*Success* on finasteride and Nizoral 2% **NEW PICS**


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NEW PICS as of 10/15/04



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Seriously though, your hair looks fine- but it's pointless to post after photos without before photos, you know? With that much hair on your head, it's almost impossible to believe you were losing any in the first place.

Keep in mind that this happens to so, so many guys at 25,26 or 27- that their hair begins to phase into a mature hairline- at first, it's scary because it looks like male pattern baldness. In many cases however, it's not male pattern baldness- it's just the age factor and it'll stop after it recedes a little bit. So, you may have started medication needlessly- but it's better to be safe, so it was a good move on your part.


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I have heard of many people having success with zix proven or not! Secondly I cannot judge anything by these pics without seeing pictures previous to any treatment. Showing pictures of maintanence is not showing anything.

Molecular Help

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Nice, but why did you post those pics? Even if you did have baseline pics, you described your hair loss as diffuse, only recognizable by your scalp showing through in sunlight. You did also mention something about your hair being more limp, though that would be very hard to show in pics.

Anyways though those pics are straight away in rather dim lighting. You probably looked like that when you began, right?

Of course without baseline pics nothing is really of any use to us here at the forum at this point. Still, you should probably take some well-lit top shots. That way further down the road you can evaluate your maintenance success more accurately, as well as the effect any future alterations to your regimen might produce.

Way down the line for you though. At this point though you should be stripped of your membership! You can't be hanging around this forum looking like Johnney Bravo or some sh*t. For your own safety! Even if you came from the ghetto, if you make it big you can only drive your mercedes around for so long before it ends up on blocks.

Molecular Help

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Perhaps you could redirect all the stress and concern you were using fighting hair loss to some other perceived problem. They got discussion forums for everything these days!


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1) Your hair looks excellent.

2) You should not stress it til you see some good thinning and a bald area/patch/strip.

3) You look like Johnny Quest.

4) You look like Johnny Bravo.

5) Your hair is fine.

6) Go to bed. You won't find 100 hairs on your pillow in the morning.

7) You go, Johnny.


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Your work here is done son.

Haha, actually, if I recall seeing your pics with your baby daughter over on HLH, it looks like your hair is even thicker since then.

That is some amazing hair for ANY man over the age of, say, 13 ?

The cool thing is, you use finasteride and have not had any sides (like me).

Good job.


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Your hair looks great man....any baseline photos, or did you catch it in that stage where you can tell, but no one else really can?

God I wish I had.

too bald too furious

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Hello Socks,
Your new pictures are really good and your hair is really awesome. propecia has done wonders for you. Dont listen to people who are criticising that they cannot see any change...they prolly are jealous of your hair :D
Keep up the propecia dosage....and be a life long member in this forum to be a guiding mentor for future newbies who come here worried and want to see real good results.
Nexus :)

Red Rose

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Socks if I remember correctly from HLH zix was the one thing from your regimen that you attributed most towards your healthy scalp...but do you think it had any affect in thickening your hair?


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Hey guys.

First, I do apologize for the lack of quality of the pics... The web cam I have is seriously bad and as soon as I get my lazy *** around to it I'm returning it to get one that has a better resolution.

Anyhow, as I've said a million times, I'm a diffused thinner not a receding one (not yet atleast **knock on wood**).

You have to understand that my hair was MONSTER thick back in '01 to the point where I had to leave anti-dandruff shampoos (make hair thinner) on my head for an hour AND put a baseball cap on (when wet) just to get my hair to lay down! Even a wide tooth woman's brush wouldnt go through my hair wet or dry.

Within 2yrs my hair went from super thick to me having to wash my hair EVERY day with "volume" shampoos and blow drying my hair to fluff it up (something I wouldnt dream of doing before).

At my worst point back in May of 04' (after being on Finasteride for several months) my front was so thin that even my long time hairdresser had to tease it and mess with it so that it would not look like it was obviously thinning.

Yesterday, when I went for my haircut his comb was actually getting stuck in my hair and pulling as he was cutting.

So what is the point of all that I've just said? Even though I'm a diffused thinner, which can be more difficult to visually measure success then recession, the very fact that combs are now getting stuck in my hair is PROOF of a positive result.

If I would have taken pics of myself in the same pose/light/webcam/hairstyle back in May 04' my hair would NOT have looked anywhere like that... My hair was so limp and thin the only thing I could with it was comb it forward

So, in conclusion I have a few points I want to make:

1. Treatments **do** work but it doesnt happen over night. Even when I was taking Finasteride for over 3months my hair was looking worse... It took nearly 9-10months for my hair to improve.

2. Nizoral 2% is a VERY useful addition to any hairloss routine! Since using it at the 9month mark my hair not only shed less but became gradually slightly thicker. My scalp (after several months of use) is now much healthier and isnt sensitive like it use to be.

3. Zix DOES work. Since stopping in about a month or two ago my shed has increase to about 30hairs a day from the usual 0-5. I'm planning on making a new batch this weekend and starting the zix routine again.

4. NOTHING is going to repair all the damage that has been done to your hair! I will never get my hair to where it was back in 01'. Because my hair was still in decent shape and I was diffused and not receding I was able to salvage my hair to a point where most people would never tell.... but DONT expect to start when your hair has been ravaged from DHT and then stop when you dont turn back the hand of time 5-10yrs.... No matter when you start it will help but the sooner the better.

Ok that was kinda lengthy but again, my main point in posting here isnt to provide absolute proof to the biggest of skeptics. I simply want people to know treatments work but you got to give em time and be realistic... A good thickening shampoo and mouse goes a long way too ;)


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Red Rose said:
Socks if I remember correctly from HLH zix was the one thing from your regimen that you attributed most towards your healthy scalp...but do you think it had any affect in thickening your hair?

Hard to say. I can say since stopping zix my shed increased. It is impossible to say how much a thickening effect it had since I was also using Finasteride and Nizoral.... In theory any 5ar inhibitor may be able to provide some thickening of the hair... however 5ar inhibitors are not hair stimulants such as minoxidil... so dont expect a 5ar inhibitor to provide the same level of possible "thickening" and "regrowth" as minoxidil (though some people have claimed 5ar inhibitors greatly improved hair thickness).

In short, only expect compounds like zix to maintain not regrow/thicken... regrowth/thickening is always a bonus :)


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That is quite arguably the thickest head of hair I have ever seen. Socks, could you please post some "before" photos of when it was thinning so we can do an accurate comparison?

As someone mentioned above, without before photos, the after ones don't mean much. I've seen guys post here with absolute full heads of hair and zero diffuse thinning who swear they've lost "40%" of their hair (their words). The minds eye is incredibly powerful.

I too am working to keep a full head of hair, but my photos do show some actual diffuse thinning. I am interested in seeing the photos of your hair at its thinnest.




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HairlossTalk said:
That is quite arguably the thickest head of hair I have ever seen. Socks, could you please post some "before" photos of when it was thinning so we can do an accurate comparison?

As someone mentioned above, without before photos, the after ones don't mean much. I've seen guys post here with absolute full heads of hair and zero diffuse thinning who swear they've lost "40%" of their hair (their words). The minds eye is incredibly powerful.

I too am working to keep a full head of hair, but my photos do show some actual diffuse thinning. I am interested in seeing the photos of your hair at its thinnest.

HairlossTalk, I hear what ya mean about some guys imagining a great deal more hairloss then there actually is in reality.

I do truly wish I still had some of my old pics I took when my hair was bad. I had backed-up my HD to a slave (all my important files/pics) and reformatted my master when I started getting some funky computer glitches/crashes after installing a newer Directx version and graphic drivers.... Anyhow, when I went to pick up the slave to reconnected it to my motherboard I felt a zap from my finger tips :(

I hoped it was just my imagination but when I looked for my data it was all gone... even ran a restore program to find lost files... all gone... Needless to say I was seriously pissed as I lost a lot of important files.

I will say this. The one pic I had at my worst was taken in the exact same light and position as a past pic I had where my hair was super thick. I was appalled at what I saw. You know how you dont see any scalp in those pics above? Well not only was there scalp but my hair just looked incredibly limp... keep in mind this was when I was still in denial... I thought I just wasnt sleeping enough or eating right... it wasnt until I saw that pic that I knew I had actual hairloss.

Again, I hear what you're saying that it is critical to have before and after pics for others to make a good assessment of progress... I regret I dont have any to show.... I will say, that like you, it was diffused not receding... it wasnt like a NW3 that jumped to where I am now. It was the same hairline as you see in the pics but the hair itself was just super thin and limp... I could have chalked it all up to my imagination but when I comb my hair now the comb gets stuck....the same at the hair dressers... when I look close up in the mirror I dont see much scalp at all anymore....

Anyhow, looking at the pic you submitted looks VERY similar to the style of loss I had... it was getting thin right up the middle noticeably and the rest of the hair was just getting "smaller" in diameter allowing less resistance in combing.


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The thing is, Socks caught it in time.
I remeber the first 3 years of my hairloss people telling me I'm crazy and I'm not losing my hair even though I knew it was happening. It was also diffuse thinning. Unfortunately I didn't seriously start doing anything about it until year 10.
finasteride has and is working for me now. However if finasteride was available and I used it within those first three years when it wasn't really noticeable I feel my results would have been much better.
Diffuse thinning isn't like getting a mature hairline. YOU KNOW for sure that your losing it even when your friends and family say your not.
I'm glad things worked out for you Socks.

Quick questions.....It seems there is no vehicle for Zix, just distilled water, which doesn't penetrate the scalp. Is it supposed to piggy-back on the alcohol in minoxidil?
Isn't the alcohol in minoxidil already saturated?



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BadHairDecade said:
The thing is, Socks caught it in time.
I remeber the first 3 years of my hairloss people telling me I'm crazy and I'm not losing my hair even though I knew it was happening. It was also diffuse thinning. Unfortunately I didn't seriously start doing anything about it until year 10.
finasteride has and is working for me now. However if finasteride was available and I used it within those first three years when it wasn't really noticeable I feel my results would have been much better.
Diffuse thinning isn't like getting a mature hairline. YOU KNOW for sure that your losing it even when your friends and family say your not.
I'm glad things worked out for you Socks.

Quick questions.....It seems there is no vehicle for Zix, just distilled water, which doesn't penetrate the scalp. Is it supposed to piggy-back on the alcohol in minoxidil?
Isn't the alcohol in minoxidil already saturated?


Thank you BadHairDecade. You are exactly right on diffused thinning... The very nature of it makes it very hard for people to know you have it until it gets really bad... Hell, it even makes it easier to be in denial yourself cause you look at pics of men with bald spots and receding hairlines and you're like, "well thats not me, I must be ok"... But you're not ok cause hair isnt suppose to just go from super thick to thin in 2yrs!

Do you have any pics of where you hair is at this point? I'm always curious to see other fellow diffused thinner pics.

As far as the zix, I agree there seems to be no vehicle as there is no alcohol in the original formula... On spooky’s site he says some people have had increased success using lemon juice... perhaps that helps the zix penetrate... I have heard some people who do use alcohol in their zix in an effort to increase penetration... However, I cannot state for certainty that alcohol (or certain types of alcohol) wont degrade the zinc or B6 p-5-p.

All I know is since I stopped using zix a month or two ago my shed jumped from 5 noticeable hairs in the shower tub to 30 (all other aspects of my routine are the same). While there are other variables such as a normal increase in shedding due to winter as well as normal hair cycles variations I think I'm going to get back on the original zix formula and see what happens.