Should I Just Start Off With dutasteride Instead?


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I just need some small regrowth and I would be totally fine with my hair. Like kinda receded but can just cover it up with hair anyways so it wouldn’t matter which would be fine for me at this point.

im kinda scared of min and would rather save it for later I guess the side effects of min sound realer to me and I’d prefer to just have a pill every day then a whole *** routine.

I just want to start either finasteride or dutasteride then combine all the natural treatments. The herbs for hair, topical tea, topical herbs, topical oils, essential oils etc.

I want to start with dutasteride but part of me wants to start off with finasteride and see if it works but I already kinda hesitated for awhile and don’t want to mess around for another year to wait and see if I get results or not that’s what I’m worried about. But it would be perfect if finasteride helped me out then I could start dutasteride later and be on a longer lasting treatment.


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Ultimately, that decision is between you and your doctor and your personal reaction to the drug. This meta-analysis of three studies shows that dutasteride is much more effective than finasteride, but has a similar rate of side effects as finasteride. Dutasteride not only blocks type 2 5-alpha-reductase three times more effectively, but also blocks type 1 5-alpa-reductase 100 times more effectively.

This post should not be construed as medical advice.


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Ultimately, that decision is between you and your doctor and your personal reaction to the drug. This meta-analysis of three studies shows that dutasteride is much more effective than finasteride, but has a similar rate of side effects as finasteride. Dutasteride not only blocks type 2 5-alpha-reductase three times more effectively, but also blocks type 1 5-alpa-reductase 100 times more effectively.

This post should not be construed as medical advice.

would there be any benefit hair wise to taking finasteride first then dutasteride after? Would it be better to just kill as much dht as possible as soon as possible?


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Dutasteride is slightly more effective than finasteride, as shown in studies, but the difference isn't as large as the above poster implied. Dutasteride removes 98-99% of DHT from 5ar type 2 (the DHT that is implicated in hair loss), whereas finasteride removes around 90%, so I'm puzzled as to why someone would describe dutasteride as "three times as effective as finasteride" at blocking this form of DHT.

In answer to your original question, I would recommend going straight for dutasteride if you are a Norwood 3+. If you are below a Norwood 3, I would say give finasteride a try and see how it goes. If you find that you are not maintaining on finasteride, then would be the time to switch to dutasteride.


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I wish i started dutasteride before giving finasteride close to a year, but i'd always recommend trying finasteride first, less chance of cognitive sides, although i personally don't get any. I do get weaker orgasms on dutasteride which i didn't experience on finasteride though.
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To clarify, the statement is reference to the potency from the meta-analysis: "dutasteride was approximately three times more potent than finasteride in inhibiting type 2 5AR and 100 times more potent in inhibiting type 1 5AR."

As far what that that translates into possible results:

In each trial the mean change in hair count measured as the mean difference showed that:

.5 mg Dutasteride grew 89.6 hairs vs 56.5 hairs for 1 mg finasteride

.5 mg Dutasteride grew 23.1 vs 4.3 hairs for 1 mg finasteride

2.5 mg Dutasteride grew 109.6 hairs vs 75.6 hairs for 5 mg finasteride.

Dutasteride also has a much longer half life than Finasteride in the body.

This post is not medical advice.


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I would start with Finesteride.


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Dutasteride is slightly more effective than finasteride, as shown in studies, but the difference isn't as large as the above poster implied. Dutasteride removes 98-99% of DHT from 5ar type 2 (the DHT that is implicated in hair loss), whereas finasteride removes around 90%, so I'm puzzled as to why someone would describe dutasteride as "three times as effective as finasteride" at blocking this form of DHT.

In answer to your original question, I would recommend going straight for dutasteride if you are a Norwood 3+. If you are below a Norwood 3, I would say give finasteride a try and see how it goes. If you find that you are not maintaining on finasteride, then would be the time to switch to dutasteride.
I agree with this advice but I think age is a factor. The problem which alot of these young guys don't realize is if you are planning on having kids in your future, dutasteride could be more likely to cause sterility than finasteride in rare cases. So far we know one case where it did not make a difference. Ashton Kutcher fathered kids after being on dutasteride since his mid 20's. There has been a documented case already which was posted on baldingblog where a guy did become sterile while taking dutasteride at a young age.


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I agree with this advice but I think age is a factor. The problem which alot of these young guys don't realize is if you are planning on having kids in your future, dutasteride could be more likely to cause sterility than finasteride in rare cases. So far we know one case where it did not make a difference. Ashton Kutcher fathered kids after being on dutasteride since his mid 20's. There has been a documented case already which was posted on baldingblog where a guy did become sterile while taking dutasteride at a young age.
That's a good point. I believe there was a study done that found that dutasteride can potentially negatively affect a man's fertility. Perhaps I should have checked what the guy's age was and if he was planning to have children before I suggested dutasteride to him. He'll read through the rest of this thread, at least.

For me personally, dutasteride hasn't caused any fertility problems. I've been on dutasteride for six years so far, and I've become a father to a healthy child during that time, with another child currently on the way. I've not had any side-effects except possibly a slight reduction in libido, but I wonder if that side-effect might actually just be placebo.
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Be careful with Dutasteride though, I mean if sensitivity is happening:

Testosterone increased 4.4% for Finasteride, 6.4% for 0.05mg Dutasteride, 16% for 0.1mg Dutasteride, and 27% for 0.5mg and 2.5mg Dutasteride. Although the rise in Testosterone may seem high, the Testosterone levels were almost always within normal range according to Roger S. Rittmaster, MD.

Scalp DHT measurements were also assessed for both DHT and Testosterone. Scalp DHT was decreased 27% for 0.05mg Dutasteride, similarly for Finasteride (38%) and Dutasteride 0.1mg (37%), 54% for 0.5mg, and 82% for 2.5mg Dutasteride. Rittmaster concluded that these results show that most of the DHT in the scalp comes from type 1 5-alpha reductase.

Scalp Testosterone rose 24% for Finasteride, 46% for 0.05mg Dutasteride, 44% for 0.1mg Dutasteride, 104% for 0.5mg Dutasteride, and 154% for 2.5mg Dutasteride.


Probably not very accurate information(pretty old/not thorough and many other studies for example shown that Finasteride decreases scalp DHT about 64%) but I think it's something you need to take under consideration when starting Dutasteride(Still, I don't know if it is a trash info).Thanks
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dutasteride is only about 10% more effective than finasteride at blocking scalp DHT.

But it raises scalp Test by 80% more than finasteride, for a total of 100% scalp Test.

For some dutasteride works, just like how for some finasteride works.

But you should give finasteride a shot first because the side-effects are less prominent and it may be enough for you.

I actually switched back to finasteride because I began shedding hair in my hairline for the first time after being on dutasteride for 5 months.

I was previously on finasteride for 4 years.