Rubbing Ginger Juice Cured Alopecia Areata (my Experience)


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Hi all,

I've had an alopecia areata patch on my beard for the past 2 years.
I've tried some treatments which didn't make much difference, until I began rubbing ginger juice on the hairless patch once every few days. After just few weeks I started to see some lost hair growing back and after about 3 months all hair regrew.

Ginger's supposed mechanism of action: Studies (here, here) show that some compounds in the ginger acts as a JAK inhibitor which is how this new experimental drug which shows great success in growing the hair of people with severe Alopecia works. In addition, the ginger may act to stimulate hair growth by inducing blood flow to the treated area.

Other important changes I've made: raising my vitamin D to the normal level, avoiding stress, eating a lot of dietary fiber to support healthy gut flora (these three factors act to regulate the immune system).

My guess is that rubbing ginger would work better for people with patchy alopecia while for those with alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis it would be more crucial to first tackle the other factors that act to regulate the immune system mentioned above (again it's only my guess).

I try to spread the word about ginger as it really worked like magic for me and for other people over the web and as it is cheap, available and easy treatment - anyone with patchy alopecia mush try it!

I detail further about my experience with ginger (which worked behind my expectations) and other treatments (which didn't work so well) in a small blog I've opened for this (if for any reason the link is broken search in google 'resolvealopecia wordpress').

Please try it if you have patchy alopecia (and of course update how it worked for you)!


  • before.jpg
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  • after rubbing ginger juice for 3 months.jpg
    after rubbing ginger juice for 3 months.jpg
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Senior Member
My Regimen
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So is it thought that if I apply this to my beard it could get thicker? I don't have a patch like that but the hairs are very sparse in certain areas.


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Cool. I have some ginger at home. Going to try this to fill up an empty spot on my beard.

Do you have alopecia areata on the beard or just sparse hair growth? if you have alopecia areata then I'm sure it will work great for you just give it at least one month to see initial results, if it's not alopecia areata I don't think it will do much..

So is it thought that if I apply this to my beard it could get thicker? I don't have a patch like that but the hairs are very sparse in certain areas.

I honestly don't know if it can work to thicken hair that is not the result of alopecia areata as I don't think there is anyone that has tried it, but I guess it may.. If it works for this also then it would be even greater news.. let us know if you try and see any positive results!


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Yeah I'll give it a try, I'd be highly surprised though.


My Regimen
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Finally something interesting about AA! after reading all of it i guess i should try.
You said that no other treatment should be used during ginger treatment, even minoxidil for male pattern baldness at front of head? while using just ginger at back of my head?


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You said that no other treatment should be used during ginger treatment

It's just a precaution which in my view should be adopted since other known JAK inhibitors may cause side effects so in the absence of safety studies it would be wise to not intermix other treatments specifically ones which work by wounding (minoxidil may be fine but I don't know).

You said that no other treatment should be used during ginger treatment, even minoxidil for male pattern baldness at front of head? while using just ginger at back of my head?

If it's different regions then there shouldn't be a problem to use both.


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I am a 16 year old male with quite large AA spots on my head. My AA is most likely caused by stress from my vigorous school ciraculum and also my moderate anxiety.

Would this ginger treatment also be effective on my head?

I can provide picture of my head if needed.



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Hi Dan,
I've written about it in length here.
But just to address your question - I think it will be effective if the situation is stable, meaning that the patches currently stay the same and are not expending or new ones are created. If it's not stable (and even if it is) - it's important to first off manage stress, make sure vitamin D is within normal range, and eat plenty of food with dietary fibers (you can further read about it in the aforementioned blog).

Regarding stress management - I think one of the more effective ways is going to the gym or doing other sports activities, also yoga and meditation, going to the beach etc.



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I will try this, I'm 19 years old and I've been losing my beard since I was 17 years old, sometimes it grows back but then it falls out again, but mine doesn't fall out in patches, it only sheds a lot and make my face look like if I never had a beard, I remember a few months ago I lost most of my beard in my right cheek, but my beard was growing pretty good in my left cheek, it's very sad.


My Regimen
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I'm not good test subject, i allways got regrowth after about 2-3 months even when im not using anything to cure. Ginger Juice could speed it up a bit i guess.. but to give a rate i need more test