Reflex Hyperandrogenicity From Finasteride.


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Hello everyone.
so I have been on 1mg/daily of finasteride for about two months.
about two days after I started taking it and until know, I have been experiencing Intense shedding. I shed everyday about 400 of dark, and thick hair. Also, my skin got worse and I had some acnes. I didn't have any single sexual side effect, sometimes I even feel that my sex drive is even better. It seems that I am having reflex hyperandrogenicity from finasteride.
My question now, should I just stop taking it, or it is better to wait more ?
anyone has experienced this side effects?

P.s: About a year ago, I tried Minoxidil for about 5 months and I experienced also an
Intense shedding, so I decided to drop it off. I don't know if there is a connection.


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If you have reflex hyperandrogenicity ... no matter what you do your androgen receptors will make things worse ...
Try something else ... don't mess up with your hormones (I did that, with Dutasteride and then Cyproterone, a big mistake).
Maybe Seti can help you ?
The point is that I am not pretty sure if this is permanent or just temporary (while my body can adjust the new situation).
If I drop it off, then I don't have any other solution, and the hair that I lost will not recover. (I already lost alot because of Minoxidile and I am still 18)
Sometimes, I even doubt that male pattern baldness hasn't yet started, but the meds inflame it.


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@whistle : I think it's permanent, I would like to think otherwise. But I can't be sure you have reflex hyperandrogenicity ...
If I were you I would stop it ... When I was your age I experienced the same but I didn't know a thing about RH ... and I increased Finasteride dose, then went on Dutasteride, increased it ... tried Cyproterone ... it will never stop.
I hope for you it's not RH.


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@whistle : I think it's permanent, I would like to think otherwise. But I can't be sure you have reflex hyperandrogenicity ...
If I were you I would stop it ... When I was your age I experienced the same but I didn't know a thing about RH ... and I increased Finasteride dose, then went on Dutasteride, increased it ... tried Cyproterone ... it will never stop.
I hope for you it's not RH.
what symptoms did you experience ?
Thanks for you reply <3.


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hey OP... had exactly the same as you (including acne) this was 8 months ago (quit after 2 months)..... shedding is back to normal now and hair is slowly thickening up.


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hey OP... had exactly the same as you (including acne) this was 8 months ago (quit after 2 months)..... shedding is back to normal now and hair is slowly thickening up.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I decided to reduce the dose(from about 1.25 to 0.5), the shedding is getting better(but still have major shedding). I will see what is gonna happen. as you know, it is our last solution.
how long did it take (after you quite )till the acne disappeared and the shedding got back to normal ?


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Hi guys freaking out, 5-6 months into 1mg finasteride and then my libido went up had a shed now my hair has definitely got worse since I've been on it, hair is so thin behind my hairline, don't know if it's this hyper thing, would be so lucky if finasteride has just made androgens sh*t and accelerated male pattern baldness, should I stay on , the shed has sort of stabilised a bit but my hair ain't looking great


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Since I tried Cypro+Estradiol my hair loss has accelerated. Some guys are lucky, they can use every AA without side effects + lot of regrowth.

Don't try something stronger, you could regret it.


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I wonder if the hair loss was originally unrelated to androgens if people are taking a DHT inhibitor and some people are adding on top of that castration drugs and estrogen and their loss is getting worse.

I think the reflex hyperandrogencity hypothesis is possible but unlikely with something like Finasteride which 1) Decreases DHT by only about 65-70% and 2) Increases Testosterone in a corresponding manner.

Yes, DHT binds more strongly to the AR than Testosterone but Finasteride does not really cause an androgen shortage/crisis. We know our bodies DO increase receptors due to a 'lack' of something or a blocking of receptors (such as with antipsychotic treatment) but we also know that when we do not block everything, the body really doesn't freak out (such as the rebound effects of say Thorazine, which is horrible because it blocks everything vs. Risperdal which blocks only a couple of receptors).

Nobody's body is able to stay extremely androgenic with taking Duasteride daily, Cypro AND estradiol. If you are having androgenic side effects then something else is going on.


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Hello everyone.
so I have been on 1mg/daily of finasteride for about two months.
about two days after I started taking it and until know, I have been experiencing Intense shedding. I shed everyday about 400 of dark, and thick hair. Also, my skin got worse and I had some acnes. I didn't have any single sexual side effect, sometimes I even feel that my sex drive is even better. It seems that I am having reflex hyperandrogenicity from finasteride.
My question now, should I just stop taking it, or it is better to wait more ?
anyone has experienced this side effects?

P.s: About a year ago, I tried Minoxidil for about 5 months and I experienced also an
Intense shedding, so I decided to drop it off. I don't know if there is a connection.
I'm in a similar position. 2 and a half months on finasteride, about 2 months in I started shedding, and in the last three weeks noticed increased body/facial hair, slight back acne and hair loss on the crown. So depressed right now knowing I've destroyed my hair and I'm certain that I'd have no crown loss at all if I'd never started taking propecia! Feel so down right now but I'm just praying that I can stabilise it and stop it getting any worse

big mistake

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Now I understand more things that I could understand before. I took Propecia 15 years ago during 1 year and a half. I stoped because I got horrible acne. I didn t notice other symtoms more, I got a lot of hair agai because Propecia. The big problem is that I couldnt stop acne since then, it caused me thousands of marks in my face, and nowadays it became worst even in all the head, I only can control with antibiotics. I got 2 big depressions taking psychiatric treatment because all of that, and I can not use Racoutane because it affect my psycology state.
I would like to heard someone who could stop it and how, please. I always was sure my acne was caused by Propecia, and I thought it will be balance someday but unfortunatelly not. I would like to contact with People who can help in that please.

Thanks a lot.



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Hey, can you give an update on whether your shed has stopped? We’re in the same boat so I’m curious. Thanks.
Hey, no my shed hasn’t stopped unfortunately, although I recently cut my hair really short so it’s hard to tell whether I’m shedding right now.

I tried RU but had to stop because it was giving me chest pains, and the same with seti. I’m going to buy some Trinov/Brotzu and see how that goes.


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Hey, no my shed hasn’t stopped unfortunately, although I recently cut my hair really short so it’s hard to tell whether I’m shedding right now.

I tried RU but had to stop because it was giving me chest pains, and the same with seti. I’m going to buy some Trinov/Brotzu and see how that goes.

If you had chest pains from RU, you might have them from Brotzu as per my understanding that it's a vasodilatator. I could be wrong, if course.


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If you had chest pains from RU, you might have them from Brotzu as per my understanding that it's a vasodilatator. I could be wrong, if course.
Wow that sucks. Does that mean it’s potentially dangerous?

It seems I have literally the worst luck in the world. Everything I have tried gives me chest pains. Feel like giving up at this point.


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Not sure about the danger of it but you should probably try with care. Ease your way into it.


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Not sure about the danger of it but you should probably try with care. Ease your way into it.
Yeah thanks for the info man, I’ll definitely easy my way into it. I’m just praying to god it doesn’t give me chest pains.
How has it been licensed to sell though if it is potentially dangerous? There have been reports of people dying due to RU, so if trinov is similar, how has it been allowed to go on sale?


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Is this even an actually clinical term? Who made this up? I’ve never even seen the word anywhere other than hairloss forums.