THE DJ GUY's Story

The DJ Guy

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I have a mission in life now. To dedicate my experience of having different types of hair transplant's to every possible guy I can communicate it with. I'm a DJ Co owner and have serious money issues related to my appearance as a salesman for DJ service. No bride wants a toad on the mike, let me tell you!

Any way, here is my take on dealing with male pattern baldness if you want to get serious and stop the depression as I've seen on so many posts here. I know it's tough being bald, I've lived with it for over 15 years! I realize not everyone has the money for this kind of thing, but for gawds sake, stop wasting your money on so many products which have very limited and temporary affect, it's a damn Ponzi Scheme, get real! Save it up and get a professional hair transplant that will make a difference...PERMANENTLY.

I''m a serious Norwood-6 case and I started out with some STRIP-type operations after almost getting suckered into a Scalp Reduction...DON'T DO EITHER OF THESE, they are ancient technology with serious drawbacks, that was 8years ago. I recently underwent 4 treatments for Follicular Multipication and am EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH RESULTS. Look, if you got the money or can start saving, get the best State-of-the-Art hair transplant out there which leaves NO SCARS and uses your own hair to MULTIPLY donor hair. I think it costs pretty much the same $ as other old-tech hair transplant's. When people see me now, they say I've lost 5 years in age (and I've grown older since they LAST saw me) and am slimmer (I'm not), that is the powerful psychological effect the front of your face can have with a truly professional hair transplant. Anyway, you can see my email address, call me if you want to see my results, I guarantee you'll be impressed. My mission is to spread the start saving up your money if you want to be reborn! I can send you my Before/After photos if you want, no problem. We're all in this together and helping each other out. Geez, where was this advise when I needed it!
The DJ Guy


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What's front hairline like then. Is it the old peach fuzz or can you style it. Please post some photo's. Can they transplant hair at the temples thesedays? Ive never seen a hair transplant with that yet. I have good hair for my age (33) and no-one has ever even hinted that i am going bald. Im on propecia but i noticed that i have the onset of receding temples. Can a cheeky hair transplant do anything for that? :eek:


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hair multiplication? what??

The DJ Guy

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The hairline appearance is a very important question. If it looks fuzzy or like very light baby hair, you've just set yourself up to look like ""you're going bald" instead of looking like you have permanent hair. Due to the quality of the doctor and FM technique (holes are perfectly matched and ONLY .75mm diam) unlike FUE/FUT and all others my hairline is solid and appears perfect, wait till you see the photos, you will be impressed. I can style it and the placement of single and multiple hair follicles was performed with excellent precision. This is a "black art" folks, and if you want superior quality you have to go to the experts, which I did. I will post them shortly after reducing their resolution size here on, ok.

I don't mean to get unnecessarily technical with you as I am an engineer and not a doctor, but we need to be precise about the way we use our words in discussing male pattern baldness treatments. My surgery was the latest State-of-the-Art Follicular Multiplication (FM) which is based on the findings made by Dr Gho about 4 years back. They only remove the top portion of individual follicular units (naturally bunched 1-3 hair groups found in everyone's scalp) leaving the lower part in tact and place the top portion follicle in the needed recipient area (front hairline for most guys) and then, get this, the original hairs practically all REGENERATE again leaving the donor area the way it was with NO SCARRING, and adds new hair to your hairline! HM which refers to Hair Multplication is an emerging but immature technology that hopes to actually clone (not exactly) hairs so that you would have unlimited hair for donor use...that is the pipe dream for us seriously bald guys in the next 6-10 years when it finally matures. For not, FM is the stop-gap measure that is ABSOLUTELY THE BEST KIND OF SURGERY AVAILABLE on the market now in my experience and opinion. Strangely enough, it is as cheap as any STRIP/SCALP/FUE/FUT transplant in the USA, but it relatively unadvertised in the USA. It is a best kept secret for now until the word gets out on the street about it's effectiveness.


The DJ Guy

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Whoops, forgot to answer your temple-related question in my last reply after all my hot wind. Yes, the temple is actually what I just had worked on with these 2 last sessions. They angle them differently and must be smaller and softer looking hairs to look right because they will be at the leading part of the side of your head, or at least that's what it looks like what they did. If you're 33 and just starting to recede and have no other balding, I don't think I'd get an hair transplant quite yet. However, are you aware of the fact that the naked eye cannot discern balding until you've lost over 50% of your original hair? So, maybe you are balding and you haven't noticed it looking at yourself in the mirror straight on...yet. Why don't you send me some photos to when you get time and I'll give you my layman's call on what you can expect and so forth. Eventually, you'll want to send your photos to GHO for a serious analysis, but I've found them to be characteristically conservative in their estimates with much underpromising and big on the overdelivery...very nice for us. If they can't give you what you want, they will likely tell you not to do it. But these guys are good man, I've been around the block with my experience and I'm not speaking hypothetically like most other lost guys on these websites. Sorry about the long-winded msg, I'll have to work on that;-)


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i would like to know more about this, was there much after surgery stuff going on? where did you get it done (where is it performed?) thanks so much, this sounds interesting, i wasn't sure if it was a scam or not but i've been reading up on it some.

The DJ Guy

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1) You're going to love this...there is NO SURGERY with FM! That's because no knife, cauterizing or stitches are used like in ancient STRIP/SCALP technology. Get this, NO ANASTESIA or PAIN KILLERS are used for this "treatment" because of the insignficance of the trauma to the scalp, only local anastesia to the scalp area being worked on. You're going to laugh, but I actually fell asleep during most of the treatments or was watching Mr Bean flicks as I looked down through an opening in the comfortable table they had, mostly because you're just laying there still and you're not even aware of what's going on;-) The plugs are individually removed and are so small (.75mm) that they self-close and heal in 1-2 days normally. You walk out of the clinic each day with no bandage and can sleep like normal on a bed each night. Take a few pills each day for the next week and you don't even have to go back for a checkup unless you develop a problem (would be hard to due unless you abused normal resting time, drank lots of alcohol or worked around grimy areas in your house). By the way, no strenous activity for at least 1 week to make sure the grafts are securely absorbed into the local scalp tissue. You see, because of the very small wound size, there is little trauma and things heal very fast.

2) I went to the GHO Clinic in Maastricht. You will have to travel it's true, but it's worth the visit and this quaint little Dutch city is wonderful to see. Make a vacation out of it like I did with my wife last year in Aug when I did my first 2 treatments, we had a blast...just days after my surgery when I felt comfortable walking around in public.

3) If you want to have a super hi-quality hair transplant, then you should contact me at the minimum and I'll give you the dump on any specific questions you might have. When the word about GHO results finally hits the streets, it will difficult to get an appointment. They just don't seem to advertise in the American market as they get plenty of clients from their home base in Europe. So, for now, it's a best kept secret.

Hope to hear from you, for now I'm trying to get the photos online ok.



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So Gho has finally released multiplication to the market? You're certainly the first end-user to hit this website with a multiplication treatment.

Please keep us informed, and if you could post the photos here, that would be great. I will gladly resize and host them for you.

How long has it been since your HM treatment?


Experienced Member
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this sounds almost too good to be true, i mean, why the sh*t isn't this out in the US yet? i really hope you are not just bullshitting us, that would really be low. but if you are serious, thanks so much for the info, and keep it coming. :)

you don't know why posts like this mean to someone who is just beginning to thin, who could potentially never go bald with this type of treatment.


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Trent said:
this sounds almost too good to be true, i mean, why the sh*t isn't this out in the US yet? i really hope you are not just bullshitting us, that would really be low. but if you are serious, thanks so much for the info, and keep it coming. :)

you don't know why posts like this mean to someone who is just beginning to thin, who could potentially never go bald with this type of treatment.

Well Trent, the theory of the treatment and Dr. Gho are very much real. Dr. Gho has been working on this technique for some time now and has claimed that he was on the verge.

I'm cautiously optomistic as well. However, keep in mind that this is not "the answer" as you might think until your hair loss has fully stabilized.


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I think it would be impossible for Dr. Gho to gho bankrupt at this point. He's one of the leading HM researchers, has promising evidence that his procedure will work, and I think investors would be stupid not to support him if the oppurtunity arose.


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he didn't have HM he had FM, which is different

The DJ Guy

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1) DamnThis is correct, I had Follicular Multiplication (FM) not Hair Multiplication (HM). It's very easy to confuse the two if you don't understand their scientific implications. However, the concept is close and hair is EFFECTIVELY multiplied which is AWESOME GOOD NEWS for Norwood 5-7 male pattern baldness guys (I'm a NW6+ at the age of 40). If they can give me back a nice looking appearance of hair,and I state it this way for a reason because there's NO WAY this football field will ever be covered until HM comes out (7-10 yrs?) from now, THEN ANYONE CAN LOOK GREAT AGAIN

2) Even if you are in the early stages of balding NW2-5, why use up your good donor hair and suffer SCARRING when you can do FM and not have any of those problems for approximately the SAME COST!!!! Are most of you aware that FM is done as a "Treatment" and not "Surgery" because there is NO CUTTING with a knife as in STRIP, NO STICHES, and NO PAIN KILLERS or oral medication/drugs taken except for the local anasthesia to the scalp area under work and ALMOST NO RECOVERY TIME REQUIRED (maybe 1-2 days at worse) and NO BANDAGES? During the Treatments it is so painless and low-trauma that I was watching a damn movie or sleeping most of the time. I am not kidding! I could have traveled home to San Diego the next day if wanted but I didn't want to gross anyone out if they were sitting next to me with the red scalp area, so I'm just relaxing in a nice hotel near the GHO Clinic now ($90/night, no big deal:)

3) It's true that one of the GHO subsidiary's did apparently go bankrupt but not for the reasons you are thinking, it was a mix up in management apparently. The GHO Clinic has plenty of European clients...I know I've seen and met some of them in the hallways between lunch time:) One guy I remember was just a simple truck driver in northern Holland, a good looking young buck about 27. He saved his money and came to GHO for just a few treatments because he was worried about the impact his recent hair loss was having on his personal life. Sound familiar? These people are average Joe's just like you, but GHO just doesn't advertise in the USA...which leads me to the next issue you're gonna love hearing about because I'm going to expose why the GHO Method is NOT IN AMERICA!!! Man, this part really burns my britches and I'm glad to discuss it with you's heartbreaking in a sense.

4) From what I gather, apparently the GHO Method of FM was offered to some major American outfits (we all know them) but they declined because FM was said to be too ""time consuming"" (it takes 7 hrs/treatment for FM vs 4-5 hrs for most STRIP surgery typically....whoop-dee-do). That translates to the Derm's as cutting into the RATE OF PATIENTS...which translates to speed of making money. Hmmm...that wasn't too hard to figure out, so it's mostly about the fast buck that GHO is not in America, sad isn't it. I'm sure I'll be someone's #1 Public Enemy soon when the news about GHO starts hitting the street, and I don't care, I'm going to share my experience and knowledge with all who suffer from male pattern baldness and can't get good info on SUPERIOR hair transplant's available right now! Do I sound a little passionate about this...because I am. I'm feeling great after my 1st and 2nd Treatments and I just received #3 and #4, hair is coming in like gangbusters and was very professionally distributed. I've said it before, people have been making bigtime comments on my appearance since 4-5 months after my first Treatments. I may not be super hairy to some of you younger guys, but I HAD NO MORE DONOR HAIR TO GET ME WHERE I AM IF IT WEREN'T FOR FM, so for me it is a huge relief.

5) For those skeptics I'm not a bullshitter and everything I will tell you is pure fact or experience, no more no less. I work for the US Govt so I just decided to take it easy for 5 days after treatment and will be flying back to my home this weekend. Look, I tried to append the JPG shots of all of my GHO surgeries on already but it requires a hosting site I guess, so I'll do it when I return to my home in San Diego (probably by Tue).

6) COST: Someone is bound to ask the next critical question about $/graft so let me clear this up. They don't charge on a per graft basis, ónly on a Treatment Day in which they try to get as many grafts transplanted as possible. It varies from person-to-person with yours truly being one of the worse cases because of very sparse donor area complicated by scars from my STRIP surgery 8 yrs ago (I hope the younger guys are listening at this point about the crucial aspect of CONSERVING YOUR DONOR HAIR AREA) Anyway, 3 yrs ago when they started doing FM they were doing only 250-300 grafts/day...but they've been advancing their methods, tools and skill level and now they do 500-850 grafts/day which equates out to $4-7/graft. I'm on the higher cost side because I only get 550 grafts per session, bummer. REMEMBER, ALMOST ALL THESE FOLLICLES WILL REGENERATE BACK IN THE DONOR AREA (they tell me the record to date is reusing the same donor area 8 times!!) Not bad eh?! So, male pattern baldness NW5-7, don't despair--you now have a chance to get back that youth!

7) For you curious types, you are welcome to send me an email to and I will try to answer with brevity. It's better to get the bulk of info while on the Forum so I don't have to keep repeating the critical and superios differences between FM and other hair transplant's.

When I post my photos next week, don't expect a Rock Star picture or Ziggy Marley Dreads you got the wrong guy! I'm just a Joe Blow who owns a DJ company and my image is worth $ when I sell clients. Makes a HUGE difference with the ladies too I've been noticing. Read my BIO I've posted on one of the Forums in the past few days: I'm a Norwood-6 with sparse, very fine light brown hair and mucho scarring from previous STRIP-type surgery 8 yrs ago. I had no more Donor hair left so I was the perfect candidate for FM and took the plunge as a guinea pig...and I've brought back good news for the rest of you:) So, who's gonna buy me the first beer?



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So basically, as a NW2, you could go in, get some FM on the thin areas, and come back in a couple years when the rest of your natural hair begins to go?

The DJ Guy

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GHO Clinic Photo's Attached-FM is available N-O-W!


Yes, if you were a NW2 and just needed 1 or 2 "Treatments" dictated by how minimal the work was, then most of the original Donor area will grow back within a few weeks. They are getting very good at this technique at GHO Clinic. AND NO SCARRING!! No one will ever know you had an hair transplant for gawds sake, it's a beautiful thing.

Anyway, as promised, I have all of my photos for all to view below. I am not Bob Marley or a Rock Star, but a worse case NW6 so don't laugh too hard about what I think is a HUGE improvement to my appearance.

Notice, the massive scarring left from getting STRIP hair transplant Surgery 8 years before, damn shame really. I could have had much more donor hair if it weren't for this, but the GHO Clinic team still did an excellent job I think.

What do you think about my results?

Guy Novak

BEFORE GHO hair transplant

AFTER GHO hair transplant ... mos4dx.jpg


hair transplant#1




Established Member
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looks like a great improvement, congrats

can we have a picture from above your head, to have a better view on the density on top

The Rock

Established Member
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ya much better are any more of the grafts supppose to grow in and i dunno if u stated this but what was ur actuall total when it was all said and done?


Senior Member
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Thanks for the info DJ...If i got just 750 grafts i think i would be completely happy with my hair...So its making me think, but i am a NW2 so maybe i'm being stupid by even thinking about it.

Appreciate the pictures. :)
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So what you are saying is that with FM they remove the follicles, transplant them and the original ones grow back?? I thought that once they are gone they are gone for good.