The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women



Straight guys can't just switch to being gay or bisexual. Any guy who is comfortable with being with a man is either gay or bisexual, not straight. You underestimate how repulsive it is for straight men to even think about being with another man.

Yeah, I can imagine. I was just trolling a little.


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I think we can all agree that is a crazy extreme example and something is wrong with him because he can have an attractive and slim 25-35 year old if he wanted...this is not a guy suffering from lack of options.

I guess it's the new fad these days, date ugly. These guys are breaking all the rules.... oh wait it's just true love.


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I just realized that even if you get rejected by women they will think more highly of you if you go up to them and ask them out (it will show you have the balls to do it). Is this true ? @hairblues

I don't know for sure that she rejected you to be honest.
I would never have gone back and hugged a guy who asked for my number if I was not into him.
You are both at an age you are figuring sh*t out and building self confidence about opposite sex.
Neither of you is going to do it perfect each time. She might be kicking herself in ***--no way to know.

But I think you are proud of yourself and that is more important than what she may or may not think.
You have a stage fright of sorts and you faced your fear.
That has to make you feel proud.
I mean to me that is not failure.
Just keep doing it when you see a possible opportunity and it will get easier.


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I guess it's the new fad these days, date ugly. These guys are breaking all the rules.... oh wait it's just true love.

you don't think that is an extreme example? that i doubt is even real. that is probably his Mom.


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Their respect, or lack thereof, is meaningless if they are not in your social sphere.
I meant that she might rethink about it and re-evaluate you. (ie you stop being invisible to her).

God damnit dude you are beginning to sound more red pilled than me day by day. We need PUA support from fred.


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I meant that she might rethink about it and re-evaluate you. (ie you stop being invisible to her).

Yes, it is possible you surprised her and she will be more obviously interested when you see her next time.


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Yes, it is possible you surprised her and she will be more obviously interested when you see her next time.
Yea well considering I have no ties with her whatsoever only chance I will meet her again is probably next year if ever at all.


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This man is either in his forties or fifties, and yet has amazing NW1 hair. Lucky guy.


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Yea well considering I have no ties with her whatsoever only chance I will meet her again is probably next year if ever at all.

Would it be weird in your country to FB request her? Do you know her last name?


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Would it be weird in your country to FB request her? Do you know her last name?
Only her first and I couldn't find her at all. Also I dont have pictures of myself on my fb only use it to talk with friends. Don't wanna become another mindless sheep in facebooks creepy algorithms.


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I meant that she might rethink about it and re-evaluate you. (ie you stop being invisible to her).

God damnit dude you are beginning to sound more red pilled than me day by day. We need PUA support from fred.

Aren't you in Sweden? Swedes seem very cold socially, I saw those videos by Tim Pool about Sweden and they seemed very odd and distant. Anyway, the more experience you gain the better, I made so many mistakes when I was your age and younger, a complete dumbass but I didn't have any mentor nor the internet to help me out.
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Only her first and I couldn't find her at all. Also I dont have pictures of myself on my fb only use it to talk with friends. Don't wanna become another mindless sheep in facebooks creepy algorithms.

Sorry kiddo, only bright side is maybe now you will become more aware and more brave if you see some more opportunities.