swizz216's Story - (age 23, recession, pics included)


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I've always been a shy person, ever since I was a kid. It's always been difficult for me to put my self out there and make friends. I've basically felt alone my whole life. When I turned 19 I decided that I was going to try and be more outgoing, more social, and start living my life more positively. But, that was not to be. A couple months after I turned 19 something started happening, my hair was noticeably thinner. I didn't notice it at first, somebody else informed me of this. It felt like that my hairline was all that people were looking at. Everytime anyone said anything about it I would feel like dying inside. Being embarrassed everytime I look in the mirror, going on 4 years now. I'm almost 23, it's so bad now that I can almost count the hairs on the top of my head. I've become reclusive. I've become ugly on the outside to match my inside. This recession has decayed my life, my personality, my attitude, my perception, all relationships, and my soul. The lack of love and physical touch is getting to me as well. I'm too afraid to even try to talk to a woman. I wear a hat everyday and I hate it but I wouldn't be caught dead without it. I don't let my family look at me, like I'm going to let some stranger look at me like they do? I think of the mean things that people have said to me; "you look like an old man", "you're going bald!? what are you sick!?", "baldy, baldy, baldy!", and all those other demeaning things that people say and think to themselves. I've tried to kill myself twice but I think one was for a woman, they make you crazy you know, and the other was because I hate my life. I'm not better now but I'm not worse. I think everyone I know says bad things about me behind my back. I'm paranoid about it, I think about it so much that sometimes I just want to die. I know that it could be so much worse, I know it can and I'm lucky to be as fortunate as I am. Even knowing that, selfpity is a b**ch and pride only hurts. Why are there so many hair-loss commercials? Everytime I watch one and someone says something it hurts, they all look at me. Do I look at your fatass everytime I see a McDonald's commercial? No, because I still have manners, my life just sucks. I called Bosley and set up an a concultation knowing I'm not even close to being able to afford it. I just wanted to hear it all from the experts but mostly I wanted to know how much the operations are, duh. It would run me about $10,000. The woman was really nice and made me feel good. I know that's part of her job description but you can tell when someone is being genuine. I can't afford it now anyway, I'm currently unemployed. I quit my last job as a worker at a magnesium foundry. Sadly enough, I quit because of my own insecurities. This guy took of my hat and said "what the f*** kind of haircut is that? why are you going bald at 22? I bet the girls all laugh at you". The girls would laugh too but I don't even get close to them. I pray to God, I ask him to regrow my hair, it's all that I want. It's dumb to think that God would help me when there are millions of more important things but not to me. It rules my life. I'm surrounded with people with a full head of beautiful hair, I can't stop staring, I look at everybody and I want what they have. I would settle for a fricken mullet, seriously. Is there anybody out there that is compassionate and generous enough to help me? I believe that people are basically decent and want to help others. It's a good feeling, I know. You would be saving a life by helping me pay for a hair-restoration procedure. I just want to be happy and I honestly believe that some self-confidence wouldn't hurt me any. Thank you for reading my article. I could have made this 10,000 words and I will if enough people were interested. God Bless.

I hope nobody feels offended that I am asking for donations. I realize that all of us would like some financial help. If we all work together we could do this for everybody that needs it. Thank you everybody for everything. Contact me at swizz216@hotmail.com


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

Hey man. I totally sympathsize with you situation, I wear baseball caps constantly myself. Its one of the few times I actually feel 100% confident and youthful when I actually have it on. But have tried any meds like Propecia or Rogaine? You could grow a significant amount of your hair back. At least enough for it to not be so embarrassing for you. Im not an expert on hair transplant but I think you might be to young right now to consider it. Best to wait at least a few more years to see if you hairloss stabilizes or gets worse. I really dont think asking for donations for a hair transplant is the right attitude man. Im far from rich but I know if I ever end up getting a hair transplant, I would want to know I payed for it myself. 10k is no where near what a hair transplant costs. Good ones cost more like 50k.

I understand how low your feeling, but you really need to find some positives out of this. Right now, YES its hard, but you still have a young face and in under 5 years, a new technique called "hair multiplication" will be available and you will get ALL your hair back including an awesome hairline! And you will be young again! But if you continue to stress the way ur you will age faster. All is not lost. My advice is get on propecia, try out some Rogaine. Get a job (even if its factory work and you can wear a cap all day so its not as embarressing) and start saving for that hair transplant.

Good luck bro. And welcome to the board and know ur not alone :)


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

I'm quite unclear whether this article is genuine since you are asking for money. If it is then I suggest you get a job firstly - anything. Perhaps a call center where you can make comission. Get a steady income flowing. Start finasteride and liquid minoxidil (not foam because you are diffuse). Apply for credit cards which have 0% on all purchases for 12 months. Pay off as much as you can within 12 months then get another credit card with 0% on all purchases for 12 months. Balence transfer is usually something like 3%. Keep doing this until you have payed off all the cards and are in the green. I don't know what country you are from but I would set a rule saying I will put a minimum of £300 pounds on the card each month. Hit the gym and get your operation. Take up a few hobbies and start to rebuild your life. I do feel for you because a girl in my life has messed my head up as of late. I mean all my mates say I am really good looking and most girls I meet flirt with me - some ugly guys say i'm arogant even though I am nothing but friendly to them. So when a girl just doesn't like yuo anymore you get very frustrated and your self asteem plumets - though saying this I think deep down she still likes me and I won't give up just yet.
Although it is quite expensive I would also suggest seeing a psychiatrist once a week (not some stupid psychothearapist - but a trained doctor) as I really think this would help. MAte your life starts from today good luck!


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

you are asking for money, you gotta be joking.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

I didn't mean to offend anybody by asking for money. But f*****g a, look at me an you'll know. My hair isn't just receiding, it's thin like an anorexic model. I tried rogaine for a few months but there was nothing that would stop the loss. I've started to develop some kind of mental disorder, like the fear of people, maybe the fear of being judged for my physical flaws. I don't know but it makes it hard to do anything. I am a real person, these pictures are of me today. I don't have any excuses as to why I don't have a job besides that I'm just not comfortable in my own skin. I don't even let my mom see me. How sad is that? Damn it sucks being poor in America but atleast I'm here and not somewhere else. Maybe if I was then my hairloss would be seen differently. You might say to yourself "Why should I help this guy when I want the same thing?" and I would say you're right. What goes around comes back around. I believe in God and I believe in Karma. Do good things and good things will come back to you. Thanks again for reading, don't doubt me, I'm just a person with male pattern baldness or whatever. Here's some more pictures. Bless you


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

There is no excuse for you not to have a job, I believe in God and Karma myself, but I will help people who really need help. I am sorry to say that you are not one of them.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

RaginDemon said:
There is no excuse for you not to have a job, I believe in God and Karma myself, but I will help people who really need help. I am sorry to say that you are not one of them.
raging demon who are you to judge this guy,did you not read is post ,he is going through a hard time,the guy probably has more courage in is little finger than you


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

Mate just buzz your hair down, seriously, by the looks of it I think it would really suit you. Not only would it suit you but it really sounds like you need to do it, it could be a way of rebuilding your life, a first step if you will.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

Honestly man you have alot more hair than many users on this board. Coming on this site to ask for donations for your cause is absolutely ridiculous. Im sure there are other people who suffer from worse things (cancer, organ doners) that need donations more than you. Im not trying to be mean, and i know what its like to suffer from hairloss but see the necessary people to help fix your attitude and get on with life.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

person said:
Start finasteride and liquid minoxidil (not foam because you are diffuse) quote]

Hey "person", i noticed that you suggested liquid minoxidil instead of foam for diffuse thinners. Why do you think that the liquid is better than foam for diffuse thinners. I think im a diffuse thinner and am currently taking 1/4 proscar and nizoral. and thinking of starting rogaine. I was going to try the foam since alot of people claim its better than the liqued. Just interested in your opinion.
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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

One of those days? I sometimes have days where i just go all emo and depressed about my hair. Cheer up man, and if i were you i'd just shave it all off. I feel you're pain though, i started balding when i was freaken 16 years old. Its really unfair and it sucks! Like i said in another thread, i'd rather go bald in my 30's than when i'm in my young. But me complaining about won't do anything gotta take action and try to do something about it. Good Luck!

F*** male pattern baldness!


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

Get a job ASAP. Like RaginDemon stated, there is no excuse for not having one. I don't think you'll find many folks to be financially sympathetic when you're idle by choice.

In addition, and very importantly, a job will force you to get your mind on something besides your hair. Right now your brain has nothing to do but worry, hence your perspective is highly distorted.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

Hey, you should not let hairloss get you down like this. hair transplant is definately not the right way to go for you. I would simply advise you to buzz it down to a #1 or #0.


Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

I felt sympathy but when you started asking for money.... :thumbdown2:

Why you wanna go for hair transplants without having tried regular treatments?


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

I def wanna give this guy money! I need to get more work to get more cash so I can start paying this poor guy.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

HairTilliDie said:
person said:
Start finasteride and liquid minoxidil (not foam because you are diffuse) quote]

Hey "person", i noticed that you suggested liquid minoxidil instead of foam for diffuse thinners. Why do you think that the liquid is better than foam for diffuse thinners. I think im a diffuse thinner and am currently taking 1/4 proscar and nizoral. and thinking of starting rogaine. I was going to try the foam since alot of people claim its better than the liqued. Just interested in your opinion.

I suppose if your hair is buzzed then use the foam but as a foam user myself (on the hairline) I would find it very difficult to use it on the areas with lots of hair so I think it would be more practical to coat it with liquid but by all means I am new to treatments myself so I suggest you take the advice of the more experienced posters here.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

Hey man, Getting on medications like propecia wont cost you much at all and it can REALLY help because your still young. You dont need a donation. Go to unitedpharmacies.com and order proscar and cut it into fourths. Itl cost you like $20 bucks a month or so. I get a prescription so i dont know how much it is to order online but it is WAY cheaper and completely affordable. Ask around about ordering meds, other people here know which sites are legit. Plus, get on rogaine, doesnt cost more than $24 a month. In all it wont cost you more than $60 a month if you get your meds cheap, that is nothing, thats $2 a day, you can afford it, and itl bring you some peace of mind knowing that you can do something about your hair loss.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

chino20 said:
Mate just buzz your hair down, seriously, by the looks of it I think it would really suit you. Not only would it suit you but it really sounds like you need to do it, it could be a way of rebuilding your life, a first step if you will.

And i agree buzzing your head looks like it would suit you. Get on the meds too, by the time you grow it back out maybe a year from now you might have more hair than you do now.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

KielMcK said:
I def wanna give this guy money! I need to get more work to get more cash so I can start paying this poor guy.

This is sarcasm right? You dont appreciate anything in life unless you earn it yourself.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

I apologize for asking for donations. I would like to be able to pay for it myself but I know that right now that its financially impossible. I did shave my head without any attachment but I think maybe I need to actually bic it. I don't want to look like a racist, jk. I've been thinking about shaving my head for a couple of weeks but ya'll know how it is. I finally just did it, not my first time but everytime I do I hate it. I wasn't reaching out for money or sympathy. There isn't anything that differs me from you other than how we handle things. People take things differently ya know. I've been depressed literally since I was 10 years old. I wanted to die before any of this happened, and look at me now? I know how it is and I hate this sh*t. There are worse things to some people than being seen as weak and pathetic. Public and inner humility, insecurities and other so called trivial factors. If I had cancer I know that I would have the strength to fight and the will to live on but I'm going bald instead and I don't know how to handle it. I'm my own worst enemy, my worst critic, and I know I stop myself from enjoying life but to me it's like the only option. And that's how I feel, I don't care if that makes me weak as long as I don't have to suffer the humiliation. I see my younger brother every couple years, we talked a few days ago and he said that he heard I was going bald. I said "yea, where have you been?" He started just dissing on me like it was a joke, like it did't hurt. I have 5 brothers and not a one with hairloss but me. My dad, his dad, they all got a full head. I moved 1500 miles so they wouldn't see me. I've become a former shadow of myself. I don't even remember what it was like to be secure and carefree. I don't mean with money or life, I mean with myself. I'm not looking for pity, I'm just writing what I think about and how I feel because this is the type of person I am. I might try some of the things people of suggested but not for a while. I still have alot of obstacles in my path even if most of them come from my own weaknesses. Thanks for reading.


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