Shall I start taking finasteride? Pics


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Just started to notice a considerable amount of loss after having a haircut, I'm 25 and I've had extremely thick hair for my entire life (hairdresser even remarked, "at least you'll never have to worry about losing your hair" :<). I was prescribed Nizoral shampoo for dandruff a month or so ago, is it entirely true that ketaconozole can help slow down hair loss? Anyway, I use it twice a week currently and I've been thinking of taking Finasteride but obviously there are some potentially debilitating side effects. In retrospect, I first experienced the initial effects of recession approximately two years ago when a friend pulled an unusually long strand of hair (almost down to my brow) from my scalp, but I never thought anything of it. Considering it was relatively full and thick just two years ago, how quickly should I expect it to advance? Also, is Finasteride really worth it? Am I likely to experience noticeably slower hair loss and/or hair regrowth? What are your experiences with it, and do you regret your choice?

One pic is with the hair pulled out of the way to show recession, the other is how I usually wear it.
My father is 52 and he has a small bald spot and thinning with a slightly recessed hairline, my grandfather is more or less bald.


  • pulledback.jpg
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  • normal.jpg
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I'm not an expert

but i've read that leaving in nizoral overnight is what really helps stop the shedding
and it's worked for me


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Taeian, I'v never heard that before about Nizoral... is it safe?

Hi Old No.7, you have a bit of recession there, probably about NW2.5/NW3, not too bad at all really but likely to be the onset of male pattern baldness. Your hair style looks good. Whether to take finasteride or not is a very personal decision and you really have to weigh up the pros and cons and risks involved. I think, if you do go on finasteride, it would certainly help your case. I was a similar Norwood to you when I started and the temples filled in a little since then, but there has been a good improvement in the crown. All the best with your decision!


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Taeian, I'v never heard that before about Nizoral... is it safe?

Hi Old No.7, you have a bit of recession there, probably about NW2.5/NW3, not too bad at all really but likely to be the onset of male pattern baldness. Your hair style looks good. Whether to take finasteride or not is a very personal decision and you really have to weigh up the pros and cons and risks involved. I think, if you do go on finasteride, it would certainly help your case. I was a similar Norwood to you when I started and the temples filled in a little since then, but there has been a good improvement in the crown. All the best with your decision!

Thanks for the detailed response. I'm unfamiliar with hair loss vocab, what's the Norwood scale? Can you tell me a little bit more about your finasteride experience? Side effects, hair loss after stopping, etc, etc.

Wolf Pack

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My Regimen
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Nizoral will do little/nothing to stop your hair loss. Minoxidil will buy you a few years if you respond.

Best is finasteride for long term maintenance and possible regrowth.


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Get on finasteride. Dont worry about sides and if you do get them(unlikely) get off and youll be fine.

At least try it you have nothing to lose.


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I am an older guy. I had decent hair coverage. My hair was receded in the front and a bald spot on the back of my head. I went to a hair Derm and he put me on propecia. I have been taking the drug for 4 months...worst 4 months of my life. I wish I had never gone to the Derm.. The shedding has been a nightmare.My hairline has receded further back and my hair has thinned out and you can see light through it. I don't think the hair will grow back on the front part of my head that was lost due to propecia shedding ....I don't know whether to quit the pills or continue. They say it could take a year to see if propecia is working...I may not have any hair left in a year. My advice to you is don't take propecia. I was thinking about a transplant.. I changed my mind on that because I was afraid it would be another bad experience. Learn to live with what you have...That's advice from and old guy.


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Don't listen to an old guy, get on big 3 asap, i wish i knew this information before, and know i would have a full head of hair.


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Been on finasteride & minoxidil for 4-5 years (I really should check the date I started, I've lost track cause I haven't been on these forums in the last 2 years or so), my only regret is I didn't start sooner :/


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Update on recent thoughts and today's GP visit:

So I'm still hesitant to start finasteride, not due to the short term side effects - as seemingly few are affected at all by them - but by the unknown long term effects. Considering finasteride is a drug to be taken long term and any regrowth/stalling that occurs will begin to reverse when consumption is ceased, I don't want to discover that, in 5-10 years time, I've developed an irreversible condition induced by continuous ingestion of the drug which would be compounded by further rapid hair loss due to immediate cessation. The only way I can justify beginning a course is as a means to an end, that end being possible hair replacement in 5 years time or so (when funding will be easier and perhaps the treatments more effective/safe). I think the GP sensed my reluctance when discussing prescription of finasteride and he advised me to seriously think about it for a week and come back if I'm still interested. He also repeated my thoughts and said that, despite serious short term side effects being relatively rare, he wouldn't want a young guy to experience issues in the future due to the persistent use that is required when taking the drug. He also tried to discourage me due to the cost of Propecia, £20 something for a month's supply, so I informed him of Proscar, he looked it up and it's available here for £13 for a month, a pittance when considering the pill can be quartered.

Coincidentally enough, my Rogaine order came through today so I'll start on that and continue researching into finasteride. At the moment I'm around 65% decided on getting that prescription. The status of my current hair loss actually seems to have slowed slightly at the hairline and temples but my crown definitely feels thinner.