Polaris Labs NR-07 and NR-08 Minoxidils


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Has anyone of you tried Polaris Labs minoxidils? The NR-07 version seems to be 5% minoxidil in a spray bottle. NR-8 version is 7% minoxidil with a dropper.

I´m curious about how it is to use? Drying fast or slow? Does it make your hair sticky? I am currently using Spectral DNC but it is a mess to use.

Does anybody know if Polaris Labs products has given good results?


It appears this concoction (NR-07) is made or distributed by the same company that produces Spectral DNC in the U.S. (i.e., DS Laboratories)?

Supposedly, the NR-07 has little alcohol and propylene glycol (PPG).

But, when comparing the ingredients in NR-07 to Spectral RS, PPG appears in about the same place in the listing of ingredients. Thus, I am not sure that this NR-07 is really a reduced PPG version of Minoxidil at all!

I have contacted them but have not heard back yet.


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I just ordered both

ill try anything soo ill see

ive been using dnc for a while so i could tell the difference looks wise
result wise ill see

i dont really care which product works - as long i gte results u know?


Established Member
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about the same looks and feel wise
this one is a little greener
less tingle when it goes on
i think its a weaker version of dnc spray but i may be wrong?

the bottle is titled up so its kind of annoying...


Established Member
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Scrap all that and just get dr. lee's 12 or 15% minoxidil. :)


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mykal_P said:
Scrap all that and just get dr. lee's 12 or 15% minoxidil. :)

f*** this sh*t..Dr.Lee minoxidil is sticky/greasy as hell and killed my hairline. This minoxidil is not for everyone.


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Im actually using both the 15% and the NR7

I know this may go against conventional wisdom but Im going to try whatever to get results...I use that blue spray as well

I am getting good results in the front
but i actually need better in the middle

sorry no pics.


Established Member
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nr 8 seems better , sinds it has 7% minoxidil in it...

ryan r

Established Member
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I hear from a lot of people that minoxidil doenst work better above the 5 percent...

A few months ago I wanted to order xanxdrox 15 percent but then I kept hearing from people that its not more effective.

Does anyone has the answer??


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I`m using Polaris 07 and 08 for about a month and dont see any differents.May be nr08 is slightly weaker than 07.


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i have polaris nr 7

i didnt know that they recall there products ? is there a reason why ?


Experienced Member
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anybody still using this stuff?

why did it get recalled?

And do DS Laboratories make this?


Established Member
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Guys i will order Polaris NR-07 from Biovea but i wonder if it´s possible to have an allergic reaction just like i had with SPectral DNC.

SInce someone replied saying that DS laboratories also manufactures Polaris the delivery system might be the same as spectral which i guess will increase an allergie reaction.

Maybe the nanosomes are the main culprit of my reaction but Polaris doesn´t have nanosomes.


Established Member
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Ok, i´ve searched the compounds of Polaris and for their delivery system they use Lipospheres which is even better than nanosomes which will absorb minoxidil better.

My allergie was rash throughout my torso so maybe with Polaris i will have the same reaction again. Anyone can shed some light on this?