Starting Finasteride This Week. Anyone Else?


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Hi everyone, im already 19y/o
is this normal or im balding.Can anybody provide some info for me?
PS: my father is bald

The 2nd pic is just a normal shot and the first pic, I moved my hairs around to expose more of the scalp.

Thanks for any input.


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Chest pains are pretty frequent now guys. I think at day 10 my journey may be over. Gyno scares the sh*t out of me.


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Chest pains are pretty frequent now guys. I think at day 10 my journey may be over. Gyno scares the sh*t out of me.

Give it another week man , i had the pains for like 4 days . I dont have them anymore. The only sides i have atm is that i am extremely horny all the time(which is a good thing lol)


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Give it another week man , i had the pains for like 4 days . I dont have them anymore. The only sides i have atm is that i am extremely horny all the time(which is a good thing lol)
I've had it for a week now. Worried its only going to get worse.


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So, 3 days off finasteride. Chest pain still there although less frequent. I'm seriously wondering if its purely anxiety as I'm still spending my days waiting and anticipating the chest pain. Still no nipple discomfort. I'd love to be able to 100% rule out gyno. The chest pain is more than bearable and as I said, I'm staring to think its a mental side anyway.

I'm thinking of waiting for the new week and starting again at 0.25mg with DIM. Opinions?


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Hi everyone, im already 19y/o
is this normal or im balding.Can anybody provide some info for me?
PS: my father is bald

The 2nd pic is just a normal shot and the first pic, I moved my hairs around to expose more of the scalp.

Thanks for any input.

It's normal for a person with black hair and light skin. My crown is the same (also black hair+light skin) and I went to a hair doctor to get it checked and I have no hairloss there. That being said go and get it checked. It's always better to make sure everything is alright.


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It's normal for a person with black hair and light skin. My crown is the same (also black hair+light skin) and I went to a hair doctor to get it checked and I have no hairloss there. That being said go and get it checked. It's always better to make sure everything is alright.
Also, are you Asian? Like 99% Asian men I've seen have that kind of crown. I'm med and it's also common for us.


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Just an update i am like a month in now. Still no sides at all, had sensitive nipples for 4 days but that went. I have DEFINITELY seen a decrease in shedding, i shed alot of small hairs like 3 weeks in for a few days. I used to shed around 150-200 hairs when i washed my hair once every 4-5 days, i am now shedding about 80-90 hairs after going the same amount of time without washing my hair. Let us see how it goes after another few weeks.


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Chest pain has pretty much cleared up now. 6 days off finasteride. Just ordered some DIM for when I start again on Monday. Breasts/Nipples remain fine. I may have been a little hasty to quit but once I'd started reading about gyno I felt I had to stop rather than power through.


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Chest pain has pretty much cleared up now. 6 days off finasteride. Just ordered some DIM for when I start again on Monday. Breasts/Nipples remain fine. I may have been a little hasty to quit but once I'd started reading about gyno I felt I had to stop rather than power through.

You’re not alone. I was hasty as well. I was on Propecia and immediately stopped after 2 weeks when my chest/breast area felt like it was on fire.

It subsided after a week or two and I tried Propecia again at a lower dose (then went back up to 1mg a month later). I never had problems again. I don’t seem to notice any signs of gyno or anything.

I think it’s just the body adjusting.

Worse come to worse if you develop gyno just get a job at Hooters. It’ll all work out, lol.


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You’re not alone. I was hasty as well. I was on Propecia and immediately stopped after 2 weeks when my chest/breast area felt like it was on fire.

It subsided after a week or two and I tried Propecia again at a lower dose (then went back up to 1mg a month later). I never had problems again. I don’t seem to notice any signs of gyno or anything.

I think it’s just the body adjusting.

Worse come to worse if you develop gyno just get a job at Hooters. It’ll all work out, lol.
This is good to hear!

I'm now a week off and haven't felt any chest pain at all today. I thought it may have been my body adjusting but as the pain go more frequent I got scared away. I wanted to get to this stage of the pain completely disappearing before restarting so still on course to restart on Monday.


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A few weeks late but started topical Finasteride today. .05 with 2.5 Oral Minoxidil.

I’ll post some photos. Diffuse thinning all over with slight recession in the front/temples.


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Congrats. I’m using the topical not sure what to expect. Shed a lot some growing back just weaker.


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Been on finasteride for about a week and then stopped couple of days ago. I took ~ 0.5mg of proscar EOD just to be sure about sides, and I still got them. Low libido, and my dick would go soft in middle of masturbation. That didn't happend to me ever in my life, so I just called it quits since I said to myself that I stop on the mildest side that I get. I'll hop on 5% minoxidil since I am using the 2% and I hope it will fill my temples a bit. I just wanted to say that I think that thinking about finasteride sides has a lot to do with you actually getting them. I was obsessed when I took my 1st pill, and couldn't thinkof anything else so I think that made my sides a lot worse.

Good luck to all of you!


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Don't remember the last time I posted here but just an update, I am now closing in on the two month mark on finasteride, only sides I've had so far which I had for like two weeks was sudden but dull ball ache sometimes and watery semen ,which has now returned to normal, my libido is still higher than usual.

As for my hair , my shedding has decreased(not by that much but still noticeably) and my hair feels slightly healthier, the left side of my hairline that had receeded the most seems to be thickening up a little and the right side has not receeded at all till now. I will update in another few weeks.


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1 week mark on topical Finasteride.05. Shedding continues but I can’t tell if it’s any worse. 200-300 per day. Diffuse in a NW6 still coverage overall, but density is 25% from 2 years ago.

No sides.


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I keep starting and thinking that it’s giving me a weird sensation in my chest area. I’ve been taking it every other day for only a week and have already had to stop. I’m not sure if this could be in my head

I too experienced this while beginning 1mg everyday for three weeks, I’ve been off for over a week now and it’s gotten better. Did The sensation in your chest come back? Are you still taking finasteride?