Stu85's story - (updated - page 3 - 06/07)


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stuuuuuu hang in there buddy. remember, most people havn't seen any results from finasteride at the 4 month mark. i think you should give it a minimum of two more months before making the switch, guys on dutas aren't seeing results that fast either man (most aren't at least).

the part you're going to hate, foam will probably make you shed more.

the part you're going to like, foam will probably restore your confidence in treatments within a few months. when i started seeing regrowth starting after only 1 month i knew i was going to make progress, even though it would take time. i instantly felt better, like there was hope. that was a month ago, my hair still doesn't look like it should but i don't feel the way you do anymore. i hope your ticket gets you onboard.

the foam will also thicken your hair up, which helps conceal shedding.


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dietcola, man it's not the lack or progress that is getting to me, it's the feeling that I'm actually losing ground!

My rogaine foam hasn't arrived yet, but I guess I'm still having second thoughts about whether or not it is the best way to go. I know once I start I'm on it for life - or at least until a more permanent solution comes along, but when you're convinced that you're gonna be bald by the end of the year, these things don't concern you! You just want hair now!

And at least on dutas, I'd have the comfort that I'm on the most potent dht inhibitor out there. Right now I scared that I could be losing ground on finasteride that could prevented by simply popping a different pill.

Above all, I'm f*****g terrified that all this hair I'm losing isn't going to grow back! Seriously, I sat here an hour ago and just shook my hair for about 15 mins, there must have been about 100 hairs there, and that doesn't include all those I lost in the shower, around the house etc... :/


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caaaaalm down :)

I know you notice it, but to anyone else does your hair actually look any different? Have you compared photos of your temples?

finasteride will not cause you to lose your hair. The hair you're losing now is going to grow back *stronger* !

please try to chill out a bit, i know it's hard, but things are going to get better soon! you might stop shedding tomorrow :)


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for me the decision was easy, do i want the inconvenience of using minoxidil if i really don't have to? no. BUT i want MAXIMUM regrowth. and i know that finasteride or dutasteride alone will not grow as much as when combined with minoxidil. i don't want to just keep my hair i want to really improve it.

if i decide not to keep up with minoxidil one day i would probably keep going with finasteride, and see how much minoxidil hair i lose. i guess that would really tell me how much regrowth was from minoxidil and how much was from finasteride.

so ask yourself what is important, and make the best decision for yourself. lots of guys here wanting their hair back are fighting with just dutasteride, no topicals, and so can you. just a matter of choice.


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Thanks for the support guys. I was panicking yesterday and though I'm not best pleased abot the current state of my hair, it probably isn't as bad as I thought. Guess I need to put more faith in the meds!

dietcola, I think I probably do want maximum regrowth. If I want to keep my hair fairly long(ish) I do need as much hair as possible to cover my already large temples and forehead. I'm still not sure if I want to go on the minoxidil yet - if I do it will be just to strengthen the hair on the front and temples and generally improve the hairline. And of course, that will mean more shedding. :/

In the mean time I might start taking MSM to hurry the regrowth along a bit.

flimflam, I have been comparing photos and I do think the hair has got thinner, which isn't surprising with the amount of shedding I've been going through. But hopefully that's all it is: finasteride induced shedding and not male pattern baldness shedding!

Anyway, thanks again for the replies guys!


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Alrighty, after coming back from the doctors last week I did something pretty rash: I took some clippers and shaved off most of my hair. No, I'm not too pleased with the results, but as the Doctor said I had Serborric (sp?) Dermatitis I thought the topical steroid I have to use would be rather difficult to apply with my longish hair. Soooo, off it went. I was pretty depressed with the state of my hair, but after cutting it off I was surpised just how much short hair can hide thinning. I'm still looking forward to it growing back though....

So, here are the results:




And the crown/vertex/whatever, which looks better with short hair....


And for anyone who doubted how much worse it looked with long hair (taken a week before I shaved it off)...


Very odd. I guess when the hairs are long, gravity pulls them more and exposes much more of the scalp.

One thing which pleased me is the hairline. Looking at photos from almost 3 years ago (when I had hair similar to the length it is now), the hairline actually doesn't look like it has changed too much. Of course, I have no photos which document the state of my vertex then. I'm sure the sides have been thinning though, and it's possible the finasteride and rogaine have been thickening them a little...

Right before shaving it off I was STILL shedding like a forest in autumn. I'm still a bit scared that as I let it grow longer I'm going to find it's become more diffuse. Of course, now with my hair so short I barely notice any hair falling off. Still, it scares me to think how much is falling out without me noticing it.

And lastly, I want to take back everything I said about my doctor in the first post. I spoke to him about dutasteride and, with a shrug, he said that as the two drugs did the same thing, if I so wished, he would prescribe it to me! Ha, I must have got the one laid back doctor in the whole NHS!


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I hate to say it, but you look a lot better with the short hair.


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docj077 said:
I hate to say it, but you look a lot better with the short hair.

Hmm...well i never posted any good pictures of me with long hair. I still want to be able to have my hair like the following picture, but without the damn thinning at the back...



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Yeah me too... There doesn't seem to be much going on in the back. Your hairline is only slightly receeding. To the common folk, they wouldn't spot anything going on.



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looks good man, the short hair definately makes it look better. i don't think anyone would pick you out as a victim of male pattern baldness, your hair looks very normal and healthy. keep it up dude


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Thanks guys, but I'm wishing I'd taken those photos in better light. I'm sure my vertex looks deceptively thick in that picture. And I'd be prepared to swear that I'm still losing more hair than is natural.

God, I don't know how much of this is in my head - rather than on it. Everyone I have asked has said they've seen thinning, but they all say that it isn't that bad - but they would say that anyway.

To be honest, I'm not going to be happy until I feel like I'm on the strongest treatments with the very best chances of keeping what I have (and thickening up that bloody vertex). I know I'm going to move to Dutasteride at some point, I just don't know when. It will probably be sooner rather than later. I'm going to let my hair grow out, but if my vertex is still thin in a few months, I'm probably going to be demanding the 'ol King of the DHT inhibitors from the Doctor.


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I can't tell if that rolly-eyes smiley means you're being sarcastic about not seeing anything wrong, or if you think I'm one of those people making a fuss over nothing!

Well, I'm pretty sure it was clear from some of the earlier pictures I posted that I do have notable hairloss! Sure, I'm nowhere near being fully bald, but I'd like to keep it like that thank you very much! I've had the doctor, my mother and my father (I'm too embarrased to ask my norwood -10 friends) all say that it seemed to be a little thin on the crown.

And I can assure you I lose a lot of hair each day, and far too much of the stuff falling out it is miniturised.

Also, since I cut my hair, I had a friend's girl friend gasp (putting her hand to her mouth and everything) and say "Oh my God what did you do to your hair!". I can tell you I look much better with long hair, and I really need to keep it for a good couple of decades. Anyway, I had someone approach me a month ago about joining his band, he hasn't seen me since I cut my hair, but short hair just does not look the part! I need to be able to pull of having long hair! I think I look far too ordinairy without it. :(


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If your referring to your crown area thats not receding its just the natural parting in your hairline, as for the front yes its going very very slightly but its really not as bad i wish i had your hairline.


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i dont think your going bald at all... you do have some minor thinning at the vertex area, and your temples receeded a little. Nothing dramatic. It might be good to start treatments to prevent future loss though.


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Hey dude, I think that your hair looks better with the short hair. Plus I don't see any thinning or balding area.


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Primex said:
Hey dude, I think that your hair looks better with the short hair. Plus I don't see any thinning or balding area.

I agree. With the short hair, nobody will think your balding.


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I think the long hair suits your face... but others seem to disagree.

The only real benefits seem to be a less thinning on the vertex, which I'm not sure if there's thinning or just the way you have it styled.