Revita shampoo is making me lose hair, **** this


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I bought this and it has a very thick, orange texture. It's so difficult getting this **** out of the bottle. I have been using it and the only good thing I notice is the good volume of hair I get, but after a while of using I noticed im actually LOSSING hair, I see less hair on the top of my hair and my left temple is starting to receed.

There are several reviews on Amazon and other hairloss forum reporting how this made them lose hair and it was not a temporal shed.

So what shampoo do I use? I've used it for near 3 weeks and it only made my scalp thin, im gonna stop using this poison. Any shampoo that will not destroy my hair and make it a clean scalp? I dont care about keto anymore, I will stick to minoxidil for hairloss (still haven't started) but I Need a shampoo.



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I would suggest that you start off slow, once a week and build into two times per week. A shed may be expected, but just make sure you're using it properly, leaving it on for five minutes. Like all things male pattern baldness related just hang in there. Sheds suck, but we know that Ketoconazole-based shampoos definitely work. Good luck.

Regenepure could be an option. The everyday shampoo is great and sulfate free, and the keto version is only 1% so it's not too harsh (yet just as effective).


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Regenepure Regenepure Regenepure. All these new posters..again.



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Revita blows. Straight up Nizoral would be better and stem cell shampoo is the ****...


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My Regimen
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Don't worry Jacob - I am watching this Regenepure thing ...believe me.



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How can a shampoo make you lose hair permanently? We should be using these as hair removal solutions if killing follicles was this easy.


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Don't worry Jacob - I am watching this Regenepure thing ...believe me.


Quantum Cat

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The Revita bottle is squeezy - how can you have difficulty getting it out of the bottle!!!!?!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :freak:

btw I think Revita's a really nice shampoo - and no I don't work for DS laboratories


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revita either thinned me out as well, or has some type of lightening effect on my hair because the results were noticeable negative.

I also dont care for Regenepure. Did nothing for me

Ive tried hundreds of shampoo's and like I've promoted before, Biotene H-24 shampoo phase 1 and conditioner phase 2 are hands down the best products ive ever used in my life. Reduces shedding, itching, dandruff, dry scalp, keeps the scalp clean and sebum free, scalp doesnt get oily for days after use, hair looks way better, feels thicker, feels stronger.


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I feel compelled to chime in here because Revita caused my hair to thin SIGNIFICANTLY. After using it for a month or so, I started losing obscene amounts of hair in the shower every morning. That never happened on minoxidil or dutasteride. My hair line pushed back a half inch and my hair became thin all over. I highly recommend you stop using that stuff immediately.


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I'm also experiencing bad shed from Revita since I started it around 5 weeks ago. So far I don't see anything growing back on my scalp as it should when treatment works. I usually shed from minoxidil once in a while (maybe once a year) but it lasts 1 to 2 weeks then I regrow everything back to normal or even more. Now it's been 5 weeks while I'm on Revita and I'm getting pretty nervous. I'm stopping it as today and waiting for Nizoral to arrive in the mail. I seriously think that Revita is making things worst. I hope I will be able to regrow those hair I lost.

Quantum Cat

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So far I don't see anything growing back on my scalp as it should when treatment works

what made you think it would? the only treatment proven to grow back hair lost to male pattern baldness is Minoxidil.

products like Revita, Tricomin etc claim regrowth but none of their ingredients have ever been proven to work. In my experience they make my hair grow faster, but not more of it


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I'm not saying to grow hair on already thin or bald areas of the scalp.

As I said shed usually means treatments work - which cause hair that are in Telogen phase to fall out than you grow them back in a couple of weeks. When I start using Revita around a week later my hairline temple got tinnier and it doesn't seem to grow back.

There are study showing Ketokonazole can be compared to 2% Minoxidil but I'm sure you know that.


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Did any of you regrow the lost hair when stopped or thickened back? How long did it take you, please answer...


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I stopped revita over a week ago and started using Nizoral since Friday. I'm still waiting for hair to grow back. I'm quite confident it will but I have to say this is the longest shed I had. It's been a month. I really think Revita messed me up. Shed started right after I started revita. I think, if I continued with revita things would get worst.


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My Regimen
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I know this is an old thread but id just like to say Revita is doing the same to my hair, temple thinning like mad. Stuff is crap!