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The so called natural hair growth product as sold by is a big SCAM. I bought this product two months ago and started using it and after around 3 weeks I noticed many side effects like I was feeling dizzy, my head was pounding, was feeling tired and sleepy at work.

There was absolutely no hair growth of any sort infact the hair was falling more faster.

I spoke to the customer support and they told me to stop using the product for a few days and start again. I tried that but again the side effects came back so I decided to return the product for a refund but they said that they cannot give a refund.




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Hey! im also new here and really wanna know more about your side effects...cuz a friend of mine is using this product and its doing wonders for him and his girlfriend soon to be wife...they have been using it for months now and atleast my friend got some hair back at the top of the head...he told me it was all with sacred eden hair product but that he would combine later on with this is for sure working for him...his girlfriend no idea havent seen her but she wasn't that bad anyway.

share with us all your side effects plz! only those or there are more? scaring me here....

ive been using some 'natural' shampoos and eating way better now... but wanted some natural pills cuz i suck for this... haha was thinkin on sacred plz let me know :) wanna make the right choice

also i can ask my friend to give me his before/after pictures he has some in case anyone wants.


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The following were the symptoms I was having:

Head feeling very heavy
At office I always felt very sleepy and exhausted like the feeling you get when you take night time tylenol or some heavy dose of cough medicines.

I just could not concentrate on my work and also was driving I was feeling very sleepy and dizzy and almost met with an accident due to this.

Thats when I decided enough of this as my life and job is more important to me than my hair !!

Just to let you know I DID NOT see any hair growth at all after taking it for 3 to 4 weeks.

So I cannot tell if this helps in hair growth or not.

Hope this helps and good luck


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did u combine it with something else?....or sacred alone?

dont know what to do now...maybe ill try and if i feel those symptoms ill stop...its all natural anyways...

They for sure say it takes some time to see some hair growth, like most hair regrowth products though.... but worried to get those symptoms u had!

ill let u know if i try it, thanks man.

but let me know if u combined it with something else plz


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They claim its natural but there is no proof and no one verified

I was only taking this sacrewd eden product and nothing else and I don't even smoke or drink but I was feeling like I was drugged always

Good luck and don't rely on their claims or money back guarantee


Experienced Member
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Well I don't know about the side-effects but if you honestly buy something called 'sacred eden hair growth' and expect it to work you deserve to be scammed.

It screams snakeoil hippie bullshit, use a proven treatment for the love of god.


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u wouldnt by any chance work for the company? cos its kinda obvious.


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anxious1 said:

u wouldnt by any chance work for the company? cos its kinda obvious.
no man :thumbdown2:
do u think people havent try this product when its all over the just sharing stuff


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Hey quick update i finished my first far what i've noticed is more hair in my my beard is side effects so far at all.

About my head...NO IDEA what is going on over there...cuz my hair is longer now so no idea if its working there...but its for sure working on my beard

also its pretty early for more results i guess?


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Keep us updated! I would like to know how you make out. Not a fan of taking finasteride.


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Honestly, I think hairy dude is BS. He obviously works for the company because he is using the same language as the website, and other marketing tools. Spoke with someone who knows about this company and what a bunch of tools. No contact infomation, they delete any negative reviews, they don't even make the product, make up a fake "Institute of research" to "support" the claims of their products". I have a mind to file a complain with the FTC.

Found someone on line who had the CEO's email

I would definitely blast him about this.


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I've been using it for around 3 months so far after seeing a youtube video or commercial for them somewhere. After 2 weeks the shedding significantly slowed down, and from there onward Ive been seeing more and more little hairs pop up above and below my hair line. It comes in in patches, as in some places have more significant new growth than other parts that only have little sprouts.

My hair takes forever to grow, and even more so for hairs that haven't grown in these places since maybe high school, so I'm thinking of adding something to stimulate growth, either from them or something like Mira Oil if that really works. But so far, while I haven't seen a miracle as in a full head of hair yet, I am seeing some results. Am thinking of posting before and afters at the 6 month and/or 1 year mark.

I'm using the Sacred Eden Hair regrow, MSM and vitamins, which adds Selenium I believe, if I recall the name correctly. GOOD combination. Ran out of vitamins a month ago though, but have been using ones from Trader Joes which has the same things except the Selenium unfortunately. I will rebuy the Sacred Eden vitamins soon.

Daily regimen is basically 3 pills of the Hair Regrow in the first part of the day with 1 vitamin and 32 oz of water with 2 teaspoons of MSM and almost 2 teaspoons of Stevia, mixed in a water bottle. Latter part of the day I do another 3 pills of the Hair Regrow, 1 vitamin, and another 32 oz of water with 2 teaspoons of MSM and 2 teaspoons of Stevia. Want to try Xylitol instead as that's good for your teeth and I'm kinda tired of using Stevia after the last several years. I tried Revolution Hair and their serum and shampoo and conditioner and got nothing but a few little hairs over a year and a half. Didn't really work for me. But with Sacred Eden I'm looking forward to seeing more results. Any questions feel free to ask.


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The initial post on SacredEden's product being a scam is the most authentic.--that and another poster calling out HairyDud2 as being some sort of a Sacred Eden internet troller. A few turns of phrase in the HD2 posting are a dead giveaway.

This Comments section on is the ONLY place where I was able to locate a negative comment/complaint about the company after the Google search, "Sacred Eden" + "complaints."

The only complaint, really?

This is HIGHLY unlikely, given the high number of people dealing with hair loss and the standard few who just simply like to complain no matter what.

I suggest that the company has or employs very effective means to remove or bury complaints agaist it and its products on the internet.

Such tactics make the company highly suspicious in all arenas.

I'd encourage the initial poster {entering info on this form doesn't allow me to access your I.D.) to repost on other consumer complaints websites, possibly fill out a simple form with the Better Business Bureau.

If nothing else, Sacred Eden has committed fraud for not honoring its money-back guarantee.

Oddly, in the original "Dangers Destroying Men" video that I actually sat through, the fact that they've never had to pay out on the money back guarantee is touted as evidence of the product's effectiveness. Now we know why. They refuse to pay back upon request.

If possible, I suggest that the moderators of investigate the posters/posers, especially HairyDud2, as to their affiliation with Sacred Eden and consider removing them from the membership for less than honest disclosure.


Hi -

Well, I was alerted to this post because you also created a profile on the Social Network for the sole purpose of saying negative things about SacredEden. When I clicked your 1 forum post, it took me here where you are also saying the same. Please understand that even this could be construed as strange behavior for someone with no posting history. Someone who signs up on a community just to talk trash about a company.

But then you have the other side of the coin. Two different people in this very thread who have less than 3 posts, who signed up here purely to sing the praises of SacredEden. Neither of them have had a thing to say since, or before about any other topic. So coming from the other direction, this also could be construed as strange behavior.

So you see we are at an impasse. If I had to guess, I'd say SacredEden and a competitor are having a little tug of war. But I have no evidence to back that. Unfortunately the IP addresses and geographical posting locations of all participants here are extremely different. So I can't nail anyone for creating multiple usernames, and pick a side.

Usually in situations like this, we just end up deleting the entire thread, and keeping a hawk's eye out for future posts, ready to hit delete again. This way nobody wins :)

However I will say that the original poster raises an important point. If you look at the product they are selling it is a POTENT combination of herbs, which could have extremely potent side effects in different people. This is the pitfall of all the "natural" enthusiasts who hate the FDA and their protective services over the general public. If you throw all of that in the trash, you're in no mans land, ingesting things which could harm you. But that's your decision, based on whatever conspiracy theory you have against the government.

In any case, we will remove this thread in 1 week.



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Dear Admin,

I openly and truthfully stated when signing up that I was NOT affiliated with nor had any financial interests in any products or services. That includes Sacred Eden or its competitors.

I am not in any way a marketeer simply attempting to use your forums as a way to mudsling a competitor. That was not my motivation.

I had been attempting investigating products offered through Sacred Eden by googling "Sacred Eden" + complaints. Oddly, the ONLY complaint that was listed was that of the above post on your site.

I made an issue of this odd fact on your forums after going through the process of signing up.

I implore you NOT to remove this thread from your site as it appears to be the only negative comment about Sacred Eden on the web. At least it will serve to offer another viewpoint on that appearing-to-be squeaky clean company.

If necessary, please DO save the comments that did not involve mine nor those comments that responded to my post. If you sense my post jeopardizes the integrity of your forums, then by all means, remove my comments.

But please do not remove the entire thread. I sincerely do feel that alternative viewpoints on the web are crucial in trying to weigh options on a plan of action when dealing with hair loss. Once again, by removing the thread, you remove any chance of revealing an opinion that doesn't seem to appear anywhere else.

If you have further suspicions about my conduct on these forums, please consider addressing me directly via the information provided on the sign-up forms.

Again, I don't think the solution to this issue is to simply wipe out the opinion of a person dealing with hair loss that is, apparently, unique.

Please do contact me to verify my non-affiliation status.


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This is an official transcript when asking for information about their products, not hair growth but others, regarding their quality and testing:

Now online: Welcome to Sacred Eden, the Garden of Welness! Do you have any questions or want to place an order?


I have questions about your prostate support supplements
You are currently being served by


hi tyrone

sure, go ahead


what exactly do these do?


well, as the name says, it supports your prostate by rejuvenating and strenghtening it

especially for men after let's say 40


but how does it rejuvenate or strengthen a prostate? what ingredients or pharmaseutical ingredients can do that?


Saw Palmetto - inhibits testosterone action on the prostate helping with enlarged prostate but also treats other genital, urinary and reproductive issues...
Beta-Sitosterol - a plant oil that helps with enlarged prostate
Pygeum Africanum - this massive evergreen treat from Africa has been used for over 40 years in contemporary medicine for patients suffering with prostate enlargement
Graviola - the “acetogeninsâ€￾ in this plant are said to be 10,000 times stronger in curing colon cancer than the traditional “adriamycinâ€￾ drug.
Cat's Claw - this herb is considered sacred in Peruvian medicine and after proving itself in so many affections it quickly became one of the best selling herbs in the USA
Lysopene/Lycopene - it’s a red carotene found in tomatoes and it has been used to treat a swollen, enlarged prostate
Stinging Nettle has been shown to help men urinate more easily and empty their bladder more fully when suffering from BPH or prostatitis...


ok..... but do you have any information to back up these claims? has the FDA certified this product?


it's not a drug, it doesn't contain any pharmaceutical substances, we're not obligated to submit our research to the FDA, and they don't have to approve it


but you are making claims of health benefits. What clinical trials have been done to prove this is anything more than a sugar pill?

also, by making claims of these benefits you are to be regulated by the fda


we're making statements based on hundreds of years of proven effectiveness

and we're always advising customers to see a doctor before taking any of our products


you have not provided any documentation to back up those claims. "hundreds of years of proven effectiveness" isn't documentation.


we are not obligated to file the documentation to the FDA, as you are not obligated to buy or use any of our products

is stinging nettle and spinach salad FDA approved?


that's not correct. You are selling supplements which are regulated.

What is your company address? I am going to contact the FDA about this and they require that information


quoting from the link you just gave me

Do manufacturers or distributors of dietary supplements have to tell FDA or consumers what evidence they have about their product's safety or what evidence they have to back up the claims they are making for them?
No, except for rules described above that govern "new dietary ingredients," there is no provision under any law or regulation that FDA enforces that requires a firm to disclose to FDA or consumers the information they have about the safety or purported benefits of their dietary supplement products. Likewise, there is no prohibition against them making this information available either to FDA or to their customers. It is up to each firm to set its own policy on disclosure of such information.


please provide your business address and phone number and we can let the FDA representative decide that sir


I just gave it to you

the link above


that's not your business address and phone number sir

are you operating in the US?


did you even click the link to see the business address?


what is your business address sir


did you even click the link to see the business address?

Our mailing address is:
Sacred Eden
20533 Biscayne Blvd #759
Aventura, FL, 33180
United States of America


im sorry but i didnt ask for that. I asked you to provide it and the phone number


there we go


wow, you are great at customer service.


thank you


i have asked for documented proof of your claims. i can tell your company will handle themselves well when you are contacted by the FDA

your corporate address is in a shopping center? wow that's legit. is that where you are now?


we will comply to any federal agency's demands, of course


are you sure? you have no way of independently verifying the products you market other than traditional medicine. Have you had any double blind studies to prove their effectiveness?


I'm not authorized to give out that information


why not? does it exist or are you saying it does not exist


I'm not authorized to give out that information


why not? you cannot verify if youve even tested your products?


I'm not authorized to give out that information


You cannot verify that your products have been tested?


I have no information about that subject


you have no information to back up your products and their claims?


I didn't say that


what information do you have then?

what tests have been done on your products to prove they even work?


we have done our own testing too, of course


in what laboratory? what company tested your products?


I'm not authorized to give out that information


what information can you give out that your products do not make people ill?


they don't make people ill, we're in the business of killing people, not making them ill

that was ironic, btw




now please excuse me, I have actual customers that I have to serve


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I have no affiliation with Sacred Eden other than that I bought the stuff, exactly as I stated.. I have been a long time lurker and only registered to interact with some people about Revolution Hair before, a year and a half or so ago. I tried Revolution Hair and only saw a few hairs grow from that over an entire year, so I can't speak well of it, other than in regards to the convinience of having shampoo, conditioner and the oil shipped to my house instead of me having to go out and buy it. The customer service they had was great till they let them go, the woman that is part owner gives terrible CS.

By comparison, Sacred Edens CS is better. They give a 60 day money back guarentee, but when I requested it thinking it was 90 days, he at first said it was 15 days, then bumped it to 60 days, unless he just misunderstood what I was saying, that was the only thing fishy I've experienced. I was past the 60 days and I requested it because I was hoping for more hairs and for the two grey hairs to start turning black already, but my expectations might have very well been unrealistic. Was talking to Lucian as well. Im seeing actual results so far. More and more little hairs popping up. Have a thin row of them below my hair line already. Its been 3 months so far.

I have nothing to gain by posting this. Figured I'd try to help anyone make a decision is all. Much better spending this much for a natural way to regrow hair with a money back guarentee than spend tons doing an FUE that is minimally invasive and doesnt cover the hairs not implanted that will or may fall out as well. Looking forward to the 6 month mark to see what my results are. Im also vegan using some supplimentation (like protein powder and vitamins) which helps, and want to go raw food vegan soon enough. Was using their vitamins and they seem to be pretty good. Now I just use the remaining Trader Joes I have had sitting here.

Please don't delete this thread. There's not much on the web I could find on Sacred Eden, this is one of the few I found, and the only thing I really had to make the decision was to go on their site and look at comments supposedly left by real users. Im not doubting theyre real users based on the content on the posts, but its nice to have a site independent of theirs to look at to get feedback. I usually avoid forums like this because you tend to get the toxic or acidic type extremes of nay sayers who side with big pharmy or complete cheerleaders for whichever product, but my feedback is real for anyone to consider. Might I also add you can look up the ingredients of it and get the herbs yourself from a Chinese store or what not, but its convinient buying them when theyre all together already.


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Admin said:
Hi -

Well, I was alerted to this post because you also created a profile on the Social Network for the sole purpose of saying negative things about SacredEden. When I clicked your 1 forum post, it took me here where you are also saying the same. Please understand that even this could be construed as strange behavior for someone with no posting history. Someone who signs up on a community just to talk trash about a company.

But then you have the other side of the coin. Two different people in this very thread who have less than 3 posts, who signed up here purely to sing the praises of SacredEden. Neither of them have had a thing to say since, or before about any other topic. So coming from the other direction, this also could be construed as strange behavior.

So you see we are at an impasse. If I had to guess, I'd say SacredEden and a competitor are having a little tug of war. But I have no evidence to back that. Unfortunately the IP addresses and geographical posting locations of all participants here are extremely different. So I can't nail anyone for creating multiple usernames, and pick a side.

Usually in situations like this, we just end up deleting the entire thread, and keeping a hawk's eye out for future posts, ready to hit delete again. This way nobody wins :)

However I will say that the original poster raises an important point. If you look at the product they are selling it is a POTENT combination of herbs, which could have extremely potent side effects in different people. This is the pitfall of all the "natural" enthusiasts who hate the FDA and their protective services over the general public. If you throw all of that in the trash, you're in no mans land, ingesting things which could harm you. But that's your decision, based on whatever conspiracy theory you have against the government.

In any case, we will remove this thread in 1 week.


Like I was saying (meant to quote this part to you) please don't delete this thread. There's not much on the web I could find on Sacred Eden, this is one of the few I found, and the only thing I really had to make the decision was to go on their site and look at comments supposedly left by real users. Im not doubting theyre real users based on the content on the posts, but its nice to have a site independent of theirs to look at to get feedback. I usually avoid forums like this because you tend to get the toxic or acidic type extremes of nay sayers who side with big pharmy or complete cheerleaders for whichever product, but my feedback is real for anyone to consider.


New Member
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RSmith76 said:
This is an official transcript when asking for information about their products, not hair growth but others, regarding their quality and testing:

Now online: Welcome to Sacred Eden, the Garden of Welness! Do you have any questions or want to place an order?


I have questions about your prostate support supplements
You are currently being served by


hi tyrone

sure, go ahead


what exactly do these do?


well, as the name says, it supports your prostate by rejuvenating and strenghtening it

especially for men after let's say 40


but how does it rejuvenate or strengthen a prostate? what ingredients or pharmaseutical ingredients can do that?


Saw Palmetto - inhibits testosterone action on the prostate helping with enlarged prostate but also treats other genital, urinary and reproductive issues...
Beta-Sitosterol - a plant oil that helps with enlarged prostate
Pygeum Africanum - this massive evergreen treat from Africa has been used for over 40 years in contemporary medicine for patients suffering with prostate enlargement
Graviola - the “acetogeninsâ€￾ in this plant are said to be 10,000 times stronger in curing colon cancer than the traditional “adriamycinâ€￾ drug.
Cat's Claw - this herb is considered sacred in Peruvian medicine and after proving itself in so many affections it quickly became one of the best selling herbs in the USA
Lysopene/Lycopene - it’s a red carotene found in tomatoes and it has been used to treat a swollen, enlarged prostate
Stinging Nettle has been shown to help men urinate more easily and empty their bladder more fully when suffering from BPH or prostatitis...


ok..... but do you have any information to back up these claims? has the FDA certified this product?


it's not a drug, it doesn't contain any pharmaceutical substances, we're not obligated to submit our research to the FDA, and they don't have to approve it


but you are making claims of health benefits. What clinical trials have been done to prove this is anything more than a sugar pill?

also, by making claims of these benefits you are to be regulated by the fda


we're making statements based on hundreds of years of proven effectiveness

and we're always advising customers to see a doctor before taking any of our products


you have not provided any documentation to back up those claims. "hundreds of years of proven effectiveness" isn't documentation.


we are not obligated to file the documentation to the FDA, as you are not obligated to buy or use any of our products

is stinging nettle and spinach salad FDA approved?

now please excuse me, I have actual customers that I have to serve

Dood don't really want to say this, but this interaction from you is really combative.. you actually expected any help or answers asking like this?