Prolactin "minitherapy" with SMI-1 (novel protocol for lowering prolactin locally)


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Guys, I've hacked the lab

Apparently in their records they have been doing this for years, even supplied fake minoxidil and finasteride in bulk to other big companies

What you've been using to fight hairloss has been pretty much piss

Will attempt to hack the police rn to warn them


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Guys, sorry for my ignorance. I didn't get to read the whole thread, although I read a good part of it. From the part I read, I didn't find anyone commenting when SMI-1 would be accessible (without purchasing via discord group).

Is there any estimated date for when common labs starts to sell it more easily?

I didn't found anything useful from it at Google related to hairloss about it.


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I've put augustus on ignore, I suggest you all do the same if @Admin won't rid us of the incessant spamming and trolling.
Yes, we found the god pill. It grows hair, increases libido, improves sleep, reverses gyno, shrinks the prostate, and kills cancer.
Reverses gyno? Really?
Scottish has taken pictures for two months showing consistent progress. There is no such thing as coincidental natural hair growth of bald temples. If his pictures aren't enough for you to tell it's working the data reported by HMI should tell you that it will.

I think it was a mistake posting anything here and that we should keep our results to the discord itself. There is nothing to be gained for us by posting our experiments and research here, and frankly I don't see why we should help people who want to sit back and let us spoonfeed them the cure.

The discord has been closed off now, and I think we should only allow in those who've demonstrated that they can contribute.
No offense, but it's a little immature reacting spitefully to people questioning the pictures and to withhold information out of it would be really bad.

Also, I think there are things to be gained by posting info and research here, if generosity isn't motivation enough. As someone else mentioned, there are other forums monitoring this thread and the more you spread awareness of this the more people you get researching it, finding suppliers, joining group buys etc.


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Most people here are willing to contribute,financially or otherwise..There are some bad apples,but then again you get that everywhere

Chads don't bald

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Are you guys planning on spreading the group buy stuff to other forums like tressless on reddit as well? The more people that get on it the cheaper it becomes right?


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Are you guys planning on spreading the group buy stuff to other forums like tressless on reddit as well? The more people that get on it the cheaper it becomes right?
Fucken hope not, this place is bad enough without descending to Tressless. With group buys of 1kg+ at a time it's affordable enough for most people so we won't need to stoop that low.


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We're already buying in such quantity that it's probably not going to get much cheaper.
Thanks for your work Pegasus, id just like to say i appreciate it if that makes any difference. I would never have found out about smi-6 if it wasnt for you guys.


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Why its wont get cheaper ? Isnt that a case of more ppl cheaper price ?
The quantity we're buying it puts it at a very low price already, it can get a bit cheaper but a certain base price for the materials + time +premium will always be charged


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When can we expect the next groupbuy to start? I want to get off min and finasteride but don't want to lose all the progress.

Have there been any negative psychological side effects reported? Are they theoretically possible?
Probably in a few months, if they accept any new guy, which is doubtful regarding the stance guys on discord seems to start to take.

And no, no one reported negative side effects, on this lowly website that is.


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Legit question my dude.
Do you have a global stance or encompassing theory about Androgenetic Alopecia? Not necessarily talking about the whole PRLR thing, but i've seen you post mainly on research and treatment surrounding proteins signals.
Did you drop off any interest in the DHT story, and just zoomed in on how it regulates hair growth? Or is it just an interest in reversal before prevention?


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theres something genuinely hilarious about a bunch of deformed bald losers in a discord group trying to gatekeep access to research chemicals

dudes rubbing chinese chemicals on their heads and racking up thousands in debt and still can't get a woman to touch them so they gatekeep other bald losers instead
I'm frustrated too i'll want to get a hand on it eventually, but no offense, your post is pretty funny too, the fox, the grapes and all that.

The hysteria here is unreal.
I don't get why is everyone so sensitive here, we couldn't get into the buy, too bad wait for the next opportunity, c'est la vie.


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still waiting on that pic bruh
Ok wait so the guy who created a fake account and was too afraid to input his real birthdate is asking another man to send him a picture of himself. This same individual asking another man for his picture is accusing the man of potentially being gay?

Yeah I’ll stick to the discord group as well! Have a nice day everyone!


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not surprised you're incapable of reading comprehension

he is literally the one who offered to send a pic out of the blue, i had never said anything about it

you're probably a pegasus alt account tho

dude is so obsessed and delusional he probably has multiple accounts here with 1000+ posts
This sounds like the type of experience I would create a fake account for if I had plenty of hair…. Love your contributions man!