Question about raising testosterone?


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im an athlete who has been on propecia for almost two years...definitely had some body composition problems due to th eestrogen...i now am currently taking some tribestan which helps my body produce more testosterone...does this mean thi swill now create more DHT or only certain testoteron econverts to dht?...i know this is weird question but any help would b eappreciated-thanks...sherwood


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Hey Sherwood - you're not from Oregon are you?

Sorry I can't answer your inquiry but I am interested in finding out myself. Good luck.

jerry grant


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This is the same argument used against Arimidex or any other anti-estrogen drug. I've never heard a satisfactory response. Try it and see.



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0 bumping this thread because i am taking the same product Tribestan.
I work out everyday and want to see if i get any strength gains from raining testosterone.

Iam taking .5mg propecia, nizoral and spironolactone 2% and 5%.

Will this increase in test cause any problems to my hair?

I have to say that i have had good results at keeping the hair i have and i do not shed tons of hairs a day any more. I dont want to screw up my regimen. please advise..


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Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but taking a Testosterone boosting product will in crease your Estrogen as well.


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You might want to ask your question on a "mens health" forum for guys on TRT. There's a good one at meso-rx, they will probably be able to answer your question.


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elevated testosterone 'may' be converted to extra, DHT and/or estrogen and/or free testosterone


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There's no evidence that Tribestan does cause an increase in testosterone levels, so I wouldn't waste your money.

In any case, as has been pointed out higher test levels probably convert to higher estrogen anyway.


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sherwood said:
im an athlete who has been on propecia for almost two years...definitely had some body composition problems due to th eestrogen...i now am currently taking some tribestan which helps my body produce more testosterone...does this mean thi swill now create more DHT or only certain testoteron econverts to dht?...i know this is weird question but any help would b eappreciated-thanks...sherwood

Well firstly, tribestan is not going to do squat for increasing test levels. unless u are synthetically injecting testesterone based compounds (i.e. test Propecia, test E or test cyp) into your system, over the counter products like tribestan is definately not going going to raise existing test levels. I beleive that the basic question you are asking is whether synthetic testesterone increases DHT levels in your body and the question is simply YES. When testesterone (be it natural or synthetic) is active in the body, it breaks down into DHT and estrogen via the process of aromatization. The more free testesterone is in the body, the more DHT will be produced when the testesterone eventually undergoes the process of aromatization.

What many people dont realise is that DHT, as a chemical compound, is not the reason that males lose hair. Any compound which has a high androgenic ration (i.e. androgenic ratio can be defined basically as a compounds affinty to bind to the androgenic receptors in the scalp and muscle tissue) will result in male pattern baldness. Testesterone itself has a relatively high androgenic ratio, albeit much lower than DHT, and thus test on its own can also increase hair loss in males.

i hope this clears up some things for the hair-retaining gym aholics out here. Ive previously run AAS cycles ranging from the moderately androgenic sustanon cycles, to the highly androgenic winstrol and trenbolone cycles and managed to retain my hair.


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drinkrum said:
This is the same argument used against Arimidex or any other anti-estrogen drug. I've never heard a satisfactory response. Try it and see.


Well, when using a test-based compound (and when i mean test based, i mean administering an AAS(steroid compound) into your body) you will ultimately be elevating both DHT and estrogen levels as these are the compounds that testesterone breaks down into via the process of aromatization. To counteract excess DHT production, one will need to administer a 5AR blocker to inhibit the amount of DHT produced when test aromatizes via the 5 alpha -reductase enzyme. But remember, test also aromatizes into estrogen as mnay of you have pointed out. The best way to counteract excess estrogen whilst using test is to use an Aromatase Inhibitor like Arimidex or a Selective Estrogen Receptom Modulator (SERM) like nolvadex. An AI, like the action of finasteride, limits the amount of estrogen produced when testesterone undergoes the process of aromatization. A SERM, like nolvadex for example, will prevent estrogen from binding onto estrgen receptors thus also preventing excess water retention and fat storage around the hips, thighs and waist ect.

Im not sure how much exposure you have had to the world of bodubuilding drinkrum, but i have never experienced any estrogen related side effects whilst using either an AI or SERM whilst on cycle. They work and they work all the time.