Sulfasalazine: drug provides full frontal regrowth.


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aahhh.... See, now i want to try this, maybe not start off on 1000mg and work from there, maybe do 500mg daily for a week or so, then up it slowly....

But then, if it doesnt work, what the f*** am i doing to myself? Mind you, it hasnt stopped me chuging everything i am currently trying down my throat and smearing my head with chemicals.

Anyone else tried/ is going to try this?

gutted said:
either it works by suppressing the immune system, or the reversal/breakdown of fibrotic tissue.

side effects can occur but in that alopecia areata study only a few people had them and dropped out.

i would love to see what this can do on male pattern baldness, in a clinical setting! i think it is promising., to possibly reverse the fibrotic damage associated with male pattern baldness, which occurs in the temples early on in life.

this however, seems to interest me a bit.


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from wikipedia:

The use of sulfasalazine has declined due mainly to the fact that it yields the metabolite sulfapyridine which gives rise to side-effects such as agranulocytosis and hypospermia. However, the other metabolite of sulfasalazine, 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is attributed to the drug's therapeutic effect. Therefore, 5-ASA and other derivatives of 5-ASA, are now usually preferred and given alone (as mesalazine), despite their increased cost, due to their more favourable side-effect profile.

Agranulocytosis, also known as agranulosis, is an acute condition involving a severe and dangerous leukopenia (lowered white blood cell count), most commonly of neutrophils, causing a neutropenia in the circulating blood. It represents a severe lack of one major class of infection-fighting white blood cells. People with this condition are at very high risk of serious infections due to their suppressed immune system.

Hypospermia is the medical term when a man has an unusually low ejaculate (or semen) volume


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I am not sure if I would try this unless I have tried everything else (assuming you have normal male pattern baldness of course)
if you do have spot baldness this might be great to try asap


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seaback said:
^^ Man, oh, man...
Don't you think we can check the Internet ourselves ? What is the point of doing that ? Scaremongering ? You seemingly still hasn't understood that every single medicine has plenty of side effects... People used to rush over the Internet and frenetically copy/paste the list of side effects (without even reading through it) for every single drug the name was mentioned. But man, those were the days !

Agree with ya.. even the side effects are weak..


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just wanted everything to be on one page. those side effects are pretty alarming.

all i read in this thread was this:

Sulfasalazine: A rheumatoid arthritis drug provides full frontal regrowth.


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billythekid said:
just wanted everything to be on one page. those side effects are pretty alarming.

all i read in this thread was this:

Sulfasalazine: A rheumatoid arthritis drug provides full frontal regrowth.

My ex Girlfriend had Crohns disease..was taking this without any sides.. This is derivative of Salicylic Acid. This is just an anti-inflammation drug.. Just to show you that INFLAMMATION is part of something in hairloss!


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If anyone finds a place to buy this without prescription in the UK, I'd be more than happy to be a guineapig ;)


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How it works — Sulfasalazine acts locally in the colon to decrease inflammation. It also works throughout the body by inhibiting the formation of a chemical known as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins have several important functions in the body, one of which is control of pain and inflammation. Prostaglandins are produced by the enzymes, cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. Sulfasalazine may work by blocking the activity of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, thereby, reducing the production of prostaglandins.


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I just bought 3 months of supply 3000mg a day of this stuff on I bought there before.. Will report results..


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Do you think it would work topically? If it reverses fibrosis, it would be even better than copper peptides. They do too, but slowly.

Would it be metabolized in the skin so it can do its job there? I bet it would go systemic too, but in much lower doses.


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CCS said:
Do you think it would work topically? If it reverses fibrosis, it would be even better than copper peptides. They do too, but slowly.

Would it be metabolized in the skin so it can do its job there? I bet it would go systemic too, but in much lower doses.

Dunno about this... Can't find anything topically except for Silver sulfasalazine....


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Bombarie said:
Because 1 guy accidentely saw results with this your going to try it too squegee?

Tried different natural ways to reduce inflammation with minimum success..going synthetic I guess! No worries here.. I know the drug really much..Not a big deal. I got the money so why not. Going to take large dose also.. 3000mg a day.. will keep you guys updated..