Remission of hair loss plus hair regrowth by botox in mice


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Remission of hair loss and induction of hair regrowth by botulinum neurotoxin A in mice

Toxicon, Volume 51, Supplement 1, 1 June 2008, Page 42
Luvisetto Siro, Cobianchi Stefano, Marinelli Sara, Pavone Flaminia

The present research concerns the use of botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (BoNT/A) in preventing hair loss and favoring hair regrowth in subjects suffering alopecia areata. The model used was the relatively common form of hair loss, which arises spontaneously in C57BL/6 (B6) and B6×129Sv substrains. These mice initiate losing their hairs at the 3rd–4rd month of age, predominantly in the head–neck region, with alopecia quickly proceeding in a nuchal–caudal direction over all the back. We found that mice subjected to a single BoNT/A microinjection (15 pg/mouse), subcutaneously into the alopecic area, showed a significant long-lasting reduction of hair loss and stimulation of the hair follicle regeneration. Because of numerous endogenous molecules like growth factors, cytokines, hormones and neuropeptides profoundly influencing the hair follicle cycle, we suggest that BoNT/A, which blocks the release of various presynaptic neuromediators, could inhibit hair loss and induce hair regrowth by blocking the release of pro-inflammatory factors responsible for neurogenic inflammation. We can hypothesize that BoNT/A application could be useful to treat the androgenetic alopecia and other forms, such as stress-induced hair loss, caused by neurogenic inflammation and/or autoimmune pathologies, by chemotherapies, and more generally by hormonal dysfunctions. Further studies will improve our knowledge about this relevant thematic of research.


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they tested it on alopecia areata...would have been better if they tested on androgentic alopecia, because areata patients often grown hair back anyways.

Btw, I remember someone mentioned that botox has resulted in regrowth on men with male pattern baldness. Are there any studies done on that? any users on this or other forums that experienced hair regrowth from botox that anyone knows of?

Armando Jose

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Thank you for the issue:

A few years ago a MD in Spain was working with botox in order to reduce sweating and he thought that botox make without use the erector muscle in pilosebacous unit, and it could be possible that it interfered in sebum casual production.

Any ideas?



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Armando Jose said:

Thank you for the issue:

A few years ago a MD in Spain was working with botox in order to reduce sweating and he thought that botox make without use the erector muscle in pilosebacous unit, and it could be possible that it interfered in sebum casual production.

Any ideas?


I've only been able to find that the neurotransmitter that's blocked (acetylcholine) could be involved in the reduction of sebum production. One study claimed the pores reduced in size as did oiliness in treated areas.


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People have been using this treatment for quite some time now, some put it under the tight scalp theory.