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What kind of Doctor?

I'm looking to get a Dr. appointment so I can get a Rx for Propecia or Proscar. Do I need to make an appointment with a Dermatologist or should I just go to my regular Doctor?


Any Doctor can write for it. If your reg Doctor will go for it, that is likely the way to go.




Hello Im a 25 year old male with a slight receding hairline somewhere close to a norwood 2 i guess....and im hoping someone can help me or.reply to this or something ..Im really really worried about losing my hair.and lately i been havig tingling and itching sensations on my scalp..well actually...on one part on the top aon the right side..somewhere near the front.where i have thinkin maybe its me making my had tingle by worrying cause it didnt really feel this way a few days ago and i been really worrying seriously to a stressful point about this since about end of december...our my concerns valid?...and I been using a shampoo frm jason cosmetics that has something i read about tat spurs hiar growth called Biotin anyone have info about this chemical?>..and if it helps....Im thinkin of going on propecia.but since i actually have hair still..i dot wanna go on and have some crazy side effect or lose more ive read about the shedding and .people saying they had temple recede then when they used propecia they had vortex hair loss as well.which they didnt before using it..Im confused and worried and.not sure what to do....I hope to god i havent started some kind of anti-inflamtory response by worrying about my that possiable to make yourself enter this anti-infalmtory response where you start to lose hair really fast as ive just worrying about losing it?.can u make yourself go into that from stress or worrying?.just wanna know.cause i didnt have tingling i think im gonna go buy nizoral shampoo to stop the itching and tingling.heopfully that will fix that...i just hope.worrying and stressing this isnt making it worse.and or causing my hair to go to that stage or fallout.can someone help me?>...give me info .on if propecia at m stage is worth it.or should i wait..caus i read its best used as a prenvetaive...measure...but i dont wanna end its life cycle ive heard it doesnt work forever......thank you if anyone can help..on my questions.of propecia or if strss can cause this anti-inflamtry response.and on biotin...sorry if i sound just really worried..many family and g/f have said i got nothing to worry baout but i so do.....thanks..... :)


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propecia response

you think 25 is bed try starting at 19. Two years and have a receding templesl norwood 1.8. Too young to go bald i decided well so far in conjunction with nizoral and propecia for 5 and half months seems to have halted the balding process and produdced thicker hairs and some regrowth and looks much beter then a year ago. With Couvre and toppik i'll bet set tell then propecia effects wear off gradually over time. so for your tingling and itchiness i suggest use nizoral 3X times a week and go on propecia. I experienced a bit of shedding for a week or two thats all and now i barely notice hair falling out, none on my pillow, shower. So far propecia has worked for me or at the very least slowed down the process consderable try minoxidil i am skeptical about it.


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propecia response

you think 25 is bad try starting at 19. Two years later i have a receding temples norwood 1.8. Too young to go bald i decided. well so far in conjunction with nizoral and propecia for 5 and half months seems to have halted the balding process and produdced thicker hairs and some regrowth and looks much beter then a year ago. With Couvre and toppik i'll bet set till the propecia effects wear off gradually over time. so for your tingling and itchiness i suggest use nizoral 3X times a week and go on propecia. I experienced a bit of shedding for a week or two thats all and now i barely notice hair falling out, none on my pillow, shower. So far propecia has worked for me or at the very least slowed down the process consderable try minoxidil i am skeptical about it.


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Propecia to proscar

Hello, i am 22 year old male, was on propecia for 6 months then started splitting proscar 5mg's into 4's b/c it was cheaper. Every since i started the proscar, i have noticed more shedding, and testicular pain.

Is this normal?


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Shedding and aches can start at virtually any time, so I think it's reasonably normal, yes.


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I am 23 and began to stress about a slight thinning in my hair. I decided to be proactive and through the internet, came across propecia. I asked my Doctor about it, and he gave me 2 months worth of free samples and recommended I try it, so i did.

Immidietly I noticed a decrease in sex drive, which i didnt think was possible before I started taking the drug. I persevered bacause I saw somewhere that the effects are in many cases only temporary, so i continued for six weeks. Eventually I decided i wanted my sex drive more than my hair and I was satisfied that i could cope with life without hair .

The problem sex drive hasnt returned, its been almost two months since i stopped and i only took propecia for eight weeks and no sign of it, despite the best efforts of things that normally got me very excited. Fortunatly everything still works I just dont get horny..its terrible

Has anyone had a similar experience ????? it would be very comforting to know that I am just unlucky and that I can expect my hormones to be back in sync soon.

I also reckon that there is an effect with propecia and alcohol, since i stopped I definatly like going out and getting drunk more than when i was on the stuff. Also from my experience, I have never been so depressed. I was very upset about my hairloss before but while i was taking propecia, i seemed almost suicidal I thought stopping taking it would be more depressing but it hasnt been , i really feel a whole lot better mentally - it might be irreleavant but it also might not be

Also, I know hairloss is tough but my advise is.. .dont f**k with your body. You've only got one. I have no medical background but my whole experience has made me a little sceptical about the industry and whose interest they may have had hand.

I am fairly attractive and have had lots of success with girls so my thinning hair stressed me out alot , i also stopped going to gym so my six pack and biceps have all but dissapeared ,overall i'm not what i used to be- although i have had lots of comments about how great my hair is looking - a wierd plus about thinning hair is sometimes it looks better than thick hair!

I know the majority of you will scoff at what I'm about to say and dismiss it as shmutz (i know how anoying these type of statements can be to someone who is losing their hair) but I think the best way to deal with hairloss is to work on insecurities rather. I know the sick helpless feeling but in the end its how you deal with it.

If propecia works then take it - i would probably be on it, if it didnt give me the side effects. If it doesnt dont stress - and have more faith in the female population - they're not all as superficial as we are ! I'm sure the majority would choose a confident happy man without hair over a insecure neurotic man with hair.

plus , you've always got your sex drive...??


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Your sex drive loss is probably from freaking out about losing your hair. Propecia can't keep lowering your testosterone levels if you aren't taking it anymore. I say go to the gym. I notice a difference in my sex drive after I start running, weight-lifting, or anything to stay active. Any activity that builds testosterone, such as weight-lifting is good for the soul man! Being that you are stressed out, and I know you are, b/c I was there, exercise will help reduce the stress too. So, go out and do it! Start lifting weights and exercising.
Why do you think so many men start working out after their wifes leave them?...LOL!
My wife left me the same time I started thinning in the back. I freaked out bad. Now, she's living with a guy with hardly no hair at all left. And I still have all mine, thanks to Rogaine! Anyway, it blew me away, and she is gorgeous. I couldn't freaking believe that! So, don't sweat the small stuff, work it out!


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I agree man.I mean sh*t.i see and read peoples going nuts about a norwodd 2..where it just receds some in the front.i mean big deal.thats what mine does.and im stressing it hardcore.cause im thinkin of what it could be in 5 years or something could be the same.kinda has been for awhile..but i never had a perfect hairline even as a far as ladies not a ladies man.kinda shy although girls have told me im cute...but....I worry about my hair.and i do believe worrying can make your hair worse.and even lower the postive effects and heigthen the negative effects of propecia at the same stress is medically proven to cause physical effects in weird ways and im sure hair strenght is one of the effects.alot of various forms of hairloss like...alopecia areata is at times induced by calm..i think even though i got tough time at that and im only thinking of maybe taking something mild like..saw palmetto.some have said it works very well....but never been any clinical trials to prove it...probably caUSE merck didnt make least make healthy hair if anyone on that tell me if it has helped any?.....well....could always shave on your hair off and get a tat on your


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Deano...FWIW, the same thing happened to me when i switched from Propecia to Proscar - i have no explanation, it just did :cry:


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Discontinuing Propecia


Im a 25 year old male, loosing hair since 18, with a fairly bald crown and already a FUE transplant in my crown. I have been on Propecia for nearly 2 years, and have visibly much less hair than when I started at 23.
Side effects are not very noticeable, but i dont think its working.
However, Im afraid to stop for loosing more hair.

Any suggestions?

How should I stop, radically or gradually?

If I do, should I substitute with saw palmetto or anything else?

I await opinions.

Thanks guys.


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Hi Cris -

Saw Palmetto has not been shown to do anything for male pattern baldness when taken orally so that won't be an effective addition to your regimen. At this point, you should consider adding Rogaine 5% and using it twice daily, and giving it at least another 6 months before you evaluate its effectiveness. I am impressed that you gave Propecia a full 2 years to work before giving up on it. That's a rare trait and one to be commended. Most people give up far too soon. Merck has stated however that if it does not stop your hair loss after 1 year, it is probably not working for you on its own. Definitely add the only other clinically proven treatment as your next component (rogaine). If you want to and can afford to and can deal with the inconvenience, you could also add Tricomin Therapy spray. I personally would just add the Rogaine for now and give it 6-8 months. Make sure you are using Nizoral shampoo once every three days as well. Propecia will not work its best without it, and I personally didn't see decent results on Propecia until I added it.

Good Luck,

Hairy Krishna

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Ok, I know mainstream health information tends to be vague and uninformed about androgenetic alopecia, but here's a quote I stumbled on from a reputable health web site:

"...This pattern of hair loss is called male pattern baldness. It is associated with decreased levels of the male hormone, testosterone [as a person ages]"

My understanding is that too much testosterone - in the form of DHT - (i.e. the more testosterone one has, the more DHT you will have) was the primary problem in hair loss.

Anybody disagree?


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mojo no show

Thanks Guys,

At the moment the only thing that is stressing me out is the fact that those evil little white tablets have caused a hormonal holocaust .
Its been almost 2 months since i stopped taking them which is about the whole length of time i was on the stuff and there is no sign of the side effects wearing off. Fate was even so cruel to present me with my ex gf who i have been thinking of for months and i saw her last nite but without my hormones it was like kissing a punchbag... its a very disturbing 'non'-feeling.

does anyone with any medical knowledge know why the side effects wouldnt wear off in some cases or take longer. It is supposed to take a week or two - is this for the stuff to get out of your system or for ones hormonal balances to be restored ? Is there a possibility that they have lowered my levels of testostorone (which doesnt sound reasonable given my understanding of what the little f***ers are supposed to do) ?

Does anyone know if there has been a case where the side effects havent worn off (unthinkable) ?


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Re: mojo no show

I used it for 18 months at one point before side effects became apparent. It took 8 weeks+ from the time of quitting before my libido began approaching normal. That was a frustrating few weeks, but everything came around without a problem. It may help to just give it a planned break to give it time and to reduce the mental pressure.

Other side effects that I personally suspect resulted from Propecia took longer to disappear. These were mainly skin tissue/fatty effects. For example, I had developed cellulite on parts of my body and fatty nipples. Again, I can't say for certain that these were related to Propecia. They did fully disappear ~2.5 to 3 yrs after quitting. I imagine those things take longer for your body to recycle once the proper hormone balance is restored.

Sedrox said:
Does anyone know if there has been a case where the side effects havent worn off (unthinkable) ?


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After six years of trying to find something to combat my hair loss, I think I've found it. I'm currently on a combination of Nisim Shampoo + Conditioner and Regaine (just added Tricomin recently as well) and in the last three months my hair has improved a lot.

Now I REALLY want to hold on to this improvment if possible, and seeing as there is not a proven DHT inhibitor in there, I was wondering if I should add Propecia (again)? Thing is, the last two times I've tried it, at 1mg-per-day and then at 0.5mg-per-day doses, I still develop the side effects. Me and Propecia don't mix well it would seem.

I usually give up on Propecia at the 3-4 month mark because the side effects are getting too bad. Is there any evidence that they go away after this time if I just hung in there a month more? I know they say that the side effects go away in some people, but after how many months!?

Is there any proven alternative to Propecia for those of us that don't tollerate it at all well? :?
