Posted In Impact Since Some Of Us Travel To Distract From Our Hair Loss....


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Trump's planned infrastructure investment has been largely panned as a "huge tax giveaway for the rich," as it will largely go to subsidizing developers and investors rather than be used for much needed projects and services.

Maybe it's time for the US to promote true leftist ideals instead of just having essentially two political factions, that is, a center-right one (democrats) and a right-wing one (republicans.). Of course, that's not possible since any kind of socialism, even the mildest form, is basically equated to "communism".

Mind you, I consider myself apolitical, meaning pretty much all politicians are assholes to me and I'd rather see another system than democracy prevail. Still, I'm sad to see the middle and lower class constantly get shafted by the very same people they helped elect in the first place.

Wake up, America... please.


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Maybe it's time for the US to promote true leftist ideals instead of just having essentially two political factions, that is, a center-right one (democrats) and a right-wing one (republicans.). Of course, that's not possible since any kind of socialism, even the mildest form, is basically equated to "communism".

Mind you, I consider myself apolitical, meaning pretty much all politicians are assholes to me and I'd rather see another system than democracy prevail. Still, I'm sad to see the middle and lower class constantly get shafted by the very same people they helped elect in the first place.

Wake up, America... please.

* Democracy = the vote.

* The vote = the citizens control their leaders.

* Citizens having control of their leaders = freedom for the citizens.

Don't tell me to "wake up"? You wake up.
I will keep democracy. I want my freedom.
Are you some kind of fascist or something?
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My Regimen
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* Democracy = the vote.

* The vote = the citizens control their leaders.

* Citizens having control of their leaders = freedom for the citizens.

Don't tell me to "wake up"? You wake up.
I will keep democracy. I want my freedom.
Are you some kind of fascist or something?

So, what is your opinion on the Syrian war? Pretty fucked up, isn't it.


My Regimen
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Maybe it's time for the US to promote true leftist ideals instead of just having essentially two political factions, that is, a center-right one (democrats) and a right-wing one (republicans.). Of course, that's not possible since any kind of socialism, even the mildest form, is basically equated to "communism".

Mind you, I consider myself apolitical, meaning pretty much all politicians are assholes to me and I'd rather see another system than democracy prevail. Still, I'm sad to see the middle and lower class constantly get shafted by the very same people they helped elect in the first place.

Wake up, America... please.
Are you American?


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solid points on wigs, toupees, concealers, and SMP

'Complete collusal waste of time. Own your sh*t.'

'Shave your head, and own it'

'Take a look around you - Vin Diseal, Jason Statham, The Rock all these hardore dudes that are men, alpha that look the part.Women are turned on by these guys.'


That guy lurked the impact session for years just to record the most caricatural discourse possible!!! Hahahahah amusing.

Just a prank, bro!


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* Democracy = the vote.

* The vote = the citizens control their leaders.

* Citizens having control of their leaders = freedom for the citizens.

Don't tell me to "wake up"? You wake up.
I will keep democracy. I want my freedom.
Are you some kind of fascist or something?

I live in Switzerland where the people have the right to popular initiative at all three levels of power - federal, cantonal, communal- and where both the (bicameral) Parliament and the presidential cabinet represent a wide range of political views through at least seven political factions, with some fringe views winning a seat here and there. Although there is an official president, the position is mostly representative to the outside world, the presidency being rotated each year between the seven heads of each departments. While the State has the competence to rule over several domains (civil, penal), the canton retain a lot of freedom to manage others (mostly administrative). Our democracy is both balanced and robust.

Yet, despite all this freedom, the people are still routinely mislead and manipulated, voting on matters they don't grasp fully but ending up being remorseful about it. Unfortunately, it's usually too late as once a law is enacted, it is very hard to change it again. One example of laws enacted through the will of the people is our equivalent of the Brexit, a tough immigration law that is bound to have numerous repercussions on our relationship with our big European cousins. Another example are extremely severe traffic regulation that end up destroying peoples lives, robbing them of their jobs or making them pay astronomical fines or even having them do prison for simple violation of traffic rules.

Both these two laws and many others were voted through politicians pulling at the people's emotional strings. They've been had, they got swindled. No amount of democracy can save them, it's up to the executive and judiciary branches to either diminish the range of these laws or propose amendments.

It's true, the people should retain control over their country. But control over what, exactly? Since most of the population don't have the necessary time nor knowledge to make well-informed decisions on specific, technical matters, the people should only be the moral compass of a nation. All other topics should be managed by a group of highly skilled individuals provided they be under full scrutiny of the entire population.

Let those that want the privilege of serving a nation surrender their own freedom. No more politicians puppeteered by shady interest groups or putting their friends and family in positions of power or simply serving their own interests. No public servant thusly defined should go about having breakfast, taking a sh*t or buying flowers for his mistress with the entire population knowing about it.

The people should be able to trust that those they selected to lead them have only their best interest in mind. This, in my opinion, is true democracy, not the ersatz politicians want you to believe in.


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My Regimen
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That guys is awesome but I think he forgets that he is good looking and bald looks great on him.

For a man his 40s he is a 7 out of 10 and his wealth and confidence bumps him to an 8.

Essentially he is a very attractive man in many different ways - not the same as the geeky nw4 22 year old kids on here.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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the production and truth behind this video is spot on

worth a watch!

Ok, that was actually funny but the guy looked bad in both situations.

He's one of the ones who are kinda fucked either way - he has to either get a hair transplant or accept not looking good.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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That guys is awesome but I think he forgets that he is good looking and bald looks great on him.

For a man his 40s he is a 7 out of 10 and his wealth and confidence bumps him to an 8.

Essentially he is a very attractive man in many different ways - not the same as the geeky nw4 22 year old kids on here.

just watched a few vids

i like this guy