I've decided to get 3 months supply of Rogaine , but should i try some Bioton aswell ? Or should i see how Rogaine works on it own ? ( i appreciate it is temporary)
I'm tempted by Bioton because per tablet cost is rather good -or is there anything else less than say , 10 per count that is more effective ? (Amazon seesms to be very good on these prices) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Biotin-Hai...ords=HAIR+LOSS+TABLETS&qid=1619461330&sr=8-12
I'm tempted by Bioton because per tablet cost is rather good -or is there anything else less than say , 10 per count that is more effective ? (Amazon seesms to be very good on these prices) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Biotin-Hai...ords=HAIR+LOSS+TABLETS&qid=1619461330&sr=8-12