*Success* on finasteride and Nizoral 2% **NEW PICS**


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just click on the "my regimen" tab for my before and after treatment pics. Those pics were 4 months of treatment and about six months old. I'm kind of in a brutal shed that I'm trying to ride out right now but I'm still way ahead of my "before" treatment pics. One of these days I'll update it.

My hairloss was pretty tough. It started out diffuse then after about 5 years I noticed my hairline then the vertex was thinning really bad.
By the time I got to year ten I had a horrible bald spot in the back and my widow's peak hairline was destroyed. Then I decided to really do something about it. Started 5% minoxidil Dec 2003 and finasteride in Jan 2004.

Thx for the Zix info :)



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Your before and after pics are the most impressive I've seen so far. Well done!!

Your hair really improved. That one pic that showed that thinning right up the middle is identical to how mine started! It went right up to about the same place yours went to!


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Thanks for the kind words.

I actually took a couple of pics today(not posted).
I had an old pic that showed my hair parted and you could see scalp about 1/2 an inch in either direction and it got really diffuse toward the back.
I took an identical pic today and the part has filled in nicely. Made me really happy and quite shocked.

For all the newbie's out there....Taking pictures is very important. It's really hard to tell when your making progress and when your not without them.



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Do you mind if I post a link to your webpage on hairlosshelp? I think your amazing results would provide some more inspiration to folks there who are on treatments or are trying to decide what treatments to use.


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socks said:

Do you mind if I post a link to your webpage on hairlosshelp? I think your amazing results would provide some more inspiration to folks there who are on treatments or are trying to decide what treatments to use.

Sure go ahead :)


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Socks -

Thanks for the explanation (you didn't owe me one that's for sure!) and thanks for contributing here. Its good to have guys like yourself who are grounded in the facts, help keep the information flowing.

I never formally gave you a welcome to the site, so here it is now. Thanks for participating, and if there are any suggestions you have or requests or comments on how we can make this a better community over here on HairlossTalk, please don't hesitate to PM me and let me know.



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and BHD ... your signature makes me sad every time i read it. :(


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HairlossTalk said:
Socks -

Thanks for the explanation (you didn't owe me one that's for sure!) and thanks for contributing here. Its good to have guys like yourself who are grounded in the facts, help keep the information flowing.

I never formally gave you a welcome to the site, so here it is now. Thanks for participating, and if there are any suggestions you have or requests or comments on how we can make this a better community over here on HairlossTalk, please don't hesitate to PM me and let me know.


Thank you for the formal welcome HTL :D

If I have any suggestions, requests, or comments on improving the community I'll be sure to PM you.

I think you're doing an awesome job both moderating and running the site and I have to say this site has the most hairloss rich info I have yet to find on the Internet. The newsletters are top notch and very informative, the community members here are helpful and knowledgeable, well defined discussion categories, I like the hyper-linked "keywords", and the text editor is easy use (this among the list of many other positive attributes HairLossTalk.com has).

Again thank you for the formal welcome :D


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But I'm obviously the best thing this site has to offer, and I'm surprised you overlooked that in your appraisal of the site socks. I'll overlook this minor oversight this time, but be sure to remember who your daddy REALLY is next time.


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Deaner said:
But I'm obviously the best thing this site has to offer, and I'm surprised you overlooked that in your appraisal of the site socks. I'll overlook this minor oversight this time, but be sure to remember who your daddy REALLY is next time.

Deaner, you're such an INCREDIBLE asset to the hairloss community it just goes without saying ya know? :wink:


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That's kinda why I figured you slipped on that one, one of those things you take for granted, like Santa Claus!


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I was thinking more along the lines as Deaner is to hairloss as air is to survival... no one has to mention we need to breath air when we talk about survival, we just know it!

When it comes to hairloss, we dont need to bring your name up we just know that hairloss and Deaner are synonymous with one another.


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BadHairDecade said:
socks said:

Do you mind if I post a link to your webpage on hairlosshelp? I think your amazing results would provide some more inspiration to folks there who are on treatments or are trying to decide what treatments to use.

Sure go ahead :)

BadHairDecade, you mention in this post that you have had gyno:
http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... c&start=10

I wonder how you got rid of it and how you can still be on Finasteride (according to you regimen link) after having had gyno?




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yup that's right....I got Gynecomastia at about month 4-5.
My doctor first suggested that I get off finasteride. After I told him that wasn't an option he suggested a lower dosage which I did. I wen't down to about .25mg of finasteride for a few weeks while taking a small daily dose of Tamoxifen. I was soon back up to 1mg finasteride without the gyno getting worse.
Today I've been off Tamoxifen for about a month now while still maintaining 1mg of finasteride and the Gyno isn't getting any worse...knock on wood.
I gotta tell ya, I had a breif freakout period there for a couple of weeks where I was going to give up the hairloss fight but I'm so glad I didn't.
The Gyno I have isn't noticeable to anyone and right now it's just a small lump about the size and thickness of a lima bean.
I should also add that I've had libido problems but nothing that kept me from performing.
Guys I'm 34 and for me these side effects are tolerable for me. I don't even think twice about it anymore.
I beleive I'm one of the two people on this board to have documented Gynecomastia. The chances of someone getting it is sooo remote.



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Thanks for your comments!

BadHairDecade said:
I should also add that I've had libido problems but nothing that kept me from performing.

So has this libido problem come and gone, or is this something you saw when first starting with finasteride?

Just trying to grasp the whole finasteride picture! :book:




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LiveHair said:
So has this libido problem come and gone, or is this something you saw when first starting with finasteride?

I had a major libido increase for the first couple months on finasteride before it leveled out then went down a bit around month 4 I think.
It fluctuates a little now and again......Everything works fine it just takes a little jump start when getting started....Morning wood only happens occasionally where as before finasteride my dick would wake up and make the morning coffee and hour before I woke.
Oh yea....watery semen...got that too.... But with less viscosity it shoots 10 times further. Almost put the girls eye out :freaked: