Reactivated My Dating Profiles, Trying To Be Enthusiastic Without Being Obsessed


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Out where? I hang out with one of my female cousins who is around 20 and a "hot girl" very regularly. I have never noticed anyone care ever except that once some guys driving by shouted at me "your girlfriend's hot!"

Probably i expect this is a standard thing like everything else that only works if you are already tall/handsome/white enough to qualify as "acceptable" first.

Just like people say "girls like money" but I've experienced no noticeable benefits from having it myself.

Well it would stand you'd have to be decent looking, it's not magic. I was always a handsome guy (far from tall) but my averages increased substantially when I had my female friends around. It's the same logic as it always seem women are more interested in you when you're in a relationship. Women want what that other girl has, it's just how it is.


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Well it would stand you'd have to be decent looking, it's not magic. I was always a handsome guy (far from tall) but my averages increased substantially when I had my female friends around. It's the same logic as it always seem women are more interested in you when you're in a relationship. Women want what that other girl has, it's just how it is.

Yeah. Pretty much every effective dating strategy I've encountered starts with some combo of "be tall/handsome/white". Everything else only seems to matter once you've fulfilled 1-3 of those three criteria.


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I tried cialis a few times just for fun and it gives me brutal heartburn for 2 days after every time. Same with v****.

What dose were you using?
Did you try levitra?


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what race was she? btw you should mention the race of these women as its one of the most noticeable physical features

engineer + hot = suicide fuel. i hate hate hate hot AND smart people its like WTF are you a superhero!?!?!?!?! are you a f*****g mary sue created by a god?!?!?! lmao
She is white and Jewish.

Is it possible for you to assess whether it's the cabergoline or cialis doing most of the work? I tried cialis a few times just for fun and it gives me brutal heartburn for 2 days after every time. Same with v****. Just thought of something - maybe i should try crushing them up into a topical and applying to my dick to limit stomach side effects...

Never tried cabergoline. But you're intriguing me.

Unfortunately when i was running my test experiment i was also recovering from some joint/nerve issues so i couldn't do much aggressive exercise. That was part of my motivation for trying the test - to see if it would accelerate my physio/recovery which it didnt. Just made me jerk off 2+3x/day, hair shed more, hungrier, more aggressive/edgy, and gave me more acne.

My test levels were above the measurable range at the lab on it. Test-e 200 mg twice a week is a legit dose.

Always curious what would happen if i tried it again when i am able to exercise better. I am certain i could up my daro dose to effectivwly protect my hair. In a match up, enough daro will beat test every time. But i wouldn't dare do that for another year or two first to be safe.
Might be worthwhile to try testosterone + aromatase inhibitor, which is apparently the standard combo among bodybuilders. Moderate muscle mass should go a long way in helping you be more attractive to women.

For whatever it's worth, cabergoline feels like a pharmaceutical equivalent of nofap. Have you tried nofap? Nofap did work for me but it took substantial effort ... after a month of not ejaculating I'd have a lot of spontaneous, raging erections. Then, a single erection would set me back to square one. It's as though I have an excessively long "refractory period". It's greatly reduced on cabergoline. It wasn't that way when I was 20 -- perhaps it's caused by sugar and social media addiction?

Cialis has recently been shown to prevent some sort of cancer as well. It might be generally good for you. That said, I want to lower the dose first, to 3 mg/day. After that, if that works, I might try reducing the dose of cabergoline as well to see what happens. But I only want to do one change at a time.

I should not have these problems. I'm starting a new diet on Monday that I'll try and do for 8 weeks, maybe that will make a small difference.


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Perhaps you/IF can help me with my ED/sex drive ->

The "flatline" is a widely discussed feature of the nofap process. You quit fapping and then there's a period where your dick shrivels and your sex drive drops before recovering again. The length varies from person to person, and some don't get it at all. It sounds like you have both a long flatline and a long refractory period.

For me the recovery process is a ~23 day process, but then I'm too horny to maintain it. For some it's 90-180 days. I don't know what the numbers mean.


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The "flatline" is a widely discussed feature of the nofap process. You quit fapping and then there's a period where your dick shrivels and your sex drive drops before recovering again. The length varies from person to person, and some don't get it at all. It sounds like you have both a long flatline and a long refractory period.

FML. :(


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Dude thank you! I've literally been under the impression for a year that I'm dealing with DUPA, never factored in my usage of Minoxidil to stimulate facial hair being culprit of sudden hairloss.

If you've been shedding for a year, you shouldn't be able to blame minoxidil for that. Minoxidil can cause a Telogen Effluvium than lasts up to a few months typically. But after that it should have growth stimulating effects. Only very rarely do people occasionally report prolonged shedding with minoxidil. Those seem to be abnormal reactions and minoxidil should likely be stopped in those cases.


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Yeah. Pretty much every effective dating strategy I've encountered starts with some combo of "be tall/handsome/white". Everything else only seems to matter once you've fulfilled 1-3 of those three criteria.

I said decent, I never said tall and handsome. You still have to put the effort in to be mildly appealing. I've always worked out, ate right and did my best to have a decent fashion ahead of everyone else. I was always also a good talker and overly charming for my own good. No one said picking up women was a gimme. If you don't feel the need to put in at least 50% of the effort it might take than feel good to sit there and whine.
No one is happy to lose their hair, or be shorter than average. No matter how pissy even I get over it all I always still advocate some sort of hobby (I do music), some physical fitness (I've always worked out), and some sort of style sense. I was lucky enough to cling to my looks for a while but even after I still do my best and when that wasnt enough I got my procedure to at least bump me a couple points.
You can't whine of your not trying.


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I said decent, I never said tall and handsome. You still have to put the effort in to be mildly appealing. I've always worked out, ate right and did my best to have a decent fashion ahead of everyone else. I was always also a good talker and overly charming for my own good. No one said picking up women was a gimme. If you don't feel the need to put in at least 50% of the effort it might take than feel good to sit there and whine.
No one is happy to lose their hair, or be shorter than average. No matter how pissy even I get over it all I always still advocate some sort of hobby (I do music), some physical fitness (I've always worked out), and some sort of style sense. I was lucky enough to cling to my looks for a while but even after I still do my best and when that wasnt enough I got my procedure to at least bump me a couple points.
You can't whine of your not trying.

Well I am trying. I've always exercised. I've never been fat. I've stopped my hair loss. I just had a major scalp procedure to reduce the large forehead I was born with. I've had a three-in-one jaw surgery (BSSO, LF1, genio). I'm now planning consults for a three-stage series of further revision jaw surgeries (had one consult already). All my clothes are very nice and fashionable. I'm sociable and have always been broadly considered "likable" IRL. I have had more hobbies in my life than I can count.

Some of us just aren't designed to be attractive to women. I plan to keep trying because I don't feel I have any other choice. I was born with a heterosexual sex drive. I can't turn it off (except perhaps with castration drugs that are no fun to take). But my experience has absolutely been you need to be at least 1/3 of those things I listed to have any chance at broad success. They are not things you can easily "choose" to be.

Exceptions are made of course for billionaires and celebrities.
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Well I am trying. I've always exercised. I've never been fat. I've stopped my hair loss. I just had a major scalp procedure to reduce the large forehead I was born with. I've had a three-in-one jaw surgery (BSSO, LF1, genio). I'm now planning consults for a three-stage series of further revision jaw surgeries (had one consult already). All my clothes are very nice and fashionable. I'm sociable and have always been broadly considered "likable" IRL. I have had more hobbies in my life than I can count.

Some of us just aren't designed to be attractive to women. I plan to keep trying because I don't feel I have any other choice. I was born with a heterosexual sex drive. I can't turn it off (except perhaps with castration drugs that are no fun to take). But my experience has absolutely been you need to be at least 1/3 of those things I listed to have any chance at broad success. They are not things you can easily "choose" to be.

Exceptions are made of course for billionaires and celebrities.

Came across this interview:

He is 6'3
I'm quite certain he wouldn't have been able to land Emily Blunt had he been 6 feet (or under).


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Came across this interview:

He is 6'3
I'm quite certain he wouldn't have been able to land Emily Blunt had he been 6 feet (or under).

Yeah sure. I don't know why anyone would be surprised he could get Emily Blunt based on his appearance. I know this sounds silly to point out but:

- Top 2.6% height
- White
- Low NW1 hairline still in his late 30s
- Symmetrical well balanced face (though he's no Brad Pitt, I certainly have never claimed you need to be)
- Thick as f*** beard
- Normal build
- Normal social skills

That's way more than enough for the vast majority of women.

Take away his celebrity and put him working in a gas station and I would expect he'd still have zero trouble getting high quality women regularly. Every 6'+ white guy I know with an average or above face/personality has had women on easy mode their whole lives.


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This afternoon's date cancelled on me. She said that I was making her feel uncomfortable with my sexual language and that she wasn't feeling like a lady, and that she wanted to listen to her instincts for once and pull out early. I responded with "Can we talk about this later, I have a yoga class starting now," which probably wasn't the best response but I don't care as to be honest I wasn't that interested in her. I did tell her (politely) that my own aggression was meant to mirror hers, and that I found her very forward both romantically and sexually. I told her that the spark is gone and I wished her luck.

So from 4 dates this week, I have 2 that led to failure including one that says "let's be friends", 1 cancellation, and one that is into me but she is the one of the four that I have the least attraction to. On the one hand, I should keep going at it for a while, on the other, I may hurt her as she seems really into me, but who knows maybe I'll f*** it up. Our third date is tomorrow, we're going to the mall, lol.

I don't know how chads like @WhitePolarBear manage balancing so many women. I had ... 5 dates in 2 weeks? And I'm exhausted. I'm actually going to take a break from first dates for a while. I have a huge amount of work to do, and I need to do it, and I've been gaining weight in part due to the greater stress and shortage of time. I have to write 30 pages of good scientific text by May 17th ... possibly 40 pages. So this thread will go into a coma, unless a lot of people ask questions.


But it may or may not be the case that I'd be better off being less physically aggressive, it's hard to gauge. If I'm not aggressive at all I'd be giving platonic vibes which is what people assumed last year. This year it may be the opposite based off a few instances, for example my description of Friday's date.


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Yeah sure. I don't know why anyone would be surprised he could get Emily Blunt based on his appearance. I know this sounds silly to point out but:

- Top 2.6% height
- White
- Low NW1 hairline still in his late 30s
- Symmetrical well balanced face (though he's no Brad Pitt, I certainly have never claimed you need to be)
- Thick as f*** beard
- Normal build
- Normal social skills

That's way more than enough for the vast majority of women.

Take away his celebrity and put him working in a gas station and I would expect he'd still have zero trouble getting high quality women regularly. Every 6'+ white guy I know with an average or above face/personality has had women on easy mode their whole lives.

Agree with all this. He's a very attractive guy, especially for his age thanks to the absurd hairline and density, even if he's not classically handsome. Like, even in his prime no one would say he could model, but he's put together well.


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But my experience has absolutely been you need to be at least 1/3 of those things I listed to have any chance at broad success. They are not things you can easily "choose" to be.

Exceptions are made of course for billionaires and celebrities.

I dont disagree, but you make it seem you are willing to put in the effort to get there as well so thats good. At that same time you cant sh*t on advice that does work because it doesnt work "for you". The OP seems to have something because hes able to land enough prospects and 2nd dates so my tip for him would more than likely beneficial over not. As for you, keep up the work, youll get there. How old are you? Whats your height/weight?
Im only 5-8. At my highest in life my Dr recorded me at 5-10. Im not honestly sure where the 2" went in my life but I was never "Tall". Being white isnt really a game changer. When I was growing up in the ghetto back in the 90's it was actually a negative strike against you to girls when everyone was infatuated with rap culture. Thats about when I learned to just do my own thing and create my own styles that eventually kept me slightly ahead of the curves.
There are things you can do in "most cases" but there are always exceptions to the rules as well, but those go both ways.


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This afternoon's date cancelled on me. She said that I was making her feel uncomfortable with my sexual language and that she wasn't feeling like a lady, and that she wanted to listen to her instincts for once and pull out early. I responded with "Can we talk about this later, I have a yoga class starting now," which probably wasn't the best response but I don't care as to be honest I wasn't that interested in her. I did tell her (politely) that my own aggression was meant to mirror hers, and that I found her very forward both romantically and sexually. I told her that the spark is gone and I wished her luck.


But it may or may not be the case that I'd be better off being less physically aggressive, it's hard to gauge. If I'm not aggressive at all I'd be giving platonic vibes which is what people assumed last year. This year it may be the opposite based off a few instances, for example my description of Friday's date.

This is probably in the thread already, but what were you saying to her?