Re growth 14 years balding . Skin/smooth on top.


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You got great results…I believe as you study more you will continue to improve.
I have done just about everything you have. Geranium?
What is interesting to me, the follicles started sprouting all over, not just one spot or two.
You just didn’t do one thing, you tried 20.
I massage, but may have to up intensity..
Your point that the follicles are filled with hardened gunk, & when squeezing the scalp may break up the gunk makes sense.


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The sulfer 8 smelled terrible... not a smell I couldn’t stand but idk just a smell that I grew to hate . I only tried it cause I was talking to this one guy a long time
Ago who swore it grew his hair back . So I YouTubed it and A lot of African American females use it with doogro with amazing results so I said ehhh what do I have to lose . Let me tell you somehhjng
That I was NOT GOING TO SHARE !!! But since you are a believer in the trapped sebum I’ll tell you . And I swear this is 100 percent true what im
Going to tell you . Plus I started to Neil I’ve when I read that article , it’s very hard to find but where that guy had the same belief that it was trapped sebum clogging the follicule , amd almost all guys got their hair back after like 1 yr or something from doing the hard scalp press a working all that crap out of the follicle. But anyways what I had no intentions
Of sharing was pretty important I believe but with all the skeptics I was just like screw it would be pointless . So I was very curious
To know what the heck is going on up their on my scalp. I have a iPhone and with the scope or magnifying glass you can get pretty damn zoomed in .... so just looking at my scalp in the mirror with my eyes it looked normal as hell.... not one issue . I then zoomed in very close and with a pic device I squeezed my scalp and poked it real soft but also enough to break the skin and I’m telling you no joke man a massive loooooong kinda like a plug of puss that was so dried it formed a string type thing just shot out . I was like wtf ...... so I zoom in again and I’m not bullshiting you it happened again and again and again everywhere I poked I would have to get the tweezers and pluck it out cause it was like it was stuck to my scalp . But without the magnifying glass I would look at the string in the mirror and it would not even be noticeable at all definitely sebum plugs and it was full I mean full of them but it looked so damn healthy just looking in the mirror .... after I spent a while getting them things out that week my hair growth sky rocketed and has not stopped I even focused on the front side cause they were not getting much growth and after pulling plugs out their the growth is coming in like crazy. This is a true story man got no reason to lie I swear on my daughters heart beat every word is true
Hey J~L~H any further updates on progress, and are you still finding/removing sebum plugs on scalp?


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That's amazing dude

But why the hell your co-worker thinks a Man would shave and razor his head slick bald for no reason except hair Kiss? Specially a white man?

Is he mentally handcaped?
Hahaha I hear you brother lol.... I was doing Manufactured mobile homes at the time and we had woman in the plant who would do the final touch up cleaning caulking paint touch up stuff like that . It was one of them .


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Hey J~L~H any further updates on progress, and are you still finding/removing sebum plugs on scalp?
The front sides are filling in just as expected from removing the sebum plugs I’ll post a picture I’m telling you not a doubt in my mind that’s what it is but no now not much come out which is good and the hair is just getting so thick man like I’ve never lost a hair it’s crazy idk but you seen I was slick bald and it’s literally like it never fell out


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You got great results…I believe as you study more you will continue to improve.
I have done just about everything you have. Geranium?
What is interesting to me, the follicles started sprouting all over, not just one spot or two.
You just didn’t do one thing, you tried 20.
I massage, but may have to up intensity..
Your point that the follicles are filled with hardened gunk, & when squeezing the scalp may break up the gunk makes sense.
I really believe that’s the cause man . Hair follicles are so small very very small man , and the scalp is full of oils and sweat glands once that dries up on their for years and years . Think when we were little kids hell we didn’t know how to wash out hair corrextly
And we sweated like crazy through the years the follicule just got clogged up man and no way was a hair strand going to get through that gunk . In high school I was one who used a pound of hair spray and gell to rock the pauly d hairstyle when the gotti brothers started it ....: but yea man everywhere I force that gunk out hair starts growing amazing man .... also they are super I mean SUPER hard to get to pop out . So I just keep massaging and try that area in a couple more days man and they usually open right up . I’m just sharing my experience and what I really believe is the reason for being bald I could be wrong but hey what money is their to be made if everyone found out you just have to unclog the hair follicule cause they are still their . I promise You they are . They don’t disappear or wash off you know .


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The front sides are filling in just as expected from removing the sebum plugs I’ll post a picture I’m telling you not a doubt in my mind that’s what it is but no now not much come out which is good and the hair is just getting so thick man like I’ve never lost a hair it’s crazy idk but you seen I was slick bald and it’s literally like it never fell out
Nice one. I been trying like hell to do this on the area where my hairline has receeded, can't get actual 'plugs' to shoot out just small amounts of sebum by using them metal tools for removing blackheads. I'll keep trying though, the rest of my head my hair is quite long but diffuse thinning so a bit cautious incase I lose what I've got by going to hard, but def think your on to something.

Do you use anything to help, like tweezers etc? Or maybe an exfoliant like people use for blackheads on face/nose could help?


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Nice one. I been trying like hell to do this on the area where my hairline has receeded, can't get actual 'plugs' to shoot out just small amounts of sebum by using them metal tools for removing blackheads. I'll keep trying though, the rest of my head my hair is quite long but diffuse thinning so a bit cautious incase I lose what I've got by going to hard, but def think your on to something.

Do you use anything to help, like tweezers etc? Or maybe an exfoliant like people use for blackheads on face/nose could help?
Yeah, same for me.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I can't get anything to come out unless there is a visible black-head there. I can't just squeeze randomly on my scalp and get anything to come out. But maybe my technique is wrong.


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P.S. ... actually, cancel that ... I just gave myself a pretty intense scalp message as I described in the other "close up" pictures thread and check this out. See all that white stuff coming out of my scalp? Gross.

Still not convinced it's actually going to do anything for hair-loss or regrowth but I guess I'll find out. Nothing to lose.


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Wow, that was white gunk coming out below the hairline. BUT to see that on top of head is pretty difficult. I understand the principle Try to squeeze upwards. I haven’t seen any gunk coming out of pores, but I think the theory would explain a lot. Perhaps DHT increases sebum which simply clogs the follicle, slowly strangling out growth.
Thats why DHT inhibitors, vasodilators, sebum reducers seem to be only things working. THE follicle/hair shaft is slowly being strangled resulting in miniaturation & thinning of the diameter of hair shaft.
Could be like a simple blackhead.. filled w) gunk but very difficult to clear & keep cleared.
Then the whole cascade of corollary events happen… blood vessels not performing properly, calcification, fibrosis…Could be something like that.


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Wow, that was white gunk coming out below the hairline. BUT to see that on top of head is pretty difficult. I understand the principle Try to squeeze upwards. I haven’t seen any gunk coming out of pores, but I think the theory would explain a lot. Perhaps DHT increases sebum which simply clogs the follicle, slowly strangling out growth.
Thats why DHT inhibitors, vasodilators, sebum reducers seem to be only things working. THE follicle/hair shaft is slowly being strangled resulting in miniaturation & thinning of the diameter of hair shaft.
Could be like a simple blackhead.. filled w) gunk but very difficult to clear & keep cleared.
Then the whole cascade of corollary events happen… blood vessels not performing properly, calcification, fibrosis…Could be something like that.
I saw it coming out from the top of my head too.

The thing is, if it's true that's what "blocks" hairs coming through the scalp, then nothing else would work except that. But stuff like minoxidil and finasteride clearly does work. So it doesn't make sense.

If getting that stuff out of your pores makes any difference at all, my guess is that it helps topical medication get absorbed more easily through non-blocked pores.

But it's just a guess. I'm still very skeptical. But like I said before ... nothing to lose and it feels kind of nice.


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Wow, that was white gunk coming out below the hairline. BUT to see that on top of head is pretty difficult. I understand the principle Try to squeeze upwards. I haven’t seen any gunk coming out of pores, but I think the theory would explain a lot. Perhaps DHT increases sebum which simply clogs the follicle, slowly strangling out growth.
Thats why DHT inhibitors, vasodilators, sebum reducers seem to be only things working. THE follicle/hair shaft is slowly being strangled resulting in miniaturation & thinning of the diameter of hair shaft.
Could be like a simple blackhead.. filled w) gunk but very difficult to clear & keep cleared.
Then the whole cascade of corollary events happen… blood vessels not performing properly, calcification, fibrosis…Could be something like that.
Some of what you said here is exactly what I've been very interested in investigating recently. I'm using magnesium bath salts and dead sea salt to help decalcify and def adds volume to current hair as added bonus.

This thread is very promising imo.


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I saw it coming out from the top of my head too.

The thing is, if it's true that's what "blocks" hairs coming through the scalp, then nothing else would work except that. But stuff like minoxidil and finasteride clearly does work. So it doesn't make sense.

If getting that stuff out of your pores makes any difference at all, my guess is that it helps topical medication get absorbed more easily through non-blocked pores.

But it's just a guess. I'm still very skeptical. But like I said before ... nothing to lose and it feels kind of nice.

I'm not 100 percent convinced until I see more results but the fact finasteride and minoxidil work for some people doesn't deter my optimism, for one they rarely regrow a large amount of hair and even then only maintain for some people. For some they actually make things much worse.

Hairloss is multifaceted and sebum has always been a major suspect for me even if it had no effect of DHT, DHT is only part of the puzzle and is a vital component of being a male. Imo the key is to control DHT rather than drastically reduce it.

The picture you posted above is exactly what I'm still trying to do, be really interesting to see if it helps you over next few weeks or months, try and do similar accross scalp though and I also recommend using dead sea salt and/magnesium after massages to help clear area the sebum, oil and build up from getting back into newly opened pores.
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The picture you posted above is exactly what I'm still trying to do, be really interesting to see if it helps you over next few weeks or months, try and do similar accross scalp though and I also recommend using dead sea salt and/magnesium after massages to help clear area the sebum, oil and build up from getting back into newly opened pores.
How would I go about "using dead sea salt and magnesium"? Like ... what's the process?

I have actually been wondering about this - if I'm massaging it out in some spots and then just massaging it back in again in others.

P.S. I really wouldn't get your hopes up about this treatment. I suspect the OP is just a super-responder to the medication or something else. The fact is that snake-oil salesmen have been selling similar ideas for a hundred years and it's never worked before (I mean head-massage machines, head vacuums and similar scalp cleaning treatments). If OP's response was typical then at least some of those things would have shown at least some improvement.


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How would I go about "using dead sea salt and magnesium"? Like ... what's the process?

I have actually been wondering about this - if I'm massaging it out in some spots and then just massaging it back in again in others.

P.S. I really wouldn't get your hopes up about this treatment. I suspect the OP is just a super-responder to the medication or something else. The fact is that snake-oil salesmen have been selling similar ideas for a hundred years and it's never worked before (I mean head-massage machines, head vacuums and similar scalp cleaning treatments). If OP's response was typical then at least some of those things would have shown at least some improvement.

You can put dead sea salt and magnesium flakes or epsom salts into bath water. Or if showering dissolve in a jug and use this water to wash your hair. The magnesium balances the calcium in tap water (which is high in most areas). Magnesium is generally very good as a lot of people are deficient, adds texture and possibly reduces scalp calcification. The dead sea salt helps to reduce oil so might help in reducing sebum. Also no doubt it adds volume and texture to my current hair.

I also have dead sea salt and magnesium flakes dissolved in a spray bottle for occasional topical. They are both dirt cheap to buy.

I'm not generally a believer in scalp massages etc for blood flow, hanging upside down and inversion table etc is far better for that you can literally feel the pressure on scalp. But what good is blood flow if you have sebum build up or high DHT or whatever your issue is in first place. However if massaging is helping to unclog pores, that's could be beneficial IMO even if its not a game changer it won't hurt to try for a few months.


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You can put dead sea salt and magnesium flakes or epsom salts into bath water. Or if showering dissolve in a jug and use this water to wash your hair. The magnesium balances the calcium in tap water (which is high in most areas). Magnesium is generally very good as a lot of people are deficient, adds texture and possibly reduces scalp calcification. The dead sea salt helps to reduce oil so might help in reducing sebum. Also no doubt it adds volume and texture to my current hair.

I also have dead sea salt and magnesium flakes dissolved in a spray bottle for occasional topical. They are both dirt cheap to buy.

I'm not generally a believer in scalp massages etc for blood flow, hanging upside down and inversion table etc is far better for that you can literally feel the pressure on scalp. But what good is blood flow if you have sebum build up or high DHT or whatever your issue is in first place. However if massaging is helping to unclog pores, that's could be beneficial IMO even if its not a game changer it won't hurt to try for a few months.
Yeah exactly. It won't hurt to try. If I get miracle results like OP then I'll be shouting it from the roof tops. :)

But I'm not holding my breath...

I actually got one of those silicone head-massage things too. It came today ... it makes the head massage really nice and easy. I'm going to use that to "warm everything up" and then do the "scalp squeeze" technique described in the OP with my bare hands.


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Yeah exactly. It won't hurt to try. If I get miracle results like OP then I'll be shouting it from the roof tops. :)

But I'm not holding my breath...

I actually got one of those silicone head-massage things too. It came today ... it makes the head massage really nice and easy. I'm going to use that to "warm everything up" and then do the "scalp squeeze" technique described in the OP with my bare hands.
Hopefully helps you a bit, I might look into something similar. If you watch the gross black head removal videos on YouTube they are ultra zoomed in and use metal pinchers and tweezers, loads of sebum released this way but think that would be extremely difficult to do on your own. If this method does prove successfull then will look into better ways to get the stuff out.

Been doing the massages and squeezing after a bath when scalp is warm, finding it hard because I have reasonably long hair which ends up greasy so must be getting at least some of the sebum out. Then rinse again after.

Think its suited best to have head shaved


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Sebum plugs. I can’t believe someone actually fell for that.
Are you referring to the OP? He had pretty good results.

I don't think it's sebum plugs personally. Although I suspect it maybe beneficial in a similar way that derma-rolling is beneficial.


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Are you referring to the OP? He had pretty good results.

I don't think it's sebum plugs personally. Although I suspect it maybe beneficial in a similar way that derma-rolling is beneficial.
I wouldn't pay attention to that comment. Probably one of the ''anti-DHT drug or nothing, everything else is snake oil'' users, suprised its taken 40 odd posts for one of them to pop their head up.

If he had read the whole thread he would see no one has fallen for anything nor is anyone claiming a miracle cure, just some people trying some things out, kind of the entire point in this forum.