Product for NW2 Diffusing to NW3


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Hi, I am currently looking for some advice regarding what product to use for concealing my thinning hair. I am currently about a NW2 diffusing into a NW3 patterm. The rest of the hair on my head is untouched by male pattern baldness yet. So I was wondering what product I could use to possibly cover up the shine exposed through the hair or possibly make the hair look thicker. The hair in the area is extremely thin. Any suggestions would be helpful. BTW My haircolor is black if that helps in choosing a matching color.


Senior Member
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Dermmatch. Color: Black.

You're going to love it.


Senior Member
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takes a while before you apply it like a pro...its undetectable in all lighting.


Senior Member
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would u rather dermatch or toppik? ive heard good things about both

Private Ryan

Established Member
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i using dermmatch and i found it pretty good... but it does come off when i touch it... so you might not want anybody to touch your hair with it...


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and dermmatch DOES NOT make you loose hair, or hinder progress with meds.

Private Ryan

Established Member
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anyone have method of making dermmatch stay on your head better? i did a search and it seem it quite normal for it to stain your hand.. seriously, i doubt it can survive a swim or even raining...


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Just got my Dermmatch in. Extremely fast shipping. I tried applying it today, but was having trouble making it look like I didn't use a marker on my head. My hair is only about 1/2 inch. It is pretty much a buzz. Any ideas on making this work? I got the applicator wet then used circular motions on the dermmatch. Then rubbed it into the scalp. Is that the proper way?


New Member
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Its better to not use concealers. Ive used them for many years, and they are not psychologically healthy. They are no different from wearing a piece. You have to carry a mirror around wherever you go because they do NOT hold up in harsh weather. Toppik runs down your face in rain, and dermmatch looks like a painted head when wet. Whatever the manfacturers tell you about it is a crock of sh!t. Just shave your head and just live your life.


New Member
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just another thing.. Toppik glows under UV light.
Last Halloween, I went to a fright fest were you go through mazes wearing 3d glasses. Instead of enjoying the mazes, people were like "wtf is wrong with your hair?"

Thinning Sucks

Experienced Member
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Couvre is the best thing since sliced has saved my life for past 13 years on entire scalp everyday.


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Dermmatch is great, I see it as a styling aid and not a concealer. I dont apply it directly to my scalp.. so far, i have been having great results with it.


Established Member
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I ordered Dermatch last Sunday and was hoping to get it by this weekend, how long does it usually take to ship? Someone said the shipping was fast I thought it would be here by today (friday).