Suggestions for haircut? (photos)


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I've periodically read this forum over the last few years... today is my 29th birthday and I saw some photos of myself earlier and I realized my thinning had gotten worse... or maybe I just hadn't noticed it as much. I know I need a haircut anyway, but it's easy to see how much thinner it is on top.

Basically all I do is use Nioxin... not even sure if that makes a difference. Typically my hair is combed neater than this and that probably makes it look worse with there is clear separation. I use texture cream typically for styling.

I just self snapped these pics a few minutes ago... my haircuits have basically always been like this (just picture me with more hair). I guess I've been afraid of how I would look with a closer cut, although I'm tempted to cut it down to a 4 or 3... typically when I get a haircut they use a 4 on the sides and back and use scissors for the top and try to blend.

I also included a non-flash photo because the flash obviously reflects off my white scalp.....

I don't think my face is suited for a super close cut (definitely not a totally bald head) because I have soft, semi-chubby features. Maybe if I was thinner in the face (I'm about 6-0, 200, need to lose some fat). Thanks for any suggestions.












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Since your hair is thin at the top and you also don't have a lot of hair in that area, I don't think growing it out long and trying to cover your bald spots is going to work. People are going to notice what you are attempting to do.

I think buzzing your hair short to a #3 is probably the best option. It will help you to conceal the amout of hair loss that you have.

I also feel that you should workout and try to lose 20lbs. This will help your overall appearance, and make others to notice your body and not just how much hair you have lost.
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I agree with everyone here. By rocking that hairstyle you look older than you should.

If it makes it easier for you, then do what you say, grade3/4 on top. Personally by losing some flab round your jawline it will stick out more and give your face a slimmer look.

Ideally in future, lose weight and buzz hair grade 1...I tell you now you will look younger and sexier, women will complement you, but loose some weight for maximum effect and you will not look back :)
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Also when you buzz head get some sun on it and it not so white. You are a good looking man, but not maximising your potential.


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Seriously dude, get a buzzcut, a very short one. You'll look so much better.


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Agree, get a grade 3 and a tan!

Short hair and a tan that is a little closer to the colour of your hair will make it much less noticeable and if you hate it then you can grow it longer! Got to be worth a shot!

Drop Nioxin and get yourself on finasteride or minoxidil if you don't want to lose anymore.


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Thanks for the advice to all who replied. Yeah, I've been more serious hitting the weights the last couple months and I know I could stand to lose a lot more bodyfat. Been working on it, though it doesn't happen overnight. I used to be a lot fatter.

I went tonight and suggested the stylist give me a 3 on the sides and back and perhaps a 4 on top, but she was reluctant and said she'd do the 3 on the sides and back, then tried to blend the top in with texture shears. See how I like it and maybe next time go the other route if I wasn't happy.

The problem before (she said, and I agree) is that the sides and back appear much darker (thick) opposed to the top (thin) so it's making the thinning top more noticeable. So she tried to blend it as best as possible.





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definitely an improvement.. you'd look better if you gained some muscle + tanned your skin then went buzz cut.


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Hey man, no matter how you style it, with this kind of thickness you will look BETTER with a tan and a buzzcut (NO HOMO and NO FLAMING).

You look much older this way I think..


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#0 with the clippers is what I would do, would make you look way younger. It's what I do and my hair is nowhere near that thin yet.


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I'm as thin as you and buzz my head with a 0. You look older trying to cover it up. You might think you look bad but thats all in your head. buzz it and post up some pics and ask for opinions.


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Looks better but a buzzcut is really needed #2 or #3.

I used a really old fashioned barber as he was situated very close to the university I was attending at the time and he would never cut as I instructed.

I think it was due to old fashioned thinking that buzzcut are for people in the army, thugs or other such nonsence.

Get a buzzcut #3 and getting lean is 80% diet and 20% exercise (figures often thrown around) so you can look lean by gradually making smaller changes to your diet without having to invest extra energy and time in a gym.

In the UK purchased some clippers 1/2 price from amazon and never looked back. The only restriction I have now is I have to shave it the same length all other as I aren't skill enough to use fading.


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Short buzzcut and grow your facial hair out a little.

A buzzcut won't hide you're balding, but it will look better then any hairstyle attempting to hide it.


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Dude, you have a combover. You need to sort this out. Buzz it down. You don't have to go bald - you could get away with #2 or #3. Get a tan, keep up the exercise. You'll be OK with that.

There is one other option.

One of the advantages of being fairly advanced (as you are) is that your final hair loss pattern is fairly clear. This means, if you want to get a hair transplant, you could do so without the fears of receding behind the hairline like a NW2 would have. It'd set you back several grand, but if you've got the money and the time you might be able to get away with it.