of obstacle and keep pushing on to the top! maybe I went too far, btw

I don't quite know where to start or how to sum up how baffled and pissed off this makes me, all in one ball.

Someone temporarily losing their hair but knowing it'll be back, makes this person motivated? What then is their reaction to actual bald guys?

It's also almost like if you're motivated enough and inspiring enough you won't let hair loss get in your way. It has a touch of that "baldness is your fault" fullhead meme we all love.

Or maybe I'm being negative, and not motivational enough, after all it would explain why I'm just letting my hair fall out.

I'm clearly done for, but you guys can take more from this than a unmotivated baldite like me, and thats is how every persons spirit should have, never give up, never afraid of obstacle and keep pushing on to the top - Hair Loss Cure 2018.
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Fun starts at 8:00.

So up to this point one guy ate an egg off a dusty bin lid, threw up, another guy ate the same egg off the street, then someone had a brush with mayonnaise and his friends leg hair on it applied to his teeth like a toothbrush, then someone face plants in to a mixture of flour and vacuum dust.

That's all fine and above board, nobody bats an eyelid.

But at 8mins, when the suggestion of being temporarily bald comes up, nervous laughter and an instant shrug of "nah not doing that c'mon lol who even would consider it".

Not only this, but when one guy says hes considering it, they actually try to talk him out of it. It's that bad, that on a video where they're trying to do crazier and extreme things to out do each other in a desperate attempt at getting views, they still think baldness is just too damn far. Even though it's temporary.

And the cherry on top- it's such an outrageous dare, such a disgusting thing to do, that for one single dare they'll give him the whole competition without question. Judging from the point system it seems like it should take 3-4 dares. Also because of the severity of the dare, they won't even do a "loser dare" for last place, and they then name that date after the guy who did it as "Derek Day" to commemorate his incredible sacrifice on said day. Like a war hero.

All the other hallmarks of YouTube bald prank videos are there, George Costanza reference, female shock reactions, girlfriends world crumbling reaction, etc.

But the one thing that got to me about this particular video wasn't in the video itself, it was this f*****g comment.

And by the way I am aware that the only people who regularly watch these videos are 12 year old girls or grown men that are all kinds of on the spectrum, but regardless, part of the fleeting ignorance I feel is somewhat reflected in a lot of people's attitudes.

Sure people may not express it in such a retarded manner but it is at the core of their reasoning:

When I watched Derek going bald I felt so motivated cause we knew even it was cut now eventually it will grow long again.. thats its how every person spirit should have, if you feeling down for not getting what you wanted, you should never give up , never afraid of obstacle and keep pushing on to the top! maybe I went too far, btw

I don't quite know where to start or how to sum up how baffled and pissed off this makes me, all in one ball.

Someone temporarily losing their hair but knowing it'll be back, makes this person motivated? What then is their reaction to actual bald guys?

It's also almost like if you're motivated enough and inspiring enough you won't let hair loss get in your way. It has a touch of that "baldness is your fault" fullhead meme we all love.

Or maybe I'm being negative, and not motivational enough, after all it would explain why I'm just letting my hair fall out.

I'm clearly done for, but you guys can take more from this than a unmotivated baldite like me, and thats is how every persons spirit should have, never give up, never afraid of obstacle and keep pushing on to the top - Hair Loss Cure 2018.
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My Regimen
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You're first assessment was correct - children, teens, and people on the spectrum like this crap.

I wouldn't take too much stock in their reactions to someone shaving their heads.


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Sure people may not express it in such a retarded manner but it is at the core of their reasoning:

When I watched Derek going bald I felt so motivated cause we knew even it was cut now eventually it will grow long again.. thats its how every person spirit should have, if you feeling down for not getting what you wanted, you should never give up , never afraid of obstacle and keep pushing on to the top! maybe I went too far, btw.
I had to read this twice to get an idea of what this halfwit was on about.

Get motivated, people!


My Regimen
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"Why?" (1st chick)
"Why?" (2nd chick)
"Why?" (3rd chick)

Funnily, people with a full head of hair should be those who don't mind buzzing it, because their bald spots don't stand out.

So, a balding man's dream (a nice, uniform buzz) is a normie's nightmare.


My Regimen
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That's a better reaction than my general manager's: "So you're having a hair transplant because you want to get a girlfriend?"

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The Curse of Dolkite

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Some of you may remember when pro wrestling had "humiliation matches" where the loser got his head shaved. I attended Wrestlemania III and one of the highlights was Rowdy Roddy Piper's final match, facing Adorable Adrian Adonis (who died months afterwards) and shaving Adonis's hair off at the end. One wrestler, Brutus Beefcake, was nicknamed "The Barber" for cutting off his victims' hair.


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It grows back. It f*****g grows back! And yet they're still terrified of shaving it like it's some kind of permanent disfigurement. A couple of month and you're back in normie-fullhead-land, back to telling balding men that's "it's just hair!".

I just told my colleagues about my upcoming hair transplant and thankfully one of them is using minoxidil, so he gets it, the other one was more like "you can lose your hair so young?" They both admitted that it was a case by case situation and that you just can't tell someone that he's wrong to be depressed because of it.

That's a better reaction than my general manager's: "So you're having a hair transplant because you want to get a girlfriend?"

View attachment 74621
In fairness, why would you think of hair loss if you never had it?

I'd never think of back surgery or braces on the teeth unless I needed it myself.

Anyway - good luck with hair transplant - I'm slightly envious that you're getting one done.


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I couldn't get to the end of that video. Him taking off his hat as if it's a joke and everybody laughing at it... it's brutal.

Jesse Navarro

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"So he just shaves his head for no reason? That's like using a wheelchair for the fun of it!"

- George Costanza

hahahaha is this the episode where the guy, after shaving his head for years, suddenly discovers, after letting it grow for the first time in years, that he is actually balding, and freaks out?

The Curse of Dolkite

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hahahaha is this the episode where the guy, after shaving his head for years, suddenly discovers, after letting it grow for the first time in years, that he is actually balding, and freaks out?

And doesn't Elaine lose all interest in him when she finds out he's bald? She did something similar in the episode where she visited a former boyfriend in the hospital. He was fat but lost weight after getting cancer and Elaine was interested in dating him again until she saw him dig into a plate of food in his hospital bed.

I also recall George called Elaine a "baldist" because she had never dated a bald man.

Jesse Navarro

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And doesn't Elaine lose all interest in him when she finds out he's bald? She did something similar in the episode where she visited a former boyfriend in the hospital. He was fat but lost weight after getting cancer and Elaine was interested in dating him again until she saw him dig into a plate of food in his hospital bed.

I also recall George called Elaine a "baldist" because she had never dated a bald man.

hahahahahaha I love Seinfeld