the debate over concealors


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personally i think concealors are great, they give people confidence and get people doing the things we want to do, have fun with our loved ones!

ive noticed quite a bit of debate, should we use it... should we not

i know im going to use it, during and in between my hair transplant surgeries, along with my propecia, im hoping one day i might not have to use it, but until then if its the difference between me getting out of the house and doing things vs rotting inside like some hermit i know what im gonna do.


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i agree with you..all though i dont use them that often cuz i wear hats..but my hair situation is weird..i have no clue what norwood i am..maybe i should upload pics...i just know i have thinning hair or difuse thinning or whatever the hell it is...


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yea im the same! i had my first small hair transplant session couple of weeks ago and the Doctor didnt mention what norwood level i am, im thinning and dont look good, personally i would measure myself a norwood 3 (just over)

diffuse is thinning all over

i have thinning to the top and frontal where there is a tuft of hair, the worse male pattern baldness patter i think, ive saved up so its just time now that im waiting for to get my 2nd hair transplant session to get my mental stability back, and my life.

after my hair transplant session i looked terrible, its like having a hair cut just to the top of my head though... i have hair on top still and the tool the Doctor used im sure cut surrounding hair making it look thinner then i went in! so i wore a hat to work.... im a contractor so just told the boss i had to wear a hat, end of story. and he understood.


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i use a product called megathik, i have black hair so theres no doubting the different shades or what not that i need to match my hair to.... black is black :)

ive only just got it, and i really really like it, dusted some onto my head.... sheesh looks like i have a full head of hair! it really does! amazing stuff

lots of people debate over which product is best, but this stuff looks like itll work for me and easy to apply, and i reckon youll find different products work better for each person, ive heard alot of people go "dermatch is the best toppik is crap" but i dont buy into that, maybe for them it is...

one thing is megathik site looks like rubbish, like some school boy made it in his lunch break, but the product kicks ar$$ for me so the moral of that story is dont judge a book by its cover.


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youngnat said:
i use a product called megathik, i have black hair so theres no doubting the different shades or what not that i need to match my hair to.... black is black :)

ive only just got it, and i really really like it, dusted some onto my head.... sheesh looks like i have a full head of hair! it really does! amazing stuff

lots of people debate over which product is best, but this stuff looks like itll work for me and easy to apply, and i reckon youll find different products work better for each person, ive heard alot of people go "dermatch is the best toppik is crap" but i dont buy into that, maybe for them it is...

one thing is megathik site looks like rubbish, like some school boy made it in his lunch break, but the product kicks ar$$ for me so the moral of that story is dont judge a book by its cover.

is it possible for you to post before and after pictures? alot of people say they have success but people dont care without pictures..if you could post em cool..if


gave me back my social life.


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sorry about the big pic. thats a pic of me a day after applying and sleeping on it. actually let it grow out some and it looks even better. not good at self portraits either. my hair actually is about 3 inches higher up in the temple areas. really made it even out my hairline. gotta borrow a camera again to take more recent photos. i'm staring to adjust to a more carefree life. still wear a hat alot. actually sweat up a storm and it doesnt run. gotta go.


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ill try and post photos tomorrow or in the weekend, like i said it works for me, today i went to the medical centre to get my stitches from my hair transplant out (had 1 small session) and trust me, you look worse AFTER ur hair transplant initially anyway, she asked me what i had done when i showed her the stitches in the back of my head, i said i had a hair transplant, this was after i applied the megathik, she just about fell over and her words were "ur kidding me, what a fantastic job! might get my husband to go get a hair transplant"

trust me people it was the concealor doing its thing, she couldnt even tell, my partner looks at it and said its amazing, my neighbours didnt even notice, i have a wedding for my best friend in a month and i was dreading what id look like in wedding photos, now i cant wait and trying to write a best man speech!

but you must have hair for concealors to be most effective, thin layer is fine, it does work better on longer hair then shorter, not saying it doesnt work on shorter hair as u can see above but longer hair is definitely more effective.

this novel ive just written is not trying to endorse this product, it really doesnt bother me either way if you use this product or if you think you know another product better, all im saying is its my ticket out of hermit-ville :)


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thanks for posting a picture! cant even tell anything..just looks like a regular buzzed head..and ya concealers work best with hair..i remember i first got them when i just started growing my hair and i hated them and thought they suck and now if i use them..its a billion times you have any photos b4 the hair transplant?


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thats not my pic, but thanks 'hair?' for posting one

yea this stuff gets messy (megathik) when u run ur hands thru ur hair so best not to, i lightly dust my hair with hairspray after to hold it in place, but if ur constantly going to run ur hands through ur hair then im not sure there are many or any products out there that give your head good coverage and lets you play with your hair? may be wrong.... others will be quick to tell me im sure.

my major worry (and ive emailed the megathik info line) to ask about when you sweat whether this stuff runs down your face etc, because it runs right off in the shower, will keep you posted when they reply. aslong as you dont sweat like niagra falls you should be ok.


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hair? said:
sorry about the big pic. thats a pic of me a day after applying and sleeping on it. actually let it grow out some and it looks even better. not good at self portraits either. my hair actually is about 3 inches higher up in the temple areas. really made it even out my hairline. gotta borrow a camera again to take more recent photos. i'm staring to adjust to a more carefree life. still wear a hat alot. actually sweat up a storm and it doesnt run. gotta go.

o my bout time you got a pic this is the buzzcut concealer..can you do b4 and after pics so we can see it? much appreciated


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i got a reply guys, now comment on other products if you will, but i wouldnt risk this stuff in my hair if i was a sweaty guy, esp with short hair, if you sweat and you have this stuff in your hair itll run, its ok in longer hair but shorter hair id imagine it to clump at the front, so be careful.


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ive used dermmatch and it works good..obviously the longer hair the better..and ive swam in it no problem..went to the beach in the water no problem..i have toppik but have never really used it,i bought the concealers when my hair was really really short so at the time toppik was useless..but i tried it on the other day and quite amazed at how my hair looks with it,but i wonder if you can swim and sweat and what not..i doubt it though!


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yea i dont know much about that dermatch stuff maybe you can tell me more about how to apply it, and what it actually is?

toppik from reading about it sounds like megathik, small static fibres made from the same source as natural hair that binds to your existing hair, it runs off with simple shampoo in the shower, so 99.9999999% sure its gonna wash out if you swim, it has to! and also that means to me sweat.... persperation of any kind and itll run again, they suggest you lightly hair spray your hair with it so it sticks.

update though: applying it to the front portion of your head (and this will be for toppik also), use a staggered tooth comb and place it in the front portion of your hairline and sprinkle the particles into the front, this will thicken the hair and not get too much crap on the forrid and scalp therefore unless you sweat like a pig you should be ok. bring on winter i say (cold where i am in winter)