Stemson is going to use minipigs in the next stage of their hair cloning research


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no cloning for you NW4s+

HMI 115 IS THE CURE dude

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They (Stemson) keep hiring but what are they doing? That's what they won't tell us. I don't care if they hire 1000 new scientists, researchers or jugglers. I'd rather they hire those with a background in hair, skin and cell anatomy, who understand what's wrong and have the fixes needed. I really don't know why Geoff has confidence that his new hires are going to accomplish anything. It to me looks like he's buying lottery tickets with his hires, hoping one will hit, but the likelihood is next to zero from what I read in these recent biographies. The company at this rate will probably go bust from overextending their budget. That's what worries me. I hope I'm wrong and that these hires will accomplish something needed to advance us to a cure.
I agree their research team is really weak sadly

Super Metroid

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They (Stemson) keep hiring but what are they doing? That's what they won't tell us. I don't care if they hire 1000 new scientists, researchers or jugglers. I'd rather they hire those with a background in hair, skin and cell anatomy, who understand what's wrong and have the fixes needed. I really don't know why Geoff has confidence that his new hires are going to accomplish anything. It to me looks like he's buying lottery tickets with his hires, hoping one will hit, but the likelihood is next to zero from what I read in these recent biographies. The company at this rate will probably go bust from overextending their budget. That's what worries me. I hope I'm wrong and that these hires will accomplish something needed to advance us to a cure.
I am pretty sure that Stemson would also prefer to just hire those people that just understand what is wrong and have the fixes needed. For a novel product like they are developing, those people are just not that easy to come by if at all available.

Hamilton himself admitted, to his honesty, that they would need several years before they can move on to human trials. It is therefore safe to assume they are nowhere near close to a solution. The fact that people are still so onto this is baffling to me.

On the surface, it seems positive that they are hiring. More smart people can see, develop and accomplish more than less. Whether these are the right hires and they are financially stable enough is beyond our knowledge.


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Why do you say that ?
Two things -

1. Awhile ago they said something about continuing pig studies until they can make it work right in pigs. When they said that it sounded like it wasn't working right in pig studies.

2. It seems like it's been in pig studies quite awhile so it seems like if it was going well in pig studies they would be wrapping them up by now and prepping to go into human studies.

I think their treatment may be failing.
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They're building ML models to actually do the transplanting by means of integrating robotics. A machine will be trained to map natural hair patterns and implant the synthetic scaffolds.
Just found this thread (I don't know how I missed it). I should say, this sounds great. I've recently read about the approaches based on machine learning (though mostly about in art generation) and I was very impressed. But I didn't know ML models will be used to do hair transplanting. I'm sure several years ago most people couldn't even imagine this might have been real.
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Ralph Wiggum

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Epibiotech CEO Jong-Hyuk Sung’s presentation on the progress of his EPI-001 cell therapy was likely the main attraction of the conference. Sung shared that injections of EPI-001, which is composed of human dermal papilla cells, were able to increase hair count by 40% and hair diameter by 30% in pig skin after one month. It is prudent to point out that the increase in hair growth was native pig hair; this is the conclusion we can come up with from the limited information.
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Epibiotech CEO Jong-Hyuk Sung’s presentation on the progress of his EPI-001 cell therapy was likely the main attraction of the conference. Sung shared that injections of EPI-001, which is composed of human dermal papilla cells, were able to increase hair count by 40% and hair diameter by 30% in pig skin after one month. It is prudent to point out that the increase in hair growth was native pig hair; this is the conclusion we can come up with from the limited information.
So this is just an injection to the scalp?


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New interview with CEO Geoff Hamilton from Stemson:



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I think he speaks confident on the matter and it seems to me like they are still working on it. he said hopefully not more than a couple of years. Alexis said somewhere 5 years or so until human trials?sounds about on line with that statement


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I've talked frustratedly regarding Geoff Hamilton not being active anymore and hiring what I believe to be questionably useful people to Stemson. I'm glad that Geoff is finally back doing interviews again. It sounds like he's got something solid but needs the bugs worked out. Says we'll need, "at least a couple more years before we feel we're really ready (to do clinical trials)". I hope a couple of years he states doesn't turn out to be 20. I wish he'd explain why this is the case regarding what the problems are at the moment that need to be worked out. I read that the problem is getting the induced pluripotent stem cells to become hair with 100% consistency (and not transforming into a different organ or not growing into anything) and that it should generate into a properly sized growing hair. The hair direction of growth and texture have to be right too and of course the big one is, will this therapy possibly induce cancer?

I like how Geoff presented himself in this interview. He seems likeable. What Geoff needs to understand is this is a very serious problem to some individuals. If he knew how it affected someone like me, he'd realize this is a topic that needs explanation in a public forum like we have here, not just dealing with a lone reporter or making presentations at conventions. I wish Geoff would extend a hand and make himself available to us. That would be fantastic! He could get free information too; some brilliant individual here might provide a piece of the puzzle they may be missing.

The money aspect of curing hair loss matters but given how so many lives are severely affected by this issue, he should know the money to be made off of this is nice but in the scheme of it all is secondary. I would give everything I have and more to get my hair issues resolved, meaning this is a priceless matter to me that goes beyond matters of money. It's my psychological well-being that is the matter. How can you put a price on that? Imagine, hair loss is cured, the psychological health of millions would be resolved. We'd have a more optimistic, productive, functional, less angry, less bitter, far less depressed and healthier society. This hopeful cure will be lifechanging. I hope they succeed and soon. For matters I wish G-d could solve, doesn't, sadly we have to depend on science to deal with matters like this and so far, science hasn't been adequate. That's not to say it won't be, but progress is very slow. I just wonder if by some miracle a billion dollars was given to cure hair loss, how much faster would we get to resolving this matter? Everyone always talks about it's the money being the reason we haven't fixed alopecia but somehow, I doubt this. What else could be done if more money was thrown into the equation that isn't being done now?

Despite being nice seeing Geoff speak again, he really didn't tell us anything beyond "we've got something but needs the time before we feel confident to go forward for a clinical trial". He's thinking, if we don't get this right, we're out of jobs and won't get more funding to further this project. That's what he fears, and I can't blame him either.

The other thing I found peculiar not mentioned here is the pig experiments. Why does he constantly omit this factor? Until we see something showing Stemson could grow hair on the pigs, I think they're blowing hot air! Stemson had no problems showing off the pictures of the mice, but now why nothing to show us when it comes to the pigs? My confidence in them is still in doubt due to this omission.


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I think he speaks confident on the matter and it seems to me like they are still working on it. he said hopefully not more than a couple of years. Alexis said somewhere 5 years or so until human trials?sounds about on line with that statement
Notice Geoff's tone of voice when a reporter mentions "when will it be ready?". He feels angst when having to answer this question from reporter after reporter. If he's not excited to share this news with a happy and not avoidant tone of voice, then it is clear that it's a far way's off (if ever). The two years or more until we really have it solidified line, I'm just not buying it. He just wants to keep his job and keep the money flowing in to stay afloat. He hasn't made a convincing case where they're at and what recent progress has been made. Again, not a word about the pig experiments. They need to put some evidence forward of what progress they've made with something that we can see otherwise I may as well go to a synagogue and hear a rabbi tell me that Messiah (Moschiach) is coming any day now or go to church and hear "Jesus is coming back soon". How long have the Jews, Christians and everyone pretty much been hearing that? Well same goes for this. We're promised things, and I doubt they will ever be realized or fulfilled. Geoff needs to make a better argument, tell us more and the details of things we want to hear about. He needs to get to this forum and address this hair loss community as it is among the largest on the Internet. We should be taken seriously. There is a lot of us who come here regularly. We should not be ignored by them! I read from many of readers here that this isn't something he should or needs to do. That is the case if you lack the self-esteem or feel you are not important. You create the reality based on your expectations.
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Notice Geoff's tone of voice when a reporter mentions "when will it be ready?". He feels angst when having to answer this question from reporter after reporter. If he's not excited to share this news with a happy and not avoidant tone of voice, then it is clear that it's a far way's off (if ever). The two years or more until we really have it solidified line, I'm just not buying it. He just wants to keep his job and keep the money flowing in to stay afloat. He hasn't made a convincing case where they're at and what recent progress has been made. Again, not a word about the pig experiments. They need to put some evidence forward of what progress they've made with something that we can see otherwise I may as well go to a synagogue and hear a rabbi tell me that Messiah (Moschiach) is coming any day now or go to church and hear "Jesus is coming back soon". How long have the Jews, Christians and everyone pretty much been hearing that? Well same goes for this. We're promised things, and I doubt they will ever be realized or fulfilled. Geoff needs to make a better argument, tell us more and the details of things we want to hear about. He needs to get to this forum and address this hair loss community as it is among the largest on the Internet. We should be taken seriously. There is a lot of us who come here regularly. We should not be ignored by them! I read from many of readers here that this isn't something he should or needs to do. That is the case if you lack the self-esteem or feel you are not important. You create the reality based on your expectations.
you are a lunatic