propecia timeline


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hey, i just wanna see if my response from propecia is common.

started using it 13 weeks ago... before finasteride, i was a diffuse thinner... no signs of norwood

week 1-2: no change.. still shedding.. but diffusely
week 3-12: incredible shed in my hariline. rapid inflamation, greater at the hairline
week 13- notcied less shedding early, but days after, similar shed returned

result... perfect hairline went to hell.. no signs of regrowth besides some colorless hairs at the perimiter.. entire NW6 area lost denisty, but more apparent at front...

will the shed ever stop? what about the healthy hair that i lost? are they going to be regrown? is this normal repsomse?? prorb a Telogen Effluvium


lol, repsomse?? prorb a Telogen Effluvium

You were doing so well....

It should grow back. Just give it time


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well, near the end i got tired of typing...

i really hope i recover... 3 months ago, i used to be able to look at my hairline through a mirror in bright light.. now, three months later, i cannt even look at any mirror anymore (esp when on minoxidil) its gotten soo bad..


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That is not a normal response at all..... your DOOMED!!!!!!!


J/k, I went through that same shedding phase of the hairline since beginning finasteride, whiich I started about 15 weeks ago...

Hairline looks pretty damn shitty now, it didnt recede much but became alot more see through and thin. It sucks, I know, but I think you gotta stick with it for at least a year and let your hair have a chance to thrive in the reduced DHT environment.

If its still shitty or shittier after a year then Im gonna be hella pissed... but what can I do? Its either stick with finasteride and hope for at least maintenance or drop Finasteride and go bald for sure... the option is yours.

Im thinking of adding minoxidil to the front but Im scared of the damn shed its gonna bring...

I wonder if theres anyone out there whos gone through this shitty shed of the hairline from finasteride and stuck with it and got regrowth or at least maintenance a while later???


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i hhave also not receded, but got a lot thinner... and i mean a lot

the hair has to regrow.. since when does starting a treatment casue completely healthy hairs to go in the crappy without ant regrowth, be it thinner hairs.....

i am gonig to wait till month 5 or 6 before i drop finasteride... that one year mark is for people who did not undero a major shed as we did..

why are you so calm about your thining??? I entire scalp seems to have lost a lot of density since starting Propecia... i need regrowth..

i am already on minoxidil.. and trust me, its not fun putting that sh*t in the recently thin hairline.. it looks terrible..


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Wow our cases are almost identical....

My hairline is so thin and see through now that I hate going out in the sun because it makes me look bald as hell. I never had to worry about minor sh*t like that even just a few months ago.

jfrank said:
why are you so calm about your thining??? I entire scalp seems to have lost a lot of density since starting Propecia... i need regrowth..

Im not calm about my thinning hairline... Im pissed as hell to tell you the truth and this sh*t is stuck on my mind almost 24/7.

And about that 5 or 6 month mark youre going to wait until... I think thats too short of a time span to judge whether finasteride can really help, I think a year is better (if not minimal).

How long have you been using Minoxidil for on the hairline? Do you put it all throughout the frontal areas (Temples, frontal area)? or just the first inch of the hairline?


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well, i started using rogiane 3 years ago... for two years, i was only suffering from mild thinning in back.. it didnt even look bad when oily on rogaine... (i used to put on rogaine on the nw6 area as a percaution)

this was last summer

this past year, everything changed... the first half of the year, i started thinning on top.. it wasnt too bad, and looked great when dry.. a little bad when oily on rogaine. but overall not bad..

then this past half year, i noticed the top thinning getting a little worse.. so i decided to toss propecia into my meal=plan... two weeks later, i started shedding.. in the next two weeks, the perfect frontal hairline began to thin considerably and very quickly. big change in those trwo weeks... i talked to a derm, and she told me i had very inflamation.. i treated that with nizoral, and some oil she gave me.... but i still shed.. now, 3 months later, my hairline is prety muich gone.. less that two inches wide in front.. with small hairs around.. now the hairs that i do have on the frontal are incredibley thinning... you can see right throiugh em... and my temples are receding towards my frotnal.. its bad..

oh yeah, i'm still thinning.. my top did get a littel worse and kinda looks like female pattern baldness.....

i'm mad


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nooooooooooooooooooo yall are scaring me=( Scaring me i tellz ya! I just started a month ago and just noticed mild shedding and my scalp is feeling a lil irritiate. I need a good women to run their fingers through my hair!


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I personally blame major shedding on Minoxidil... i have never shed like i did on minoxidil for the 6 weeks i used it... i f*****g hate that stuff. And i agree putting it on and having to analyse your hairline twice a day is the worst part. I think that any of you guys stopping finasteride is probably a bad idea... you have to remember that reducing the DHT in your system in theory can't make you loose more hair! You may find that if you hadn't got on the finasteride you would be even more worse off.

Ive been using it 3 years and its done its job... for sure... quit it and your destined for the natural course of male pattern baldness to take hold.


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i'll stay on it... i am noticing a lot of colorless hairs around my hairline that stand up?? i feel them around.. they have been there this entire time... not really gotten longer.. but i think are too long of vellus, right?

on my hairline itself, good healthy hairs have shed... no replacement hairs though.. imagine how i must feel...


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It took about 3 months for my loss to slow down. Remember finasteride gradually reduces DHT in your body. It doesn't just happen overnight, give it time.


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i dont get it...why didnt you guys start from the lowest possible dosage of each medication you started as recommended on these forums in NUMBEROUS threads?..why not start on 0.5 finasteride for the first month or so to avoid sides as much as possible and gradually increase it to 0.8 ? (half a proscar every three days) ? does that make sense? as for minoxidil? 2% just once a day ?

and jfrank, your post is very were an NW0 ? and you started finasteride and minoxidil ?!?!?! you shoulda just gone for something like zix or some other topical.

i have a question...does inflamation as you pointed out, come with male pattern baldness or from minoxidil/finasteride?


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i was nw0, but was suffering from moderate diffuse thinning.. so i tossed in propecia.. but now on my 14th week... hair closing in on NW3.... and stil shedding like a b**ch.... damn propecia...

i was on minoxidil for 3 years... with mderate succes

thats the funny part... in three years, the back of my head has not gotten worse at all... but in three months, you can now easily tell i'm going bald by the almost invisible hairline.


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i am able to pull out 4+ hair anywhere on my scalp now.... i know most people would call it Telogen Effluvium... but this sh*t has been going on for 3+ months... the way i'm losing hair now, i will have complete frotnal baldness in 2 months


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Hi guys!

This thread gave me the creeps! and yes, i am in the same boat :(

Propecia has done nothing but worsen my hair sins starting it :(, I have been on it for about 7 month by now, and really considering to drop it. Something serios is going on to my body! I have developed a greasy skin problem, i have to wash my fase 5 to 10 times a day to get rid
of all the oil, and my scalp is always red and irretated.

7 month ago my main consern was the temples, but now the hole nw5-6 area :(

I would like to here from others that developed greasy skin problems while taking propecia


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How do you know if you have greesy skin??

my scalp is also irritated (even with all my shampoos).. however, seems like it also occurs only after i put on minoxidil... maybe i should lay off the sh*t for a while?

also, we all know that propecia can cause depression... depression is linked with stress.. and stress is terrible for hair...

sittyhair, have you shed really healthy hairs and not seen any regrowth in those regions?


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sigh...i dont get this 'pulling out 4 + hair everytime"...that happens with me too...i run my hand through my hair and end up with 4 - 5 everytime....stops after a while...and i do get stressed out QUITE a bit....but i think the same (losing hair that way) applies to male pattern baldness as i recommend minoxidil for T.E as


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How do you know if you have greesy skin??

trust me, you will know if you have greasy skin problems. My skin on my face looks like plastic, and the oil is like butter or wax, hard to wash out, man this sucks!

sittyhair, have you shed really healthy hairs and not seen any regrowth in those regions?

I really dont know if the hairs that i shed was/is healthy, my hair quality is kind of bad. If i look at the hairs that fall out, they seem to be my normal hair color on top then the turn transparent. I have also noticed that if i run my fingers through my hair it feels like many thick hairs are there (kind of facial hair) what are those?

I have had Zero regrowth yet, my temples went without the minituration process, they are slick bald, and my hairline seems to follow the same route!


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f*** man these stories scare me a bit, you see ive been on propecia just over 7 weeks now, at first it seemed good, and somehow around like week 5 or 6 after a hair cut it felt really nice n thick all round and wasnt looking too bad at all, then now just in the past few days ive had a bit of a slow but serious diffuse shed, like i didnt notice *loads* of hair coming out, but i think it's just been gradual and it just suddenly looked a hell of a lot thinner about two days ago, it felt kind of like when u first notice hairloss, that kind of difference, when u can tell there's been a definite change...really better grow back..!!


EDIT:just re-read jfrank and HairyPotters experiences, mine's exactly the same..diffuse thinning in the front/top area, looks really thin in the sun, was fine just a couple of weeks ago...maybe we just need to give it time (hopefully)'s really pissing me off tho, my hair was wicked like 2 weeks ago, i went to a wedding and didnt use any dermmatch or anything in my hair, it looked cool just by i dunno how its gonna look next time i need to go out somewhere, ive been wearin a cap loads last few days..


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How do you know if you have greesy skin??

my scalp is also irritated (even with all my shampoos).. however, seems like it also occurs only after i put on minoxidil... maybe i should lay off the sh*t for a while?

also, we all know that propecia can cause depression... depression is linked with stress.. and stress is terrible for hair...

sittyhair, have you shed really healthy hairs and not seen any regrowth in those regions?
did you ever got regrowth?