Sideeffect Of Balding Might Be More Harmful Then Sideeffects Of finasteride


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ok we all kmow how finasteride fucks with your neurosteroids and dht and its surely not ideal. it probably shrinks your dick, fucks your brain and behavior and you might grow tits.

but what about balding? just be confidenr right? no, ofc you always look better with hair which means you look worse without hair. and yes looking worse will affect your daily life and your dating life.

so what? just focuse and career right? no biggie...

well here is the thing:

"This 75-Year Harvard Study Found the 1 Secret to Leading a Fulfilling Life

The conclusion?

"The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period."

Not how much is in your 401(k). Not how many conferences you spoke at--or keynoted. Not how many blog posts you wrote or how many followers you had or how many tech companies you worked for or how much power you wielded there or how much you vested at each.

No, the biggest predictor of your happiness and fulfillment overall in life is, basically, love

The data is also very clear that those who feel lonely are more likely to see their physical health decline earlier and die younger.

Because the data is clear that, in the end, you could have all the money you've ever wanted, a successful career, and be in good physical health, but without loving relationships, you won't be happy"


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Excellent post. This is exactly what I've been saying all along.

Bald guys will find it impossible to get married and have children. This - according to Jordan Peterson and this study - makes a bald guy's life meaningless.

The very reason that we earn money, look after ourselves etc. is so that we can connect with somebody on a romantic level and form a loving, understanding bond that lasts for a long time. For a bald guy, this connection is ruined. I.e. a bald guy can't increase his attractiveness through money, being in shape etc. He's bald so he's ****ed. With this, it's no wonder so many bald guys are depressed.


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this why peterson got an hair transplant and is on finasteride

finasteride fucks with gaba and dopamin but balding decreases even more

its important to understand that humans are from nature very social beings which means we need deep human connections and love to be happy.

denying this fact, this part of human nature will make you unhappy. you can lie to yourself on a superficial lvl for a time but eventually it will catch up with you.

thats why mgtow is a lie. a coping mechanism to deal with being unwanted and which only purpose is to protect your ego from a big narcissistic injury. a coping mechanism born out of bitterness and which will nothing do good for you in the long run.

lone wolf theory is a meme.

and btw you may argue that money alone will grant you a good relationship but its important to know that only healthy relationship come with benefits. so if there is no mutual attraction, only the money, with sex 1×per month, light out and a divorce and the horizon its not good either.

money alone doesnt cut it
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I agree that it is worth it if you do not have side effects, but if you do have noticeable side effects then why continue. How is your relationship going to work out if you have ED and cannot sexually satisfy your partner?


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I agree that it is worth it if you do not have side effects, but if you do have noticeable side effects then why continue. How is your relationship going to work out if you have ED and cannot sexually satisfy your partner?

yeah ofc man....i always do a bit hyperbole for entertainment reasons..however the mgtow part (or better men send their own way) and the study is legit


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Excellent post. This is exactly what I've been saying all along.

Bald guys will find it impossible to get married and have children. This - according to Jordan Peterson and this study - makes a bald guy's life meaningless.

The very reason that we earn money, look after ourselves etc. is so that we can connect with somebody on a romantic level and form a loving, understanding bond that lasts for a long time. For a bald guy, this connection is ruined. I.e. a bald guy can't increase his attractiveness through money, being in shape etc. He's bald so he's ****ed. With this, it's no wonder so many bald guys are depressed.

How are your looks?

Even if you are bald,there is huge chance of attracting women if they are above 26/27 or recently married.

If still your answer is no,there is problem in your assesment.

There is one bald youtuber who has same baldness type like me.
He is from state above California in map,has attractive wife too.
Don't mention the name if you know.

Btw how many friends have you made in 2018/2017?


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How are your looks?

Even if you are bald,there is huge chance of attracting women if they are above 26/27 or recently married.

If still your answer is no,there is problem in your assesment.

There is one bald youtuber who has same baldness type like me.
He is from state above California in map,has attractive wife too.
Don't mention the name if you know.

Btw how many friends have you made in 2018/2017?

My looks are just like everybody on here. In shape, good head shape, good skin care, and good grooming except for the haircut which can never be considered good. Also, I'm considered intelligent and confident. Men respect me or think that I'm impressive etc. I'm no different to the other guys on here besides my Norwood level. I'm working on improving my fashion sense but it is still above average because I have already been working on it for a while.

Older women are an extremely tough crowd. Firstly, I am 26-28. I don't really want to date a woman 30 or older just yet. Women my age have been exceedingly harsh. I had no problem getting dates with them but the dates always went badly. They are the fussiest of all and I've found them to be less accepting of average height and extreme hair loss than the younger ones. The only women with whom I've had enjoyable dates were 3 or more years younger than me and always aged under 25. I get along so well with some of those women. Now, as I get older, I won't realistically be able to date the women this age and I will be forced to date the 26-28 year old women who never gave me any chance. Well, I am going to start a high status career soon. Back then, I was a student. Maybe this will change things.

Please PM me the name of this Youtuber. I might know who you are talking about but I am not sure.


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My looks are just like everybody on here. In shape, good head shape, good skin care, and good grooming except for the haircut which can never be considered good. Also, I'm considered intelligent and confident. Men respect me or think that I'm impressive etc. I'm no different to the other guys on here besides my Norwood level. I'm working on improving my fashion sense but it is still above average because I have already been working on it for a while.

Older women are an extremely tough crowd. Firstly, I am 26-28. I don't really want to date a woman 30 or older just yet. Women my age have been exceedingly harsh. I had no problem getting dates with them but the dates always went badly. They are the fussiest of all and I've found them to be less accepting of average height and extreme hair loss than the younger ones. The only women with whom I've had enjoyable dates were 3 or more years younger than me and always aged under 25. I get along so well with some of those women. Now, as I get older, I won't realistically be able to date the women this age and I will be forced to date the 26-28 year old women who never gave me any chance. Well, I am going to start a high status career soon. Back then, I was a student. Maybe this will change things.

Please PM me the name of this Youtuber. I might know who you are talking about but I am not sure.

Something tells me the dates end badly but not because one woman is 2-3 younger or older than another woman. This Is an insignificant amount of years.


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You will find out in time that there is a lot of truth to what these guys are saying.

I know it is not true. I am attracted to guys and them balding or not does not really factor in if they are are attractive. This seems to be a common consensus among people I know.


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Something tells me the dates end badly but not because one woman is 2-3 younger or older than another woman. This Is an insignificant amount of years.

People in the manosphere say that as a woman gets older and stays single, her behaviour changes and her standards, at least temporarily, go through the roof because she knows that any guy she dates is realistically a candidate to be father of her children. The manosphere also says that the turning point is around age 25. Below that age she's happy to date any guy who makes her feel good and has fun with her but above that age she really has to have very exacting standards to tie down a father, according to the manosphere.

I don't know how correct that is but it more or less agrees with my experiences. The women who have been most disgusted by my baldness and height have been in the older category. With younger women, I even found some who were slightly taller than me and liked me.

Heinrich Harrer

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There is a difference between being a nw4+ with miniaturization and being an insecure cuck who has no alopecia but for some reason freaks out over his slightly receding temples. Once upon a time I thought everyone here was bald. I realized half of you morons aren’t even on Androgenetic Alopecia. Some of you are dumb enough to upload selfies with your thick hairlines and ask “YOU SEE THIS SPOT GUYS? I SWEAR ON ME LYFE IT WAS THICKER LAST WEEK!”. I wanna find you people and beat you up. Not even joking rn. So spare me your lectures and tears about how hard life is being bald. If your scalp ain’t shinning, you don’t have permission to complain.

For the sake of making it clear to all take these two examples: @bridgeburn was a clear case of Androgenetic Alopecia. He is allowed to cry about it, to take insane drug combos to fight it and reverse it. @alekgn is your next door duffus who doesn’t have Androgenetic Alopecia, isn’t balding at all yet he’s gonna give you advice about alopecia/baldness related matters and tell you he understands. Tell you he feels your pain. Tell you that you and him are in the same situation. He will brohug you, like your post and make you hate him even more.


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There is a difference between being a nw4+ with miniaturization and being an insecure cuck who has no alopecia but for some reason freaks out over his slightly receding temples. Once upon a time I thought everyone here was bald. I realized half of you morons aren’t even on Androgenetic Alopecia. Some of you are dumb enough to upload selfies with your thick hairlines and ask “YOU SEE THIS SPOT GUYS? I SWEAR ON ME LYFE IT WAS THICKER LAST WEEK!”. I wanna find you people and beat you up. Not even joking rn. So spare me your lectures and tears about how hard life is being bald. If your scalp ain’t shinning, you don’t have permission to complain.

For the sake of making it clear to all take these two examples: @bridgeburn was a clear case of Androgenetic Alopecia. He is allowed to cry about it, to take insane drug combos to fight it and reverse it. @alekgn is your next door duffus who doesn’t have Androgenetic Alopecia, isn’t balding at all yet he’s gonna give you advice about alopecia/baldness related matters and tell you he understands. Tell you he feels your pain. Tell you that you and him are in the same situation. He will brohug you, like your post and make you hate him even more.
He's a cuck in all senses of the word