Re growth 14 years balding . Skin/smooth on top.


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I wouldn't pay attention to that comment. Probably one of the ''anti-DHT drug or nothing, everything else is snake oil'' users, suprised its taken 40 odd posts for one of them to pop their head up.

If he had read the whole thread he would see no one has fallen for anything nor is anyone claiming a miracle cure, just some people trying some things out, kind of the entire point in this forum.
If head massaging works at all, I suspect its along the same lines as micro-needling, which is proven.

And if removing blocked sebum works at all, I suspect its because it allows better absorption of topical medication.

Both things are reasonable.

Regarding DHT, I'd rather go egg-bald than mess with my natural hormones and masculinity. These guys don't realise they're incels not because they don't have great hair. They're incels because they care so much that they don't have great hair.

Some girls only like guys with great hair. Most girls don't care. Some prefer bald guys. Zero girls like insecure self-obsessed weirdos staring at their hairline in the mirror all day.

I dont mean to belittle anyone. It's a reoccurring theme here. I learned that lesson through personal experience.
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If head massaging works at all, I suspect its along the same lines as micro-needling, which is proven.

And if removing blocked sebum works at all, I suspect its because it allows better absorption of topical medication.

Both things are reasonable.

Regarding DHT, I'd rather go egg-bald than mess with my natural hormones and masculinity. These guys don't realise they're incels not because they don't have great hair. They're incels because they care so much that they don't have great hair.

Some girls only like guys with great hair. Most girls don't care. Some prefer bald guys. Zero girls like insecure self-obsessed weirdos staring at their hairline in the mirror all day.

I dont mean to belittle anyone. It's a reoccurring theme here. I learned that lesson through personal experience.
I agree regarding DHT, it's literally responsible for developing and maintaining male sex characteristics. Controlling it is fine imo I take a few supplements to do this and avoid anything that increases it, but reducing it as much as possible is crazy. Especially since just as many balding men continue to lose hair when on anti-DHT drugs than those who maintain.


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I agree regarding DHT, it's literally responsible for developing and maintaining male sex characteristics. Controlling it is fine imo I take a few supplements to do this and avoid anything that increases it, but reducing it as much as possible is crazy. Especially since just as many balding men continue to lose hair when on anti-DHT drugs than those who maintain.
Controlling it is reasonable. Especially for those with prostate problems.


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I thought the same thing, this man had been using that sulfur thing every day
It’s just a pomade pretty much YouTube sulfer8 for hair growth and it’s flooded with success stories but it’s a lot of African American people who use it but hey a scalp is a scalp the hair is different texture but the growth phase /process don’t change with race !


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Nice one. I been trying like hell to do this on the area where my hairline has receeded, can't get actual 'plugs' to shoot out just small amounts of sebum by using them metal tools for removing blackheads. I'll keep trying though, the rest of my head my hair is quite long but diffuse thinning so a bit cautious incase I lose what I've got by going to hard, but def think your on to something.

Do you use anything to help, like tweezers etc? Or maybe an exfoliant like people use for blackheads on face/nose could help?
I use the sora pen from Walmart it’s the same as the expensive derma pens or whatever they are called . It’s 38 dollars U.S. I feel that’s why people have success with them devices . Pretty much opening that follicule back up by breaking that junk up . But even though I believe that gunk clogging up that super tiny follicule is the cause I still use minoxidil afterwards cause can I be 100 % sure ? Heck no I’m no scientist just a drywall guy and you can’t deny the dht theory as well . But I really feel minoxidil/ finastride / duta. All do something to the hair to help it grow . I use the minoxidil max essengen 6 plus it’s topical finastride and minoxidil together and runs me little under $40 dollars every 2 months that’s $5 dollars a week for the ones who say minoxidil is just to expensive to use for the rest of your life . $5 dollars a week or to get technical it’s a little under .70 cents a day . So I never understood why people stop or think it’s to expensive we spend more than that on stupid stuff .


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The whole idea of clogged hair follicles like blackheads/whiteheads is something I’m investigating. Microneedling isn’t enough.. The poster is vigorously trying to squeeze scalp skin to break open the clogged follicle. So let’s just concentrate on that. I can do the hand squeezing… but I’m going to take it a step further.
I just bought a steamer with 5x magnifier to open up pores the way an Esthetician would. Also they use Desincrustation Solution / Scaling fluid also. Then they use a Dermapore ultrasonic device or traditional blackhead tool kit. So I will not only do the squeezing, but use these others tools.. Also Clarisonic device could be used on scalp as well. So if male pattern baldness is simply lack of blood flow/nutrient flow then this should help. I also have other ideas beyond these, but will see if this makes a difference.


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I rather be bald than being as obsessive and following this insane hard working regiment. Ye i did the scalp massages for months and pressing it dont do sh*t many have tried it already on immortalhair site. I ruined my neck by massaging 20 min day for months. I Will never massage my head ever again. This OP guy is a hippie troll. Its people like this guy that makes People go bald because they were on a hippie regiment. Instead of the proven effective treatments not anecdotal hippie sh*t.
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Yeah, same for me.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I can't get anything to come out unless there is a visible black-head there. I can't just squeeze randomly on my scalp and get anything to come out. But maybe my technique is wrong.
Lol na man I think y’all might have misunderstood me or maybe I wrote it in a way that didn’t describe it correctly . If I don’t have my phone zoomed in on my scalp , in other words just looking in a mirror you can’t hardly see anything coming out .... but zoomed in you can really see how much gunk comes out of that tiny follicule...... I’m pretty sure that gunk y’all are seeing is it . But it’s tough to kind of get off your scalp if I wipe down on my scalp it will be kinda stuck their it won’t just wipe away of course if you wipe hard it will but ..... you know what man give me like 2 weeks and I’ll post a video on YouTube and give you the link to watch it . I’m kinda a “ shy “ guy man so I don’t really want to put a video out their but I’ll do it so y’all can get a idea of what I’m talking about and to make it clear this is no attempt for YouTube views or making money . I make damn good money as a contractor . So I’m not asking for subscribers and likes and all that junk heck just watch the video and that’s that I’m not making it a Chanel or even posting another video after that . 1 and done so you can see what I’m talking about cause I feel I have caused some confusion and with hair loss remedies you have to be crystal clear ... lol we don’t like no in between . We want to know exactly how it’s done down to if you scratched your left ear before or after you did this lol


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The whole idea of clogged hair follicles like blackheads/whiteheads is something I’m investigating. Microneedling isn’t enough.. The poster is vigorously trying to squeeze scalp skin to break open the clogged follicle. So let’s just concentrate on that. I can do the hand squeezing… but I’m going to take it a step further.
I just bought a steamer with 5x magnifier to open up pores the way an Esthetician would. Also they use Desincrustation Solution / Scaling fluid also. Then they use a Dermapore ultrasonic device or traditional blackhead tool kit. So I will not only do the squeezing, but use these others tools.. Also Clarisonic device could be used on scalp as well. So if male pattern baldness is simply lack of blood flow/nutrient flow then this should help. I also have other ideas beyond these, but will see if this makes a difference.
Nice , your going to get very good results .... I’d bet the farm on it


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I rather be bald than being as obsessive and following this insane hard working regiment. Ye i did the scalp massages for months and pressing it dont do sh*t many have tried it already on immortalhair site. I ruined my neck by massaging 20 min day for months. I Will never massage my head ever again. This OP guy is a hippie troll.
I wish I was a troll they got some damn good hair . But honestly what do I have to gain other than losing my time to answer a few questions other guys might have who want their hair back ? You think i was just at work one day and said to myself “ damn today is the day I’m going to join a hair loss forum and f*** with a bunch of bald guys “ and what kind of massaging were you doing that caused back issues . I’m sure I could google scalp massage and back pain issues and some dumb *** theory would pop up and now I feel even dumber because I’m about to do it once I send this and then everyone reading this is about to go do it too all because of this negative comment . I will 100% guarantee you did not do it everyday even though you will swear up and down you did , and if you did you probably did it for a month maybe 2 before you said screw it and gave up because coming from me , someone who got damn good results I too found myself wanting to stop or even just forgetting cause without pictures for before and after and without immediate success you start to lean towards it’s b.s . Hair is so fine man when that follicule is clogged with gunk it’s ain’t coming through ... scalp massage breaks that gunk up and helps blood flow . Put in the time and work and results can’t be denied .... so who is the real troll ? On another note hope your back gets better from them scalp massages you were doing brother

I rather be bald than being as obsessive and following this insane hard working regiment. Ye i did the scalp massages for months and pressing it dont do sh*t many have tried it already on immortalhair site. I ruined my neck by massaging 20 min day for months. I Will never massage my head ever again. This OP guy is a hippie troll.


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I wish I was a troll they got some damn good hair . But honestly what do I have to gain other than losing my time to answer a few questions other guys might have who want their hair back ? You think i was just at work one day and said to myself “ damn today is the day I’m going to join a hair loss forum and f*** with a bunch of bald guys “ and what kind of massaging were you doing that caused back issues . I’m sure I could google scalp massage and back pain issues and some dumb *** theory would pop up and now I feel even dumber because I’m about to do it once I send this and then everyone reading this is about to go do it too all because of this negative comment . I will 100% guarantee you did not do it everyday even though you will swear up and down you did , and if you did you probably did it for a month maybe 2 before you said screw it and gave up because coming from me , someone who got damn good results I too found myself wanting to stop or even just forgetting cause without pictures for before and after and without immediate success you start to lean towards it’s b.s . Hair is so fine man when that follicule is clogged with gunk it’s ain’t coming through ... scalp massage breaks that gunk up and helps blood flow . Put in the time and work and results can’t be denied .... so who is the real troll ? On another note hope your back gets better from them scalp massages you were doing brother

I rather be bald than being as obsessive and following this insane hard working regiment. Ye i did the scalp massages for months and pressing it dont do sh*t many have tried it already on immortalhair site. I ruined my neck by massaging 20 min day for months. I Will never massage my head ever again. This OP guy is a hippie troll.
Neck damage. When you massage the head you automatically tense your neck. I had balance problems and dizzy spells for months. Your theory is total bs btw. It wasnt the silly massages that grew your hair. U follow those scammers perfecthairhealth sites that wants your money. Just get off this forum please and stop spreading lies. I dare you to quit the minoxidil and the rest and lets see how bald u Will become sucker. You litteraly cause damage to hair folicles when you press hard many guys on immortalhair lost alot of hair from it jesus this sh*t massaging is old news that was tried many years ago.


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Neck damage. When you massage the head you automatically tense your neck. I had balance problems and dizzy spells for months. Your theory is total bs btw. It wasnt the silly massages that grew your hair. U follow those scammers perfecthairhealth sites that wants your money. Just get off this forum please and stop spreading lies. I dare you to quit the minoxidil and the rest and lets see how bald u Will become sucker. You litteraly cause damage to hair folicles when you press hard many guys on immortalhair lost alot of hair from it jesus this sh*t massaging is old news that was tried many years ago.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but this thread is interesting to a lot of people and the OP is defnitely not coming across as a Troll in any way.

I've been browsing these forums for 20 years, and have seen countless threads on scalp massages like you refer to but this is the first and only one I've seen regarding actually removing sebum and oils from blocked follicles so if you don't have anything positive to add please let us get on with it.


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The whole idea of clogged hair follicles like blackheads/whiteheads is something I’m investigating. Microneedling isn’t enough.. The poster is vigorously trying to squeeze scalp skin to break open the clogged follicle. So let’s just concentrate on that. I can do the hand squeezing… but I’m going to take it a step further.
I just bought a steamer with 5x magnifier to open up pores the way an Esthetician would. Also they use Desincrustation Solution / Scaling fluid also. Then they use a Dermapore ultrasonic device or traditional blackhead tool kit. So I will not only do the squeezing, but use these others tools.. Also Clarisonic device could be used on scalp as well. So if male pattern baldness is simply lack of blood flow/nutrient flow then this should help. I also have other ideas beyond these, but will see if this makes a difference.
Be very interested to see how you get on. Out of interest how long is your hair, is it shaved? Mine is quite long but diffuse thinning, so that's making this process a but more difficult.

Maybe consider using apple cider vinegar and maybe even (believe it or not) oatmeal as both help unclog and open up pores apparently.


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Everyone's entitled to their opinion but this thread is interesting to a lot of people and the OP is defnitely not coming across as a Troll in any way.

I've been browsing these forums for 20 years, and have seen countless threads on scalp massages like you refer to but this is the first and only one I've seen regarding actually removing sebum and oils from blocked follicles so if you don't have anything positive to add please let us get on with it.
He believe dht blockers reduce sebum which is not true. How can sebum causes a receeded hairline
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but this thread is interesting to a lot of people and the OP is defnitely not coming across as a Troll in any way.

I've been browsing these forums for 20 years, and have seen countless threads on scalp massages like you refer to but this is the first and only one I've seen regarding actually removing sebum and oils from blocked follicles so if you don't have anything positive to add please let us get on with it.
Oh another hippie too afraid to use totally safe meds and wasting time on a hippie regiment.


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The whole idea of clogged hair follicles like blackheads/whiteheads is something I’m investigating. Microneedling isn’t enough.. The poster is vigorously trying to squeeze scalp skin to break open the clogged follicle. So let’s just concentrate on that. I can do the hand squeezing… but I’m going to take it a step further.
I just bought a steamer with 5x magnifier to open up pores the way an Esthetician would. Also they use Desincrustation Solution / Scaling fluid also. Then they use a Dermapore ultrasonic device or traditional blackhead tool kit. So I will not only do the squeezing, but use these others tools.. Also Clarisonic device could be used on scalp as well. So if male pattern baldness is simply lack of blood flow/nutrient flow then this should help. I also have other ideas beyond these, but will see if this makes a difference.
Any updates on this so far? Not expecting new hairs yet lol but how are you getting on removing sebum?


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Has anyone done more than micro-needling....such as numbed their head with numbing cream then stabbed the hell out of their scalp?

I am wondering if something more intense like this could give better results.

I had some scarring once which I put numbing cream on, stabbed with a needle drawing blood and the skin healed back with the scarring completely gone. The scarring was obvious and it completely disappeared after doing this.

I have never tried micro-needling but on the face of it it seems much much more milder than what I did to that scar. I doubt micro-needling would have been enough to renew the skin there and would not have the same results.

I might try this more hardcore style of needling on an area of my scalp and see if anything happens.

How deep is the hair follicle under the skin? will micro-needling needles connect with them? Maybe stabbing the hell out of the hair follicle can help them regenerate just like skin regenerates when you micro-needle it.

EDIT: Read that hair follicles may be 4mm to 7mm deep... ok maybe this is a problem.

Has any doctor/scientist/surgeon tried physically needling actual follicles to see if they regenerate and regrow hair in baldies?
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Has anyone done more than micro-needling....such as numbed their head with numbing cream then stabbed the hell out of their scalp?

I am wondering if something more intense like this could give better results.

I had some scarring once which I put numbing cream on, stabbed with a needle drawing blood and the skin healed back with the scarring completely gone. The scarring was obvious and it completely disappeared after doing this.

I have never tried micro-needling but on the face of it it seems much much more milder than what I did to that scar. I doubt micro-needling would have been enough to renew the skin there and would not have the same results.

I might try this more hardcore style of needling on an area of my scalp and see if anything happens.

How deep is the hair follicle under the skin? will micro-needling needles connect with them? Maybe stabbing the hell out of the hair follicle can help them regenerate just like skin regenerates when you micro-needle it.

EDIT: Read that hair follicles may be 4mm to 7mm deep... ok maybe this is a problem.

Has any doctor/scientist/surgeon tried physically needling actual follicles to see if they regenerate and regrow hair in baldies?
Yeah I dunno if that's a good idea.

Some dude posted the other day in the MSM thread that he microneedled with 2mm twice a week and got all his hair back at near 70yo.

No photos or anything though so maybe BS.

I use 1.5mm and go pretty hard once a week. Scalp is pretty bloody afterwards.

I dont think there is any clear answers on this yet. They just don't really know. But stabbing yourself in the head doesn't sound super clever.


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Has anyone done more than micro-needling....such as numbed their head with numbing cream then stabbed the hell out of their scalp?

I am wondering if something more intense like this could give better results.

I had some scarring once which I put numbing cream on, stabbed with a needle drawing blood and the skin healed back with the scarring completely gone. The scarring was obvious and it completely disappeared after doing this.

I have never tried micro-needling but on the face of it it seems much much more milder than what I did to that scar. I doubt micro-needling would have been enough to renew the skin there and would not have the same results.

I might try this more hardcore style of needling on an area of my scalp and see if anything happens.

How deep is the hair follicle under the skin? will micro-needling needles connect with them? Maybe stabbing the hell out of the hair follicle can help them regenerate just like skin regenerates when you micro-needle it.

EDIT: Read that hair follicles may be 4mm to 7mm deep... ok maybe this is a problem.

Has any doctor/scientist/surgeon tried physically needling actual follicles to see if they regenerate and regrow hair in baldies?

I know microneedling on the face is an approved method to reduce scarring. Hair follicles like you say are to deep to reach with a needle but penetrating the follicle root itself wouldn't be a great idea imo. No one knows for sure why microneelding works well with hairloss for some. People will say microneedling works to increase effectiveness of minoxidil, im I'm not arguing with that. But people also get good results without using topicals. Here's my opinion -

The sebaceous gland is closer to the surface, and more reachable to the needles. If a hair has gradually miniaturised over time the sebum produced continues to release at same amount which was required for a healthy hair strand thus trapping minuturised hairs in my opinion, hindering the chances of a newly revitalised follicle (through meds or whatever regime is helping) 'pushing through' the build up of oils sebum and other crap. Good hair transplants work because the transplanted follicle is implanted and there's no blockage.

Exactly the same way acne forms, it's all from blocked HAIR follicles on face and body. And one huge remedy for acne is to unblock the hair follicles on the face by reducing sebum using products aimed at oily skin.

Microneeding could be 'unblocking' these pathways on the scalp.

I'm not saying sebum is the cause of hairloss, people unaffected by male pattern baldness and DHT will be producing the same levels of sebum as someone who has heavy diffuse thinning, which is a huge problem for the diffuse thinner. So it's an accelerator to hairloss imo, and microneedling among many other things to reduce sebum can help for sure.
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