Should Someone With Low Testosterone Not Take Finasteride?


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So I had my free testosterone levels checked, and they're a bit below the normal range. Does anyone know if low T makes people more susceptible to side effects from finasteride? If someone could drop some knowledge on me, it would be much appreciated.


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Finasteride increases free testosterone and only blocks enzyme where T is converted to DHT.


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finasteride actually increases testosterone so I don't see how that could be a problem.


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Im not a doctor but if you have low test and now with finasteride you will have low dht which is a stronger androgen maybe you will have libido problems ?


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Im not a doctor but if you have low test and now with finasteride you will have low dht which is a stronger androgen maybe you will have libido problems ?
You only need a small amount of testosterone to produce an average amount of DHT.


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I'm a low test cuck and I haven't had any problems with finasteride.


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a study i read stated that dht is regulated by your body , so independent of your test levels, dht levels should be similar to someone with high test . However low test levels sometimes cause low libido and ed , so decreasing dht might have a bit higher impact on you than the average person, but probably nothing special


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a study i read stated that dht is regulated by your body , so independent of your test levels, dht levels should be similar to someone with high test . However low test levels sometimes cause low libido and ed , so decreasing dht might have a bit higher impact on you than the average person, but probably nothing special

This is not true man. High test causes high Dht.


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"As a result of the prostatic pathways for DHT production, modest decreases in serum testosterone result in no change in normal prostatic DHT concentration. In a study of healthy eugonadal men who were medically castrated for 12 weeks and then divided into groups treated with variable dosages of testosterone gel (1.25 to 15 g 1% daily), prostatic DHT concentrations were similar across groups even in the group treated with the lowest dosage (1.25 g 1% daily) that resulted in a very low average serum testosterone concentration (∼190 ng/dL) (10).

Two studies of eugonadal men have demonstrated that exogenous testosterone gel administration (at normal to high-normal dosages for treatment of hypogonadism) raises serum DHT concentrations significantly (about threefold to fivefold), but these increases in serum DHT concentrations do not affect prostatic DHT concentrations (10, 11). Administration of DHT sufficient to increase serum DHT concentrations sevenfold also does not affect prostatic DHT concentrations (12).

Collectively, these data indicate that the prostate self-regulates DHT concentrations independently of serum DHT concentrations. Within a broad range from low to high-normal serum testosterone concentrations, prostatic DHT concentrations remain stable. It is likely that even high dosages of testosterone would not affect prostatic DHT concentrations through passive diffusion; serum DHT concentrations would have to exceed normal prostatic DHT concentrations that are typically 10-fold higher than circulating DHT concentrations. However, very high dosages of testosterone could elevate prostatic DHT concentrations by providing more substrate (testosterone) for prostatic synthesis of DHT. For the prostate, DHT is a paracrine and intracrine hormone, not a classic circulating hormone."

Yes you can increase serum dht but it does not seem to be that important .


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“Two studies of eugonadal men have demonstrated that exogenous testosterone gel administration (at normal to high-normal dosages for treatment of hypogonadism) raises serum DHT concentrations significantly (about threefold to fivefold), but these increases in serum DHTconcentrations do not affect prostatic DHTconcentrations (10, 11). “

Serum dht raises 3-5x..its a lot.
I saw in the past some bloodtest of guys who cycled steroids with only 200test a week, their dht level was 2500 ( the max range is 900)


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" normal prostatic DHT concentrations that are typically 10-fold higher than circulating DHT concentrations "
prostate at least doesnt depend on serum dht , as dht role there seems to be paracrine rather than endocrine , meaning this guy might have low test but normal prostate dht , 5ar inhibitors will however lower it as they would with everyone else


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" normal prostatic DHT concentrations that are typically 10-fold higher than circulating DHT concentrations "
prostate at least doesnt depend on serum dht , as dht role there seems to be paracrine rather than endocrine , meaning this guy might have low test but normal prostate dht , 5ar inhibitors will however lower it as they would with everyone else

yes but i wonder if some people with normal range of testo taking 5ar inihbitors have problem with libido , can you imagine him that has low testo and now low dht too not having sexual sides ?


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yea he might be at a higher risk for sides but i dont think it is significant enough to not even try !